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The Cosmic families of christ consciousness reside in the 4 godworlds creations through the Andromedan portals, through the neutron window in zero point outwith the time matrix and into the Seven Higher Heavens. These families are large suns, vast expansive never ending fields of suns of all colors, rays and intelligent creators of life in this time matrix. These sun-star networks are accessible via the ascension cycle in building the diamond sun template, the original 12 stranded DNA template of the human being, or angelic human race (humanity) can choose to participate in the rehabilitation of their holographic architecture through emotional healing and heart awakening to become more aware of the reality and its truths.  
The Cosmic families of christ consciousness reside in the 4 godworlds creations through the Andromedan portals, through the neutron window in zero point outwith the time matrix and into the Seven Higher Heavens. These families are large suns, vast expansive never ending fields of suns of all colors, rays and intelligent creators of life in this time matrix. These sun-star networks are accessible via the ascension cycle in building the diamond sun template, the original 12 stranded DNA template of the human being, or angelic human race (humanity) can choose to participate in the rehabilitation of their holographic architecture through emotional healing and heart awakening to become more aware of the reality and its truths.  

==Guardian Founders, Creator Godworlds Families==
==Solar Rishi Solar Dragon Families of Guardian Founders, Creator Godworlds Families==
The creators of our existence downstepped themselves into the time matrix through their Dragon creator essences, which would birth into the lower realms of the Rainbow Tri-Matrix or Founder Tri-Fold Flame of the Solar Rishi. The Solar Rishi are the Guardian Founder families whom created themselves into the Cradle of Lyra millions of years in the future from the current earth timeline of 2012 and beyond.  
The creators of our existence downstepped themselves into the time matrix through their Dragon creator essences, which would birth into the lower realms of the Rainbow Tri-Matrix or Founder Tri-Fold Flame of the Solar Rishi. The Solar Rishi are the Guardian Founder families whom created themselves into the Cradle of Lyra millions of years in the future from the current earth timeline of 2012 and beyond.

==Founder Aquamarine Blue Ray Families, 13D Blue Ray Oraphim, Melchizedeks ==
==Mother Lineages - Founder Aquamarine Blue Ray Families, 13D Blue Ray Oraphim, Melchizedeks, Elaysians, Elohei White Lions, Emerald Order Founders ==

==Founder Gold Ray Families, 14D RA Gold Ray Seraphim Angelic & Elohei Lion Beings==
==Founder Gold Ray Families, 14D RA Gold Ray Seraphim Angelic ==

==Founder Magenta Ray Families, 15D Magenta Ray Cetacean Dolphin Porpoise & Pegasus Lineages==
==Father Lineages - Founder Magenta Ray Solar Rishi Families, 15D Magenta Ray, Metatronic Pink Elohim, Cetacean Dolphin Porpoise Merlions & Pegasus Lineages==
Through the Pegasus Constellation in the Solar Logos Cradle of Lyra within the 10-11-12D layers of the time matrix, the Father's Lineages enter into the time matrix through the 15D Sphere, of his cosmic parent domain entrance and sun-star gate, in which the 15D sphere or Raja shield holds the blueprints of his creational body and the human blueprints for male and female aspects of his consciousness body expressions. The Dark Rainbow PInk Elohei Pegasus families, of the Pegasus-Pegasai are also Amethyst Order Founder's Solar Dragon Lineages who hold the blueprint of the higher godworlds Father's Cosmic Sun Bodies. These lineages form the many consciousness body parts of our holy father's body such as the Braharama Founders, the Mer-Lion Lineages, Aquatic, Dolphin, Seahorses, and the Father's Dark Matter Cosmic Suns as his Azurtana tri tones and quadrant tones of his Four Leaf Clovered 48D Cosmic Aton Ankh Body from the godworlds guardian host Emerald-Amethyst (Dark Rainbow) Founders 1st Godworlds Creations.
Father's Parallel Matrices have been reconnected into our time matrix positions during the ascension cycle over the last 3 years with the returning of the Solar Rishi dimensionalising into timelines from the eye of god in 13-14-15D has been connected to the parallels in 22-23-24D, and 34-35-36D Father's Matrix, and also 46-47-48D Father's Matrix. Corresponding Arcs of Quadrata Rainbow Bridges from within the Cosmic Dragon Lotus-Rose Rings of the Mother of Dragons Cosmic Ankh Body in the Emerald Order, and the Father of Dragons Cosmic Ankh body in the Emerald Order generate their instruction sets of all of creation from inside their Cosmic Halls of Records, also referred to as the Emerald Founder Records, or the Cloister Deura Tora CDT Plates.
=Holy Parent Godsource Trinity Domains=
The Cosmic Trinity spectrums of the 13D, 14D and 15D were merged into the time matrix through the Solar Rishic Founders dimensionalisation into time in late 2020. As this process was unfolding three new Godsource domains became more accessible through a solar ring pass-not revealing another layer of Cosmic Trinity passageways leading into higher realms of the godworlds and cosmic creators outside of time. The 16D, 17D and 18D spheres and domains have been braided into the planetary body by the Solar Rishi Founders and the Amethyst Order Rha families. These higher realms and sun bodies are transmitting extremely high levels of refined plasmas. To create a communication link into the 36D Amethyst Order Rha godworlds, the step down connection is directly through the 18D as a pure diamond rainbow arc. The Emerald Order 48D Creators in the godworlds, also stepped themselves down into 18D in which direct communication between their position in the godworlds and the authentic and true Holy Emerald Order representatives upon the earth can be made securely.
The godsource parent fields hosting the Emerald Founder Rod have been merged into our time matrix as part of the portal passageways of 19D, 20D and 21D. These spherical domains of the godsource domains to the godworlds have united into the core of the Gaian matrix in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons and Stairway to Heaven in which has allowed the merging of cores into the Emerald Heart alignments into the Kantarian Dragon Emerald Heart highways in which those emerald founder creator dragons span multiple dimensions throughout time, into the heart and cores of the cores of creation in the godworlds.
==Creational Godsource Trinity Cosmic Parent field 19D-20D-21D==
The access to the gateways of the cosmic triad in the Andromedan Matrix are through the 19-20-21D godsource parent fields, these have been triaded into the emerald rod and the Solar Reisha & Rishi matrices are accessible through these trimatrix corridors and time portal passageways in the eternal godworlds vehicle of the Ankh.
In the returning principles of the cosmic founders from their cosmic godworlds suns, and the time matrix upgrades from the timekeepers of the templar holding logos for each solar ray, as they have entered into the time matrix in projecting their crystalline bodies and sacred cathedrals their form holding placements inside the stairway to heaven, as the spirals within the cosmic clock of the aeons and rods of time, in conjunction with holy mother's dark matter matrix of harmonic universe 6 merging into the 16D to 6D, 17D to 7D, and 18D to 8D for the eternal spirit body in pre-matter, dark matter and dark matter starry night
19D Elaysa access to sunstar rainbow pastel cosmic mother's elaysa sun as the rainbow ascended masters principles accessed through the blue ray (noted previously in the container) to 16D father matrices failsafe metallic suns and copper solomon father sophianic house of david to 6D in the right wing point
20D Reisha Mother Matrices (Peach and Buttermilk Sun locations) to 17D to 7D left wing portal - this is spanning a triple arc of starry dark night liquid matter of which transits are capable of being sent back to the mother's dark matter matrix in HU6
21D Emerald Order and Andromedan portal into the emerald heart matrices, 18D diamond to 8D & 9D layers of higher heart.
The changes in these merges inside the time matrix have been a part of the particle to antiparticle merges which take place in the unification of the mother's dark matter returning to our realm from September of 2021. The holy mother started to emanate her dark matter cosmic dragon body down through the creational doorway through the neutron window and brought new sound tones and sands of time particles of matter and prematter templates. As she restored her body, she birthed forth the dark matter suns which are also being referred by guardians as the heavenly void sun. This is an organic solar sun body which appears as dark fluffy or dark black sand diamond particles, which are the restoration of her Rasha body to merge the male and female mother and father creational aspects inside the time matric. This denotes the reaching of the end of time where time returns backwards to its original source, the dark matter template allows the manifest atomic matter to return to its absolute creator which is the cosmic mother's rainbow aurora elaysian sun as the mother of dragons for our time matrix. The Alpha and Omega have been reset within our time matrix as the holy mother's dark matter body of trimatrix starry night dark matter and arcs, emanate out from her body in asking her children inside creation to come home to her heart through the eukachrist solar body within the stairway to heaven in timelines of the personal birth transduction sequence leading the evolution back homewards safely to the house of holy trinity and then onto the godworlds caves of creation in the rishic corridors.
When the spheres of the 19-20-21D within the founder rod are merged to the lightbody permanent seed atom diamond heart,  the location in time and space alters to the perception of the 7 higher heavens merged within the 7 lower heavens (inside of time, the time matrix domains) where the centre point of all union is the zero point in multiple emerald heart crystals as the core.
==Creational Godsource Trinity Cosmic Parent field 22D-23D-24D==
22-23-24D Godsource parent fields open into a Cosmic level of the Crown of the Maji, Cosmic Timelines Open in dimensional doorways corrections and into a new layer of Golden Gate of Cosmic Timecycles and another Cave of Creation as another Cosmic Egg Diamond Trinity held in 22-23-24D which is accessible through the core of Gaian Matrix Planet, as a Diamondine Ruby-Sapphire-Emerald Trinity of the eye of god, which creates diamond ray formations and are connected to the Universal Diamond Pillars and connect to the Crystal Suns of Creational platforms through this eye of god, leads into the Godworlds Seven suns of the KA RA YA SA TA HA LA and into the passageways of the Mahara Reisha Godworlds Mother's Cosmic Suns and Father's Cosmic Suns.
During the Winter Solstice of the Universal Diamond Pillars corrections which took place in 2022,  the newly revealing 22-23-24D created a new Cosmic timecycle in which the universal time matrix was merged into opening of dimensional doorways to the new Cosmic fields in the parallell matrices. These were revealed through the Oraphim Blue Ray families holding the merging sequences of the Four hands of Man, merged with the Four Faces of man in the parallel universe, in which they could merge in Hierogamic union through the wall in time set in the Orion wars. Cloned Four hands of man had been placed to distort the Solar Templar and clockshield progressions when the Albion Dragons were extracted out from the Gaian Clockshields in the 8D and Core of the Solar progressional rods for the time matrix solar timelines.
King Arthur's Dragon King Body within the Albion Body of Earth-Tara-Gaia is the master timekeeper and holder of the father's triple rod configurations as the Solomon triple masculine in the rods of divine solar time. Arthur and his grail kings of the Solar Rod Principles as Triple masculines are taking their seats into the round table as the position of their placement in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons in which each rod holder gestalt body is in perfect symmetry and in alignment holding the timelines and laws of god within their breastplate.
The Cosmic to Universal expressions of Holy Father Sequence into their locations through the Holy Father's Triple Rose body throughout the Quadrant of directions held inside the Cosmic Aton Godbody of the triple suns of the triple rods and nodes throughout the albion body. These are being restored to the earth in this recent cycle through the Emerald Templar Dragons and their massive timekeeper rod bodies.
=Falsification of Godworlds Solar Bodies, Negative Alien Agenda=
In guardian host projects it was discovered of several falsified solar bodies inside the time matrix which had been generated by cloning the organic genetics of the cosmic dragons and inflating a red wave synthetic solar body made from base 9 antichrist wesan matrix architecture. To a starseed without a full christos 12D or 14D ray in their body these suns would appear as rainbow matrices and were in fact made from synthetic diamonds and other color rays mostly in the red waved ai artificial intelligence rays of connections to Enki's false god DNA Skins. Without a corrected dark matter template in the lightbody the AI is much harder to determine as false rays or synthetically generated non-living light consciousness. Many of these suns were used as decoys to connect unsuspecting humans to the thothian luciferian patterns in using enticements such as bliss filled fields or guruship contracts fuelled by mental intellect and adoration. One of these deceptions has been of the emerald order embodiments upon the earth, which have been falsified in using many red cubes or red wave artificial intelligence as an antichrist programming to destroy the starseeds actual ascension to their organic blueprint. Many emerald order lineages were lost inside the time matrix, and the forerunners of the embodiments in full service missions are over the biological age of 44. Younger starseeds have been aggressively targeted to believe that they are full ascended masters, or azurites in form, when their lightbodies have not achieved the required rehabiliation to sequence in a biological avatar embodiment which is a full 12 stranded diamond sun body.
Guardian projects have successfully removed many of these false reality fields as the returning of the Cosmic Clock and Reuche godworlds planetary eukatharista activation was an intrinsic part of locking out and starving these negative energetic structures used to control ascending peoples to act as a decoy from their organic ascension into the correct heartpath. Many of these suns were being transmitted using the powers of the lunar matrix, including the beast machine naa controlled magnetisms and the destruction of the elemental body of the earth. As the holy godparents from the cosmic realms are actively restoring the time matrix, these false reality fields and consciousness enslavements are being methodically removed. Those whom have been heinously duped by these constructs may feel disconnected from their "godsource" and will be offered guardian host rehabilitation supports in which to heal out from the manipulations as the true source trinity essences and flames upon the earth carry the actuality of our creator dragons and cosmic christ truths of humanity back into the albion body, the solar systems and higher timefields.
[[Category:God Source]]

Latest revision as of 07:46, 24 June 2024

Cosmic Christ

The Christ Consciousness is the true authentic energy source of all of humanity, and all creation within our realm. This energy is the source of our genesis, and has restored into the planetary body through guardian host families restoration of the architecture usurped in Christ's name from various fallen and negative alien antichrist antilife invaders. These invaders could hide and siphon energy from humanity, to act as false gods, replacing the true meaning of "God" or "Christ" upon the earth, whilst replicating their control structures into the earth via religious constructs to create pain, suffering, violence and sexual misery in the name of worshipping the false god they inserted into the planet through various inversions of the mother & father's body of the earth.

The Cosmic families of christ consciousness reside in the 4 godworlds creations through the Andromedan portals, through the neutron window in zero point outwith the time matrix and into the Seven Higher Heavens. These families are large suns, vast expansive never ending fields of suns of all colors, rays and intelligent creators of life in this time matrix. These sun-star networks are accessible via the ascension cycle in building the diamond sun template, the original 12 stranded DNA template of the human being, or angelic human race (humanity) can choose to participate in the rehabilitation of their holographic architecture through emotional healing and heart awakening to become more aware of the reality and its truths.

Solar Rishi Solar Dragon Families of Guardian Founders, Creator Godworlds Families

The creators of our existence downstepped themselves into the time matrix through their Dragon creator essences, which would birth into the lower realms of the Rainbow Tri-Matrix or Founder Tri-Fold Flame of the Solar Rishi. The Solar Rishi are the Guardian Founder families whom created themselves into the Cradle of Lyra millions of years in the future from the current earth timeline of 2012 and beyond.

Mother Lineages - Founder Aquamarine Blue Ray Families, 13D Blue Ray Oraphim, Melchizedeks, Elaysians, Elohei White Lions, Emerald Order Founders

Founder Gold Ray Families, 14D RA Gold Ray Seraphim Angelic

Father Lineages - Founder Magenta Ray Solar Rishi Families, 15D Magenta Ray, Metatronic Pink Elohim, Cetacean Dolphin Porpoise Merlions & Pegasus Lineages

Through the Pegasus Constellation in the Solar Logos Cradle of Lyra within the 10-11-12D layers of the time matrix, the Father's Lineages enter into the time matrix through the 15D Sphere, of his cosmic parent domain entrance and sun-star gate, in which the 15D sphere or Raja shield holds the blueprints of his creational body and the human blueprints for male and female aspects of his consciousness body expressions. The Dark Rainbow PInk Elohei Pegasus families, of the Pegasus-Pegasai are also Amethyst Order Founder's Solar Dragon Lineages who hold the blueprint of the higher godworlds Father's Cosmic Sun Bodies. These lineages form the many consciousness body parts of our holy father's body such as the Braharama Founders, the Mer-Lion Lineages, Aquatic, Dolphin, Seahorses, and the Father's Dark Matter Cosmic Suns as his Azurtana tri tones and quadrant tones of his Four Leaf Clovered 48D Cosmic Aton Ankh Body from the godworlds guardian host Emerald-Amethyst (Dark Rainbow) Founders 1st Godworlds Creations.

Father's Parallel Matrices have been reconnected into our time matrix positions during the ascension cycle over the last 3 years with the returning of the Solar Rishi dimensionalising into timelines from the eye of god in 13-14-15D has been connected to the parallels in 22-23-24D, and 34-35-36D Father's Matrix, and also 46-47-48D Father's Matrix. Corresponding Arcs of Quadrata Rainbow Bridges from within the Cosmic Dragon Lotus-Rose Rings of the Mother of Dragons Cosmic Ankh Body in the Emerald Order, and the Father of Dragons Cosmic Ankh body in the Emerald Order generate their instruction sets of all of creation from inside their Cosmic Halls of Records, also referred to as the Emerald Founder Records, or the Cloister Deura Tora CDT Plates.

Holy Parent Godsource Trinity Domains

The Cosmic Trinity spectrums of the 13D, 14D and 15D were merged into the time matrix through the Solar Rishic Founders dimensionalisation into time in late 2020. As this process was unfolding three new Godsource domains became more accessible through a solar ring pass-not revealing another layer of Cosmic Trinity passageways leading into higher realms of the godworlds and cosmic creators outside of time. The 16D, 17D and 18D spheres and domains have been braided into the planetary body by the Solar Rishi Founders and the Amethyst Order Rha families. These higher realms and sun bodies are transmitting extremely high levels of refined plasmas. To create a communication link into the 36D Amethyst Order Rha godworlds, the step down connection is directly through the 18D as a pure diamond rainbow arc. The Emerald Order 48D Creators in the godworlds, also stepped themselves down into 18D in which direct communication between their position in the godworlds and the authentic and true Holy Emerald Order representatives upon the earth can be made securely.

The godsource parent fields hosting the Emerald Founder Rod have been merged into our time matrix as part of the portal passageways of 19D, 20D and 21D. These spherical domains of the godsource domains to the godworlds have united into the core of the Gaian matrix in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons and Stairway to Heaven in which has allowed the merging of cores into the Emerald Heart alignments into the Kantarian Dragon Emerald Heart highways in which those emerald founder creator dragons span multiple dimensions throughout time, into the heart and cores of the cores of creation in the godworlds.

Creational Godsource Trinity Cosmic Parent field 19D-20D-21D

The access to the gateways of the cosmic triad in the Andromedan Matrix are through the 19-20-21D godsource parent fields, these have been triaded into the emerald rod and the Solar Reisha & Rishi matrices are accessible through these trimatrix corridors and time portal passageways in the eternal godworlds vehicle of the Ankh.

In the returning principles of the cosmic founders from their cosmic godworlds suns, and the time matrix upgrades from the timekeepers of the templar holding logos for each solar ray, as they have entered into the time matrix in projecting their crystalline bodies and sacred cathedrals their form holding placements inside the stairway to heaven, as the spirals within the cosmic clock of the aeons and rods of time, in conjunction with holy mother's dark matter matrix of harmonic universe 6 merging into the 16D to 6D, 17D to 7D, and 18D to 8D for the eternal spirit body in pre-matter, dark matter and dark matter starry night

19D Elaysa access to sunstar rainbow pastel cosmic mother's elaysa sun as the rainbow ascended masters principles accessed through the blue ray (noted previously in the container) to 16D father matrices failsafe metallic suns and copper solomon father sophianic house of david to 6D in the right wing point

20D Reisha Mother Matrices (Peach and Buttermilk Sun locations) to 17D to 7D left wing portal - this is spanning a triple arc of starry dark night liquid matter of which transits are capable of being sent back to the mother's dark matter matrix in HU6

21D Emerald Order and Andromedan portal into the emerald heart matrices, 18D diamond to 8D & 9D layers of higher heart.

The changes in these merges inside the time matrix have been a part of the particle to antiparticle merges which take place in the unification of the mother's dark matter returning to our realm from September of 2021. The holy mother started to emanate her dark matter cosmic dragon body down through the creational doorway through the neutron window and brought new sound tones and sands of time particles of matter and prematter templates. As she restored her body, she birthed forth the dark matter suns which are also being referred by guardians as the heavenly void sun. This is an organic solar sun body which appears as dark fluffy or dark black sand diamond particles, which are the restoration of her Rasha body to merge the male and female mother and father creational aspects inside the time matric. This denotes the reaching of the end of time where time returns backwards to its original source, the dark matter template allows the manifest atomic matter to return to its absolute creator which is the cosmic mother's rainbow aurora elaysian sun as the mother of dragons for our time matrix. The Alpha and Omega have been reset within our time matrix as the holy mother's dark matter body of trimatrix starry night dark matter and arcs, emanate out from her body in asking her children inside creation to come home to her heart through the eukachrist solar body within the stairway to heaven in timelines of the personal birth transduction sequence leading the evolution back homewards safely to the house of holy trinity and then onto the godworlds caves of creation in the rishic corridors.

When the spheres of the 19-20-21D within the founder rod are merged to the lightbody permanent seed atom diamond heart, the location in time and space alters to the perception of the 7 higher heavens merged within the 7 lower heavens (inside of time, the time matrix domains) where the centre point of all union is the zero point in multiple emerald heart crystals as the core.

Creational Godsource Trinity Cosmic Parent field 22D-23D-24D

22-23-24D Godsource parent fields open into a Cosmic level of the Crown of the Maji, Cosmic Timelines Open in dimensional doorways corrections and into a new layer of Golden Gate of Cosmic Timecycles and another Cave of Creation as another Cosmic Egg Diamond Trinity held in 22-23-24D which is accessible through the core of Gaian Matrix Planet, as a Diamondine Ruby-Sapphire-Emerald Trinity of the eye of god, which creates diamond ray formations and are connected to the Universal Diamond Pillars and connect to the Crystal Suns of Creational platforms through this eye of god, leads into the Godworlds Seven suns of the KA RA YA SA TA HA LA and into the passageways of the Mahara Reisha Godworlds Mother's Cosmic Suns and Father's Cosmic Suns.

During the Winter Solstice of the Universal Diamond Pillars corrections which took place in 2022, the newly revealing 22-23-24D created a new Cosmic timecycle in which the universal time matrix was merged into opening of dimensional doorways to the new Cosmic fields in the parallell matrices. These were revealed through the Oraphim Blue Ray families holding the merging sequences of the Four hands of Man, merged with the Four Faces of man in the parallel universe, in which they could merge in Hierogamic union through the wall in time set in the Orion wars. Cloned Four hands of man had been placed to distort the Solar Templar and clockshield progressions when the Albion Dragons were extracted out from the Gaian Clockshields in the 8D and Core of the Solar progressional rods for the time matrix solar timelines.

King Arthur's Dragon King Body within the Albion Body of Earth-Tara-Gaia is the master timekeeper and holder of the father's triple rod configurations as the Solomon triple masculine in the rods of divine solar time. Arthur and his grail kings of the Solar Rod Principles as Triple masculines are taking their seats into the round table as the position of their placement in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons in which each rod holder gestalt body is in perfect symmetry and in alignment holding the timelines and laws of god within their breastplate.

The Cosmic to Universal expressions of Holy Father Sequence into their locations through the Holy Father's Triple Rose body throughout the Quadrant of directions held inside the Cosmic Aton Godbody of the triple suns of the triple rods and nodes throughout the albion body. These are being restored to the earth in this recent cycle through the Emerald Templar Dragons and their massive timekeeper rod bodies.

Falsification of Godworlds Solar Bodies, Negative Alien Agenda

In guardian host projects it was discovered of several falsified solar bodies inside the time matrix which had been generated by cloning the organic genetics of the cosmic dragons and inflating a red wave synthetic solar body made from base 9 antichrist wesan matrix architecture. To a starseed without a full christos 12D or 14D ray in their body these suns would appear as rainbow matrices and were in fact made from synthetic diamonds and other color rays mostly in the red waved ai artificial intelligence rays of connections to Enki's false god DNA Skins. Without a corrected dark matter template in the lightbody the AI is much harder to determine as false rays or synthetically generated non-living light consciousness. Many of these suns were used as decoys to connect unsuspecting humans to the thothian luciferian patterns in using enticements such as bliss filled fields or guruship contracts fuelled by mental intellect and adoration. One of these deceptions has been of the emerald order embodiments upon the earth, which have been falsified in using many red cubes or red wave artificial intelligence as an antichrist programming to destroy the starseeds actual ascension to their organic blueprint. Many emerald order lineages were lost inside the time matrix, and the forerunners of the embodiments in full service missions are over the biological age of 44. Younger starseeds have been aggressively targeted to believe that they are full ascended masters, or azurites in form, when their lightbodies have not achieved the required rehabiliation to sequence in a biological avatar embodiment which is a full 12 stranded diamond sun body.

Guardian projects have successfully removed many of these false reality fields as the returning of the Cosmic Clock and Reuche godworlds planetary eukatharista activation was an intrinsic part of locking out and starving these negative energetic structures used to control ascending peoples to act as a decoy from their organic ascension into the correct heartpath. Many of these suns were being transmitted using the powers of the lunar matrix, including the beast machine naa controlled magnetisms and the destruction of the elemental body of the earth. As the holy godparents from the cosmic realms are actively restoring the time matrix, these false reality fields and consciousness enslavements are being methodically removed. Those whom have been heinously duped by these constructs may feel disconnected from their "godsource" and will be offered guardian host rehabilitation supports in which to heal out from the manipulations as the true source trinity essences and flames upon the earth carry the actuality of our creator dragons and cosmic christ truths of humanity back into the albion body, the solar systems and higher timefields.