Four Fold Flower Cathedrals

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Rose, Lotus, Fleur De Lis, Thistle

The Cosmic Mother's Emerald Pillars of the Rose-Lotus-Fleur de Lis (Lily of the Valley) and Thistle in Emerald Body of the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Creator's Crystalline Dragon Body started to return into the Albion Grid networks in the restorations which are being made to support the rebuilding of the King Arthurs and Guinevere's Cosmic Aton Cathedral networks into the earth grids.

The Four Flower Cathedrals are held inside the White Bride of Christs many layers of Cathedrals which the Grail lines of the earth's body are being embued through the flowering plasmas which run through these Four Flowers combined.

During the moving of the stonehenge stargate into its paliadorian rainbow bridge and holy mountain position in the ceremonial work of King Arthur's Ruby Body restorations, [november 2023] he placed a sequence of cosmic 48D long stemmed flowers which formed the Four Flowers Cathedral of which placed the foundation for which the Zephyr Stones and Temple of Zephyr was annointed into the safety of this Ancient Maji Grail King and Queen Planetary Templar Quadrata Structure. The Pendragon Castle of Emerald & Ruby Castle of the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur emerged from within Emerald Mother and Ruby Cosmic Father's Ruby-Amethyst Holy Mountain Paliadorian Cosmic Dragon Rings Network at the centre of the Albion Body Networks in which to start the activations for the planetary Tri-Fold Khemalohatea the Gardens of Eden being restored into the earth to correct the Universal Time Matrix Gender Twin Matrix.

The Four Flowering Cathedrals from the Temples of Arayanas Emerald 1st Godworlds into Aramatena 12D Universal Stargate Realms are reflected inside the Rosslyn Chapel Pillar of 4 flowering spiralling lines which run through the base of the pillar, from the Ancient Freemasonry Templars who held the Ancient Sacred Knowledges of the Grand Architects from the Cosmic Paliadorian Creator Dragon lineages connected to the Maji Grail Lineages.

Emerald Cosmic Mother Sun & Ruby Cosmic Father Sun Reunited

During late 2023, Holy Father's Ruby Templar started to merge and unite into the White Bride of Christ and Ruby Red King Groom of Christ within the trifold Khemalohatea Temple restorations taking place in the Albion Body. Holy father's Ruby Cosmic Body projected his Ruby Four Flowers Cathedral to unite with the Mother's Emerald Four Flowers Cathedral [November 2023 Zephyr Temple], in which they could merge time-space through their combined Cosmic Aethers Azothian Elixirs of many complex mergings of their combined Solar Rays through the Krystal Star of Azoth White Rainbow Star and the Krystal Star of Azoth Dark Rainbow Father's Star, combined in the unifier of the Cosmic Copper-Rose-Gold Solomon Seal and Star, of which their dark matter firmaments could start to union into their Cosmic Dark Matter Ankh Quadrata Body, which is their 48D Dark Matter Fathers Dark Rainbow Ankh Body, to reclaim the matters and the unification of the corrected spin rate of dark matter for elemental restorations to the Zephyr Songs emanating through the Solar Dragons in the Albion Body.

The Cosmic Mother's Emerald Four Flowers Cathedral of her Flowering Grails in Four merge with the Cosmic Father's Grails in Four, to unite into the Hierogamic Union entwined in Sacred Marriage to repair the earth's grids to their Cosmic Songs of the Flowering Tones sent through the Zephyr Cosmic Stones from their Cosmic Suns. The Universal Diamond Pillars of the Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond were merged into the Tri-Fold Khemalohatea in which the Cosmic Founders Crown of the Maji inside the 48D 1st Godworlds creational domains could repair these templates for the purposes of the building of the Gardens of Eden, flowering Central repositories as Egregores from inside the Cosmic Heart 6 Pillared and 8 Pillared Octagonal Cathedrals of the Diamond Physical Flowerings in the grids of the earth. Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar Body held the sacred Time-Space of his Matters, in which he presented his Cosmic Ruby Dodecahedron into the earth through his Ruby Templar Quadrata Body as the Grand Architect of Creation signalled his return over his fatherly creations. Cosmic Father's Zephyr Stone protects the White Queen Emerald Mother's Bride of Christ as her Flowering Cathedral Body United with Father's is being referenced as Kathara the unified Albion and Cathar of the Structure (Albion Father) and Cathar (Albion Mother & Father) in which the Offsprings of the Christos-Sophia can experience the incension of the buildings of the indwelling of christos as internal flowering realms of Eden in perfect harmony with godsource, as the male-female gender healing returns god's codes into the earth through Inner Sacred Union.

Maji Grail Keepers and King-Queen Lineages of the GrailKeepers

See Also

[The Temple of Zephyr] Solar Dragons