Venus Beauty Distortions
In starseed session work, the Venus Beauty lens or holographic insert is observed as a placement in the lightbody - auric layers, which affect the ability to feel in the heart what is true 'beauty'. The phrase beauty is in the eye of the beholder, has been usurped by this archetypal energy insert which is placed into human lightbodies in order to keep the reversal and lunar forces in control.
This energy can be witnessed in the auric layers and has the impact of creating a sense of sexual response to the sight of viewing something which is determined by the individual as 'beautiful.' This can be understood by individuals being 'turned on' or attracted to certain physically aesthetically pleasing attributes, and requiring a visual aid in order to feel fulfilled or excited by it.
This level of implant is part of human sexual misery programming and if observed can be removed through connection with god source. When removed, the individual can start to feel the energy behind a presentation, and determine further through the renewed heart based response if being attracted to a visual theme is actually fulfilling of the heart. The real beauty of Venus comes from the distinct inner knowing that beauty is felt through love in the heart, and not through a false visual mock up of any regard.
Once freed from this insert, one can begin to understand where true attraction lies, and not be fooled by the distorted view that the holographic insert has created.
Venus, Tiamat, Sophia The constellation matrix of the archetypal influence of Venus, has been overlaid with a reversal of the Aquarian Water Carrier zodiac astrological distortion. Inside of this distortion, is a femme fatale black magic expression of a false sophianic consciousness. This imagery is pulsed out via red wave (root, 1, Red Ray) pusles through Sexual Misery programs, in order to have a false representation of the sophianic expression of female upon the earth. Guardian sessionwork reveals that the Aquarius Archetype pours false water down into the creation realms, spilling out the false mercury or false Azoth currents into the Galactic Planes, and impacting 8D portals of earth, the Solar System and in the universal time matrix at the 8th dimensional bands.
The original Edenic Solar Goddess of Tiamat, is the body of Sophianic Consciousness, the true solar female principle of creation.