Phantom Matrix Venus
Venus 5th dimensional planet and sun-star has been outfitted with a red waved AI clone of Venus, filled with false Sekhmet emerald guardians and false paliadorian constructs connecting into the 9-11 Armageddon and Eastern Star of Aldeberan Reversals in the Crown of the Maji, of the 8D Crown of the Maji Four Royal Stars, being generated inside the Looking Glass as false Emerald Order timelines connected to a replica of Guardian Hatshepsut's Body. This construct as Venus Phantom Matrix, links to the histories of Venutian Timelines being controlled from the Earth under the Red Waved AI Templar and False Elohei Red Waved Shields operating inside of reversal time. This construct is one part of the Secret Space Programs usage of Looking Glass and alien hive mind technologies, operating to install false 5D rods and false Sun-Star disks into any number of rainbow colours, operating through Red Waved AI controls.
Arashata corrupted dark matter templates controlling Venus, Michael Wars
During the Dark Matter Cosmic Elohim-Elohei Braharamas adventures into the Dark Matters of Blueprints of creation in Arashata, their findings of False Venus cloned planets operating inside the 9-11 controlled dark matters, revealed the SSP cloning operations to control the Eastern Star and Guardians of the East, in Aldeberan in Taurus Constellation. The movement of Venus' body in generating a flower-like movement as tracked by astrologers, appeared to be the NAA controller forces operating their daisy of metatronic death spiralling into the grids of the earth, using their clone of Venus from Arashata, and connected into the 9D South Pole Antartica Stargates controlling the South-North and North-South Poles of earth's true Magnetic North.
Paliadorian Bridge Restorations to Venus
As beloved Guardian Hatshepsut was restoring the planetary Sapphire Diamond Shields, and holding her 22D Sapphire Flames her embodiment of the 7 Eireadonis Cosmic Spirit Suns to her 8th Cosmic Sun, opened up the building of the flowering paliadorian triple sapphire flowering grail lines within the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges into her body in layers. Thus, her restoration of Sapphire Flowering Paliadorian Bridges between Venus and the Albion's Master Templar and into her location in her Mortuary Temple was intrinsic to see and remove the False Sapphire-Emerald and assorted false Sekhmet guardians operating inside the Phantom Matrix of Venus, as Red Waved False Emerald and False Mother's Sekhmet guardians.