Ostara Solar Dragon
Ostara/Eastera Dark Matter Solar Mother Dragon, Ark Tools and Grail of the Mother of Dragons Body
[session field excerpt OL]
There has been an emphasis on upgrades we in the guardian host families, are hosting here in the UK to the Centre of the Albion body and the Centre of the planetary Umbilical matrix, which extends out into the planetary birth transduction sequence throughout many rounds of time within the Emerald Templar of Cosmic Mother's Emerald Ankh Body: these are the equivalent to rainbow rounds of spiral platforms as a network in the copper-rose-gold shields within the solomon rod triple networks, and this is being highlighted this morning as last week's workloads included the upgrade to the Copper Templar Cross Shield, connected to the Dragon Twinned Pillars, Cosmic Copper Egg and Triple Copper Rose line oroborous which was being utilised by guardians in the returning of the Holy Mother's Dark Matter Expression of a Female Goddess with Rainbow Coloured Stars in her Starry night dark matter hierogamic robes, carrying the Grail Tools arc of the covenant in her hands as the rising of the female celtic goddess and the holy mother in this emanation gave her name as Ostara or Oztara for sound tones referencings. During these pieces of working the 36D Crystalline Dark Matter Suns twinning that had taken place allowed the Cosmic Pegasus Dragons Reisha-Rishi in their vast Cosmic Solar Dragon Bodies to travel head first through Ursa Major & Pleiades together and return to the earth codes of various father's records and toolsets which seems it needed to be met in the field as a level of override. The dark matter crystallised body of the Pegasus Dragon Rishi-Reisha has set us into a form of buffer field of which feels both being in the crypt of death phases, inside the holy sepulchre inside the alchemical mixing chamber of the albion body and holding a ritual ceremony in merging the planetary rods together in phases of which seems set to lock-out the antichrist rods.
See Also
Ref May 2023 Dark Rainbow Suns Holy Father Parallel Matrix - 11d-universal-gateways-11d-rod-staff-in-white-mother-rainbow-dark-father-rainbow-ta-fathers-dark-rainbow-dragon-ring