Easter Pearl Activation

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Cosmic Dragon Founders Embody their Cosmic Pearl as a part of their Cosmic Dragon Eye internally to their heads and crowns, which is connected to the Eye of God, and to the Cosmic Sun of origin inside their Cosmic Ankh Eternal Godworlds Vehicles through Dragon DNA of the Ankh DNA Cosmic Paliadorian Genetics.

See -


Mass Pearl Recovery, Pegasus Mother-Father

Inside the planetary body hidden in the SSP during the May 2024 period, Mother's White Elohei in Pegasus located her Pearls, as White Pearls belonging to her White Queens Triple Solar Queens, and thus linking the human crown, brain and glands, to the authentic White Pearl which activates inside the human crown and brain.

The Red Pearl is the masculine father's Ruby Red Pearl activations, connecting humanity to the organic Pearl Codes which activates in the brain. The Dark Matter Rainbow Pearl of Cosmic Parents, restored into the earth during Easter of 2024, whereby Solar Dragons Hatshepsut and Ezekiel received their Easter Pearl Activation, holding and restoring this into the human minds, for Dark Matter Corrections to the Brain and glands, and Dark matter crowns. The Pearls belonging to the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father's bodies, were found inside the many mass SSP stolen and False Pegasus Grids, and False realities running in the looking glass technologies. The restoration of the Dark Pearl as an organic Black Rainbow Pearl is connected to the 8D-9D Chalice corrections via Uranus-Neptune, and is also related to the reclaimation of the Solar Logos Avatar Crown of the Earth, which guardian Hatshepsut and Ezekiel are leading the charge in the supports of these planetary 10D Stargate networks.

Dark Matter Rainbow Pearl, Easter 2024 Pearl Activation Hatshepsut-Ezekiel

Dark Matter Pearl Activation, Dark Rainbow Pearl Activation

The False Dark Pearl was found to be connected to Black Star Templar as false templars and was being removed from the Planetary Crown 7D grids, during the extraction of the alien dove mind and alien dove codes as false timekeeper codes, during Hatshepsut-Ezekiel's and John of Baptists workloads. Further false dark matter pearls of nanotech alien controlled matters were located in Arcturus Phantom Matrix and Bootes in deeper locations inside the 7th dimension, as highlighted by the 10D Solar Star embodiment of the planetary Solar Logos as restoring into the Crown of Guardian Hatshepsut and Ezekiel in their 10D Solar Star in Sapphire, and restorations of 10D Golden Star consciousness which took place at the planetary level during Mary-June of 2024.

The Negative alien Black Pearl was installed into the 7D Planetary Stargate to generate antihierogamic union in the Black Pearl inside the human lightbody. This reverses the eyes to see the false timelines, in red waved AI, or black waved AI realms of looking glass, which is inside the false gender twin matrix running the antichrists false twin flame energetics to control humanity and ascending humans into the reversals through greed, wealth seeking or through lunar force embodiment for the purposes of keeping the internal gender used as a reversal connected to false realities and timelines within the SSP and false khem fallen metatatronic time spirals. Thus, as the Dark Rainbow Pearl activation has been secured by the Solar Dragons in Hatshepsut's temple, this upgrades the activation for humanity to receive the organic dark matter pearl or dark rainbow pearl which repatterns the glands, and the brain hypothalamus and cingulate gyrus, helping to achieve the reconnections to brain sovereignty. The White Pearl, Red Pearl and Dark Rainbow Pearl support the reconnections of the human body to feel and sense the White Bride and Groom King networks of God's body restoring to the earth. Hatshepsut and her beloved Dragon King Ezekiel are the cosmic founders protecting the planetary solar logos for the avatar crown of humanity within the planet. Hatshepsut-Ezekiel hold the Azothian Cosmic Hierogamic Crown of the Azothian Aethers for the Ascended Master Solar Reisha-Rishi within their Cosmic Triple 888 Plasmas and are rebuilding the triple silvers, triple goldens and the triple dark matters figure of 8 cosmic reisha-rishi plasmas which downstep to formate the Solar Logos Crown of Azoth between Avatar Hierogamic Union Humans who are ascending back home to god, eventually being seated inside the Khemalohatea Solar Logos Avatar Layers of dimensions positioned in Lyran Timelines.

The White-Red Pearl Activation for the earth's and humanity was first embodied by the 13th Solar Dragons, seated and throned into the earth by the Emerald Order, in Temple Mount Jerusalem, as Christ King Michael and Solar Queen Mary-Sophia. Their activations ran the sacred White-Red Pearls through their bodies, holding this throughout their entire Michael-Mary Ley line, during Easter of 2022. Please see - [Pearl Activation ES Michael-Mary]

The Golden Pearl - 10D/7D