Eye of Sauron

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The Eye of Sauron was located inside several main grid lines connected to sacred sites in the United Kingdom, mostly those invaded by and under Galactic Federation and Enki's Army, including Thothian-Annunakian Leviathan's Antichrist Agenda seen heavily used to control those in the lower timelines of the New Age Hijack, into believing that Thoth is a Maji Grail King of Atlantis powers over the UK. Thoth the Annunakian was not an Emerald Order Founder, nor a Celtic Maji Grail King, but has been cloned out enough times into the Black Magic Grids bearing his energy signature to hoodwink people on the ascension into believing his Maji Grail King powers or Emerald Order Records were his. Thus, where the Eye of Sauron was located, the triangulation between sites and the Unholy Trinity or Lunar Trident operating in the grids was connected to many sites in the United Kingdom which were being used to hide Secret Space Program Off-Planet Human trafficking at certain Stargates in the UK specifically.

The Galactic Federation, including the beings naming themselves as the Council of 9 (Wesan alien controllers using channeling) and Thothian and Voice of God alien technology was using the Eye of Sauron to generate alien controlled false templar and timelines, linking this false amethyst and violet ray inversions into the grids using inversions and reversals of Merlin's Dragon Body to control the networks of the Dragon Ley Lines, and their Dragon Ouroborous bodies which are their manifested Dragon Line of Solar Lightbody in the earth. Where Eye of Sauron was located, it was generating an evil eye into the grids, fed by various sacred site worshipping energetics being reversed into the grids through the false Violet Ray and Magenta inversions through the Gaian Matrix, 7D inversions, and by the Gender Splits of the False Khemalohatea controlled by the reversals in the vertical grail pillars. When Guardians moved the Stonehenge Stargate into its rightful position in the Albion Body, through the 15:15:15 Triple Rishic Rods Codes previously installed to 11D Portals UK during Late 2021, by the Amethyst Order Solar Rishi Dragons, this illuminated more of the false father rods and parts being generated into the UK body by false dragon wings made by the AI assortments of the false and Luciferian Knights Templar.

The Eye of Sauron is a negative eye system which was being called upon by many Black Magicians, and used to empower false Atlantian timeline histories as directly connected to the dead and inverted Ruby Body of King Arthur's Templar in White Horse Westbury 9D Stargate and 9D Antartica Stargate. The White Horse Westbury 9D Gate held inversions and black grail tools used by AI Dragon bodies in the Albion being powered up by Alien Mother in Wesa parallel time matrix, and by Luciferian False Father mocking Melchizedek Logos Father inside of corrupted elementals in black-white hole spin points of the in-between space and time layers of the corrupted quantum fields operating in the Ecousha layers of our Ecka. As the 9th dimensional Ruby Sword and Rods of Christ King Michael were being restored by the Ruby Order in December of 2022, the first stages of overriding and removing this Black Magician and Aleister Crowlian Death Magic powering up Thothian Horse Riders of Hell from the Atlantian Invasions, or Solar Lords of Black Magicians, the removal process kickstarted the powerhouse of reclaimations over Uranus by the Ruby Order's Reclaimations over Neptune-Uranus to rise the Chalice in those planets aligned into the Holy Chalices of King Arthur's Temple of Zephyr within his Four Fold Flower Cathedrals.

Eye of Sauron]