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==Session field observations in guardian host planetary rehabilitations==  
==Session field observations in guardian host planetary rehabilitations==  
Trapped organic male god consciousness from Olympian/Hyperborean body of 'Icarus' bound and held in reversal within 1d/2d baphomet and acamoth womb worlds - was used to reverse part of the planetary 7d wing/merkabah and rod function, creating a reversal spin set on the planet 6d-7d potentials. The being was still intact as a solar consciousness body, but was bound under multiple layers of gestalt consciousnesses of belial, black suns, Enki & Enlil, and moloch bindings keeping him entrapping the 2d layers and sophianic body in reverse functioning. Impacts portions of planetary brain. Icarus was bound in Niburian influences into the antichrist forces and guardian christos teams found his body enslaved into fallen golden eagle grid inverted into the sophianic body. He appears to have an energetic imprint of the solar masculine to Golden Lion Felines beings as staff holders at Mary 7d female principles, Violet-Golden ray.
Trapped organic male god consciousness from Olympian/Hyperborean body of 'Icarus' bound and held in reversal within 1d/2d baphomet and acamoth womb worlds - was used to reverse part of the planetary 7d wing/merkabah and rod function, creating a reversal spin set on the planet 6d-7d potentials. The being was still intact as a solar consciousness body, but was bound under multiple layers of gestalt consciousnesses of belial, black suns, Enki & Enlil, and moloch bindings keeping him entrapping the 2d layers and sophianic body in reverse functioning. Impacts portions of planetary brain. Icarus was bound in Niburian influences into the antichrist forces and guardian christos teams found his body enslaved into fallen golden eagle grid inverted into the sophianic body. He appears to have an energetic imprint of the solar masculine to Golden Lion Felines beings as staff holders at Mary 7d female principles, Violet-Golden ray.
This being is a principle of divine masculine monadic body, working to eventually be in a pairing of male and female configuration and hosts support for the planetary horizontal triad bodies as its function of Michael essence.

Revision as of 14:43, 4 March 2023


According to Greek legends, the tale of Daedalus and Icarus in Greek mythology is the story of a father and a son who used wings to escape from the island of Crete. Icarus was the young man who fell from the sky when the wax that fastened his wings to his body melted as a result of the heat of the sun.

Golden Eagle Grid & 7D Violet Rod Holder

During stages of guardian rehabilitation of the golden eagle grid Icarus was encountered as an enslaved being. As the planetary grids are restored in their various configurations, the beings known as keepers of the horizontals are restored into their organic and divine expression in service as a principle of a domain of the realm in which the god essence can manifest through into the principles of creation.

The Golden Eagle Grid structure across the earth, whose epicentre is in Iraq/Iran at the planetary 10th Dimensional Gate is being restored into cycles of wholeness by guardian teams in raising the rod principle of the earth through the family of Michael and his Solar Cubes returning into sections of the Golden Eagle grid in restoring triple solar cubes of the solar masculine.

One such essence was identified as Icarus, Icarus as a golden michael family seraphim winged being holding the planetary Wing 7d violet ray side of planetary Rod functioning and within the Golden Eagle Grid whom had become enslaved through reversals and enslavement principles in the grid. Upon his resurrection by guardian families, he assisted in the holding and restoration of the solar cube functions of the planetary michael body through the expression of the golden eagle grid. He was raised into alignments in the middle east grids near to the Iraq/Iran areas in which he held the trinity of solar cubes for holy father's rods. Further information may reveal going forwards, but his body as a part of the planetary grid networks was overjoyed to be returned into planetary service within the golden eagle grids appearing in solar golden and with violet ray holding supports.

Session field observations in guardian host planetary rehabilitations

Trapped organic male god consciousness from Olympian/Hyperborean body of 'Icarus' bound and held in reversal within 1d/2d baphomet and acamoth womb worlds - was used to reverse part of the planetary 7d wing/merkabah and rod function, creating a reversal spin set on the planet 6d-7d potentials. The being was still intact as a solar consciousness body, but was bound under multiple layers of gestalt consciousnesses of belial, black suns, Enki & Enlil, and moloch bindings keeping him entrapping the 2d layers and sophianic body in reverse functioning. Impacts portions of planetary brain. Icarus was bound in Niburian influences into the antichrist forces and guardian christos teams found his body enslaved into fallen golden eagle grid inverted into the sophianic body. He appears to have an energetic imprint of the solar masculine to Golden Lion Felines beings as staff holders at Mary 7d female principles, Violet-Golden ray.

This being is a principle of divine masculine monadic body, working to eventually be in a pairing of male and female configuration and hosts support for the planetary horizontal triad bodies as its function of Michael essence.