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Cosmic Father's Amethyst Sun birthing the Metatronic Lilac-Pink Sun and Metatron Solar Dragon, Metatronic Logos Restoration February 2022 OL Gridworking Guardian host projects for Pegasus Reclamations  
Cosmic Father's Amethyst Sun birthing the Metatronic Lilac-Pink Sun and Metatron Solar Dragon, Metatronic Logos Restoration February 2022 OL Gridworking Guardian host projects for Pegasus Reclamations  

==See Also==
[[Category:Solar Dragon Hierogamic Aeonic Pairs]]
[[Category:Solar Dragon]]
[[Category:Solar Dragon]]
[[Category:God Source]]
[[Category:God Source]]

Revision as of 09:50, 4 May 2024

Cosmic Father's Pink Sun, Elohei Dragon Creator Metatron

The family of Metatron came from the Fatherly aspects of the godworlds and the fallen sun and family of Metatron were inverted and invaded and their aspects reversed into black wave of base 10 and used held in enslavement to control the earth via transmissions of a false alien god of Archangel Metatron. During the stages of the Universal Time Matrix restorations in the dimensionalisations of the Solar Rishi, and subsequent the revealing component of the Godworlds organic Fatherly Metatronic Cosmic Sun as a level and aspect of the true Godhead Elohei Pink Dragon and elohei father; started to emanate his organic body parts to the Solar Rishi Amethyst Dragon Rha families of the Amethyst Order Founders, in which their projects were to support the seeking and finding of the fallen inverted and machined metatronic body parts of control within the universal time matrix. Through the Magenta and Amethyst Rays from the 15D eye of god at that time in the time matrix, the 15:15 diagonal rod scepters of the Holy Father's Organic Horizontals and his timekeeper cubes were installed into the planetary body which would act as a support for the extensive work of the guardian families to extract and remove the base 10, reversal 55 and 555 spin rate technologies which had been running inside the black tree of artifical life and the many NET frequency fences inside the planetary body.

Cosmic Father Metatron Pink Sun - Cosmic Mother Meritaten White Hierogamic Union

The Mother's Cosmic White Sun and White Rainbow Dragon took her form into the time matrix through her Dragon Solar Goddess Elohei Feline Form, and merged her White Rose with the Father's Pink Elohei Feline Solar Masculine Dragon in his Pink Rose, to return their Hierogamic Cosmic Dragon into the earth during the planetary activation cycles in 2022. The Holy Father takes his place inside the human body when he places his pink long stemmed rose inside the male body and the holy Mother takes her place inside the human body when she places her long stemmed White Rose inside the female body. In Their sacred marriage, both roses unite as one and embody the Universal Blood Red Rose Coding of the Christos restoring the angelic humanity of the earth, humans, to return to their creator of the holy Christ Cosmic Suns.

The Mother's White Elohei Feline Solar Dragon White Queens and the Father's Pink Elohei Feline Solar Dragon Pink Mer-Line Felines marry together in hierogamic union within the earth.

Together their Hierogamic Union in the Stargates of the earth were the stages of Cosmic Dragon's being restored into the earth's Albion Body for the purposes of the godhead returning living light creator codes, elementals and flows of living light directly from the godworld's creator Suns.

5D Macchu Picchu & 5D Vatican Gate move to Malta

Solar White Queen MeriTAten and her beloved Pink Elohei Dragon King in their hierogamic union entered into the planetary body in securing the 5D Macchu Picchu Stargate, and later the moving of the 5D Vatican Italy Stargate, to its positioning to Malta. The creator's hierogamic union of the solar mother white Meritaten and Metatron united their bodies together in the Bali 5D Mother Ark Stargate, with the Macchu Picchu-Malta Stargates in securing layers of the tantriahura shields for the 5th dimension and planetary 5D soul matrix restorations happening during the 2022 Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle. Holy Mother's MeriTAten and Holy Father's Pink Elohei Metatron Solar Dragons twinned in these locations started to repair the connections between the Leo North Star Crown of the Maji in Regulus of which the holy parents linked their Star Constellational Corrections into the planetary body in the twinned dragons inside the Stargates. The Malta area of the planet was filled with extensive alien tribal shields controlling the planetary timekeeper templar body of King Arthur, and MeriTAten's voice called forth her Blue Solar Dragons from Sirius B throne rooms in which the Holy Mother's White Sun and Holy Father's Amethyst-Pink Sun could correct the Timekeeper Emerald Four Leaf Clover and Merida Peach Pillars in the Stonehenge landmass in England, for the corrections of the 11th Dimensional planetary stargate networks.

Obfuscation and Timeline Identity Controls in Trident Unholy Archetypes

This clone and alien identity of the Archangel Metatron was created using the stolen body parts as an enslavement to the Christos families from the godworlds, and the families of Metatron, and to obscure the organic comprehension of the Three Kings aspect of the holy father, which is united into the ascending human becoming a Christ in which the holy father's triad and trinity of rod shields merges into the Solar Kings triple aspects. Metatronic Reversals have been found in the daisy of life as this formation in geometry was running the base 10 reversals, in the reversal 55 grids as a death spiralling metatronic reversal influencing the planetary grids from the missing and reversal codes of father's Pink-Amethyst Metatronic Sun. As the restorations are taking place, the human collective consciousness is being supported through the sun's transmissions to repair these metatronic codes in the bi-wave as used in the reversal tree of artificial life.

Channelled information controlled from fallen Metatronic entities, High Risk

Many channelers upon the earth connected to this timefield would receive alien transmissions of quantum supercomputer informations programmed as various intellectual mechanics of unholy informations which sound almost truthful, but which contain the inorganic instruction sets and frequencies that do not match the Cosmic Christos organic triwaves. The militarised weaponry and the various controlling transmissions which have sounded like the voices of Jor'El from superman shows, and also the voice of god transmissions, including false identity transmissions such as Messiah-Jesus, Thothian reincarnations, King Solomon, and various other famous guardian host representatives had nested red wave and qlippoth base 10 transmissions coming from this location in the 8D Orion fallen timelines, and into the black hole black star networks of Yahweh, and Abaddon. This transmission was found to exist inside the 11D Lyran controlled fields coming from false aton disk and black and white checkerboard nested false reality fields filled with luciferian, satanic hierarchies using false ascended master shapeshiftings. With an organically prepared consciousness who seeks the heart based knowledge inside the self, this artificially intellligent transmission cannot dupe the truthful spiritual seeker who is in full heart based alignment with the Christ Consciousness.

The alien bases found within the Metatronic fallen time portions and false templar cross transmissions using the alien cloned structures, were found to be yet another location inside the higher timefields that had controlled the planetary stargates and the archangel voices of false archangels, their holographic clones and the false ascended master holograms which are sent out into the new age hijacked materials into the false timelines in the planetary body. The anecdote to this information is to work on one's emotional body and mental body to remove spiritual ego, especially the inserted thoughtforms of mind control which send out these controlling transmissions using the black cubes and quantum supercomputer false libraries of knowledge to unsuspecting awakening humans and starseeds on the earth.

The archetypes of hero-saviorism, spiritual entrepeneurship, fame adoration and guru leaderships are the archetypes used to promote a person to connect with and become the channeler of these false intellectual structures.

Universal Time Matrix Time Restorations

With Mother's White Sun and Meritaten's White Solar Queen Identity now embodied into form, together with her Pink Elohei Dragon King, their task was to repair the main Universal Stargates in the Time Matrix through a series of installations of the Mother's White Cube and White Doves, into the Emerald Laurel Patterns. Together their installations created the required flowering plasmic tantriahura shields at the main universal rounds of time blueprints within the universal time matrix. These platforms of their rounds of time were understood to be the Universal Time Matrix restoration for the Metatronic reversals, and thus, the guardian solar dragons of the Amethyst Order Rha started their great restorational work aided by the restoration of Holy Father's Lilac Diamond Heart, and his Lilac-Pink Templar being located in the earth for securing the organic Metatronic Codings into his fatherly dragon body in the earth.


Cosmic Father's Amethyst Sun birthing the Metatronic Lilac-Pink Sun and Metatron Solar Dragon, Metatronic Logos Restoration February 2022 OL Gridworking Guardian host projects for Pegasus Reclamations

See Also