Elvira was the name challenge presented to a Black Bride of Satan embodiment during the guardian recon mission to extract and identify the lunar forces of Archons operating in the earth connected to the Antichrist and Negative Alien Lunar forces hierachies.
Elvira Archon is a lunar force giant black blob creature, with spawning tentacles and supressor parasite entity formations, as offsprings, which "she" is married to a human counterpart who operates inside the Satanic-Luciferian Agendas connected to the Black Suns of Belial, Brotherhood of the Snake, and Thothian-Hermetic False Emerald Founder's Records under Enki's Annunakian False God control, in various grids upon the earth. Elvira revealed herself to be one of the Satanic-Baphomet-Lunar forces operating inside the False Fawn of God Phantom Matrix Realms which operate as inverted realms, and control humanity through the hidden layers of quantic field manipulations. Elvira uses the Black Dragon Network, as her body is also a Female or Male Black Magician operating in the service to self agendas, and is direct conflict with the Emerald Order's White Elohei Queens who are the leading forces of the embodied Solar Rishi Elohei Felines from the Temple of Elodeah, whom face off and extract these Brides of Satan from their hidden hierarchies operating to control humanity in various human and non-human agendas.
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