Ascension Community

Golden Fleece Buffer

Father and Mother Harmonic Healing - The solarisation and RA centre

As the father-mother energies are activated within the lotus centers of the krysthallah body template the aquaElle and aquafey current energies flow through the lightbody restoring fiber and flow connections throughout.

In deepening the focus and inner work the alchemical transformation and return of inner divine balance initiates the cosmic essences of jewels of god in the hara center levels of the lightbody this extends the golden fleece buffer field to activate and stabilize in the energy body. These lightbody activations are a part of the developmental stages of the krysthallah or double diamond sun body. The golden fleece buffer activates in the lower sacrum and repatterns the 1D 2D 3D out from controller nets and implantations. As the monadic body is fully and completely built, in the 7-8-9D dimensions, the golden fleece starts to emanate out a sun from the centre core of the umbilicus and midsection, to protect the solarisation of the solar soul and solar monadic stages of integration. This solar light starts to inspirit the body with the solarisation of cells, as the spirit of the holy mother can integrate the solar light of the transfiguration flame into the physical flesh. The inner flame of the RA centre, inside the hara centre becomes lit to create the triangulations and corrected kidney power; that the chi from the kidneys ignite the lower flames, with the higher flame and higher heart; activating the monadic body integrations. The Golden Fleece comes into activation and encompasses the full orb lightbody during the avatar merging sequences from 14D-12D-8D as part of golden body activations for the Monadic Body. 

Further development reveals and entire golden solar buffer to the fire and water lines of the core krystal template, blending the embodied monad and manifesting the inner solar temple of God as eternal Sun.

The rainbow ray spectrum integration involves merging the dimensional frequencies from the morphogenetic levels into the embodied column of rainbow light to create a new rainbow wave spectrum of experience and consciousness expansion. 

March 2019 Rainbow Synthesis