Antartica, The South Pole
9D Planetary Stargate at the South Pole Antartica
was invaded by a series of negative aliens whom took residence under the ice, and in inner tunnels creating a series of deceptions to the surface based human race to incite false realities around the Inner Earth 12D Timeline access through the Templar of the Earth's Rods. The War over humanity and its ascending direction has a final showdown in Antartica, whereby several stacks of the alien rods and reversal rods of quantum field controls, AI singularity and the singularity (false ascension timelines) and assorted Kaballah artificial tree of life rods and realities are controlled via this alien installation of a series of black baphomet satanic cathedrals, linked to Luciferian black cathedrals and Red Wave AI Cathedrals installed into the Dragon Kings-Queens Ouroborous bodies throughout the planet's matrix.
Hexagonal Alien Metallic Time Dilation Controls
At the South pole of the earth, the inner earth timelines which required 12 stranded DNA embodiment to access through the Rishic tri-flame fields and Zero point were cloned into Enki's Red Waved Tree of the path of the fall. This was surrounded by four false universal diamond pillars also made in red waved AI to appear like the Rishic Threefold Founder's Flame of the Pale Aquamarine Blue 13D Holy Mother, Pale Golden 14D Christos-Sophia Christ Child and the 15D Pale Magenta, all made in synthetic rays controlled by inside of time false suns of creation. This set up was to lure controlled genetics into the false ascended master activation sequences held by false rishic sun base shields installed into the earth through the 9D Stargate Antartica, and connected to a series of complex alien wormholes throughout the earth, and in 9D future timelines filled with Nephilim-Human blended DNA for the mind control over humanity. The 9D connection in the human body comes online through the 9th dimensional DNA stranding activation, which supports the Jade Pillow or the Back of the Head area to start to heal into the chalice or grail point inside the Monadic Body as connected to the Uranus-Neptune and planetary kundalini of 1D-9D to the pathway to Andromeda.
The Hexagonal Metallic constructs layered inside the planetary body were installed by Orion Draconians, Zeta Reticuli and used by these negative aliens to form complex holographic false realities such as spiritual communications, synthetic telepathy, and to act as self-enslavement mechanisms by those in the ascension materials without adequate personal knowledge of negative alien agenda operating to fool humanity into spiritual realms or comms with so called friendly rescuing aliens who abduct their targets and experiment on their bodies without actual consent. Hexagonal implants found in the planetary body connected to the South Pole were removed by the Cosmic Elohei Founders, as these were located and found to be a part of the control the earth's natural gravity fields, and the weather manipulations by the Red Dragons, and assorted alien weaponry using the red waved AI to form into psychotronic mind controls inside the alien NET systems. Hexagonal metallics were generating a series of false ascended master's cathedrals to mimick and mock the natural cosmic 6 pillared reuche cosmic male-female mother-father's ascended master's solar dragons, and being used as false realms filled with ideologies to impair, implant, control and manipulate human consciousness upon the earth. One example of this is in Solar Dragon White Queen Bride of Christ beloved Brigid, as her body was filled with alien catholic controller's pedophilic sexual abuses, binding her body down into the AI realms and using her body as a false cathedral system to enslave human race to worship the black dragons behind the Vatican, who stole human souls through worship and entered them inside hellrealms under the black dragon controls inside false cathedrals assigned as Gothic clones operated by Brigid. As guardians raided the South Pole further energetics to activate a world cataclysm through nuclear warheads was attended to, as the ongoing fight over our planet is the Emerald Founder's mission to secure the South Pole through many negative alien evictions directly into their Emerald Ankh in mass transiting.
The Hexagonal Metallic constructs stacked into the South Pole to control the human race into false Andromedan Realms, governed by the looking glass grey alien zeta negative mind controls, acted as a false ascended master solar dragon's Ankh base structure in which several planetary false ankhs were being used by NHI Non human intelligences in their fight against leaving the planet, and using humans as their hidden and secret foodsource. This false time dilational stack has also been used heavily in the Secret Space Program, and the False Ascension Matrix to have innocent humans undergo contact with off planet aliens, promising them all sorts of gifts or to keep them in MKultra mind control patterns whilst believing they are having contact with enlightened beings. As the structures in the South Pole are being reclaimed by the guardian host teams across spiral time, the False rods, and false realities operating to hide the truth of our planet's history are being slowly repaired. Guardian host have advised several times that the planetary body will not explode such as the fate which befell Planet Tara, and provide supportive re-education to humanity under the tricks of mind controls, false Generals operating from inside the South Pole, appearing to be kind or with a commanding savioristic type of demeanor.
See Also