Operation Red Skies

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Red Sky At Night, Sheperd's Delight Red Sky in the morning, Sailor's Warning

The Operation Red Sky is the Guardian Host project to liberate humanity from a series of enslavements happening from local offplanet Secret Space Programs, and interplanetary human trafficking networks operated by the invasions of the planetary body and installation of the negative alien false rods, and false templars to control human consciousness and generate their Blue Skies and Black Skies instruction sets to generate human mind control and false realities under Secret Space Program Agendas. Red Sky at Night is the terminology used by the Krystal Star Guardian Host and Emerald Order Founders whom referenced this as part of the Guardian Host Intelligences in operation to Human Liberation mission throughout the Universal Time Matrix. Red Skies Operations are those under Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils Emerald Order missives, to direct the consciousness of those trained in various guardian host roles, to support the cross-time mission operating to disclose Alien involvement in human genetics, human ascension rebellions and the negative alien factions operating in various human enslavement programs without their consent or knowledge.

The Red Skies at Night Operation of the Guardian Host, is in liberation and human re-education to comprehend the nature of the hidden control inside the planetary body, and off planet civilisations which have been hidden by a series of controlled realities set into the planetary and solar system rods, to generate constructs of false realities using sophisticated levels of human mind control and genetic control through past planetary alien invasions. The Operation Red Skies is part of the understanding of the Antartica, The South Pole controls over the planetary Rods embodied by the Family of Michael, in which Christ King Michael and Mary and their Templar Rods, connected to the Golden Eagle Grid, and clones of the star constellations in which the Dragons in the Albion body hold embody and correct transmissions through their massive ouroborous solar dragon bodies spanning time through their seat inside the Gender Twin Matrix aligned to the correct constellations of their bodies blueprints. Thus, the Deliberate act of cloning the star constellations in our Solar System, and in our Galaxy and beyond, was the negative alien's intention through the Looking Glass Technoloy in which to distort and derail the authentic Sun-Star network of the Solar Rishic Dragons, into reversal patterns and lunar forced dead light harnesses expressing human control thoughforms, alien hive mind transmissions down to the earth and in direct control over human DNA and the human's progression of time-space awareness.

Blue Skies Alien Looking Glass, Project Blue Beam and assorted Secret Space Programs of deliberate human enslavements and human experimentations, including false time travelling techniques and obliterating the Maji Grail King's Templar and consciousness body parts in which to generate false materialisation and de-materialisation using negative alien toolsets to mimick the Ankh Solar Rishis lightbody whilst the Solar Rishic Dragon Kings and Queens were destroyed and removed from the Universal Time Matrix, and their Dragon's bodies in the Solar Rods of the body of god throughout time.

Operation Blue Beam, and operation Blue Skies and Black Skies, were located inside the planetary body as a series of detailed multiply nested fake realities using false constructs operating the control over time and space. Mostly these realms are clones of the true nature of reality, but are Simulated realities in high definition plugged into the earths' grids, and to human bodies, in which to divert the higher self integration of the soul matrix, or monadic matrix, or avatar matrix inside a series of Simulations filled with hidden commands, mind controls, dreamscapes and also energetic misuse controls. The Secret Space Programs operating in the Solar System, were used by the negative aliens to bargain with human government agents, and to insert their demands upon human agencies not aware of the very negative control technologies that these creatures had already installed into the earth grids many hundreds of years ago. Thus, the Michael Wars timelines and the cloning of Venus as the Morning Star, including the Golden Eagle Grid and Seraphim Angelic Humanity Rods, are being controlled by corrupted and controlled fabric of creation Dark Matter which the negative aliens installed their own terraforming of the dark matter to control the matter realms in our solar system under their secret agendas of ongoing human enslavements.

Venus Corrupted 5D Instruction Sets, Arashata 36-48D Dark Matters of Templar Time Control

From the controlled nanotech installations operating inside the universal time matrix's fabric of creational controls, the partiki and particum of the Arashata held the clone of planetoid Venus, and is part of the worshipping of the Luciferians, and the Star of the East, the Eastern Star connected to the Taurus Constellation and Family of Michael Rods in time. Guardian Ezekiel's body and Christ Solar Dragon Kings of the Albion, have had their rods broken, twisted, and corrupted into the inversions being served upon the manifest planetoids of Venus, and the connections to Tiamat and Earth's Rods, using hidden reality time controls.

Emerald Order Interdimensional Free Worlds Council

The Emerald Order Cosmic Founders of the Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils are made up of Guardian Host Representatives whom have volunteered to come into the ascension timeline, and to be the contactees of human re-education from a position of outside of controlled time, in the Godworlds through Andromeda. The IFWC are those whom contact and train their genetic lineages on the earth, or lead others to locate a genuine Emerald Founder contactee who is here for an earth based Universal Time Matrix mission, whom works seamlessly and in harmony with all other Krystal Star Guardian host or Cosmic Christos Family consciousness throughout all timelines. These families have worked for thousands of years in various Time Matrix liberation missions, and have energetic presence with prepared consciousness to undertake planetary and solar system defenses, and to face up to direct confrontations with negative alien creatures interdimensionally as a part of their lifetime duty of care and protectorship over humanity. The IFWC are protectors of humanity and work with the guardian host higher teams operating their special mission command units inside of ascending timeline hub constructs built to be a guardian communication hub. Those on the earth in services to humanity in this way, have peaceful and no-nonsense communications and sharings about the negative alien influences and agendas, and are here as humans from Emerald Order IFWC to usher humanity into the next phase of the planetary liberations through their personal workloads and group task family workloads of the IFWC through Emerald Order Guardian Host Mission. Some of the Emerald Order Founders in the current mission have lived on the earth in prior lifetimes in the same services they are living here and now, and thus have been able to free their own consciousness bodies whilst embodying their direct consciousness for the purposes of withstanding the negative alien attempts to destroy our planet, and are in Templar Gridworking roles of re-educating and protecting humans stewarded into their care.

The IFWC contact those founder lineages in genuine humility and humble Avatar stages of their embodiment, in the Lyran timelines whilst on earth through prior appointment or genetic lineage, and do not interface with hero-savioristical or guru patterns. These families work in protection over true human history and will not entertain the spiritual entertainment systems hijack of the new age, therefore their information over the SSP and the Operations of Red Skies are seen as a direct threat by the negative aliens appearing friendly or providing spiritual glamourisations and sexuality as a means to ascend. The Operation Red Skies families have clear remote viewing of each other's realities, and work on the same guardian network host links as the Cosmic Elohei Founders, using their Diamond Hearts as a means to secure safe passage and sharing of informations in the larger mission operations to secure and return the planetary timelines to the full guardian host operation in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons under God's Divine Dragon Body of the Ancient Cosmic Architect and the Master over all of Time.