Non Human Intelligence
Non Human intelligence or NHI is described as any form of contact, communication, or construct as not sourcing from human beings or within human capabilities. The massive deception upon humanity by NHI is one which the Emerald Order Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils, the Paliadorian Dragon Races, and the Krystal Star Guardian Host groups and Orders of the Cosmic Christ which are leading humanity into the re-education through genuine Cosmic Disclosure.
The Disclosure of alien intelligences invasions to the planetary grids and our solar system is termed as the Collective Awakening Event, where it is being slowly revealed through experiencers and sane individuals who can relate the actual informations of the invasions and genetic modifications that the interfering alien races accomplished on our planet and our entire universal time matrix. The NHI includes synthetic telepathy, psionic mind control, the use of hidden spectrums of alien waveforms, and utilising the EMF spectrums whilst hiding the fact that humanity was hybridised by negative aliens who inserted their false creator codes into the planetary matrix, whilst running off planet human trafficking through a series of alien abductions to humans without their explicit consent.
Learning about the human race history and the restoration of the natural DNA template, the Diamond Sun Body of Christ of the original angelic human is shared here in the website teachings and is offered as a support from the Krystal Star Guardian Host groups whom are leading the charge in liberation of humanity and the planetary body whilst evicting and removing the negative alien groups.
The dangers of assuming inner-head voices or contact are friendly are that a person becomes obsessed or enamoured by the entities pretending to be advanced friends of humanity. In those under various levels of awakening to rebuild and reclaim the natural embodiment of their soul matrix and reclaim the higher sensory perception of the original divine angelic human being, the process of clearing out implants and etheric weapons is supported by our materials to eventually rebuild the full human auric layers into correct diamond sun corrections to the 12D Avatar Platinum Ray or Gold Body Activation process. The human body is undergoing shifts as the planetary body is being repaired, and evil aliens and archontic giant blob creatures are removed. This means finding ways to critically think and query all kinds of contact, all kinds of informations around NHI, or aliens, and attaining ways to protect the lightbody during the navigations of the awakening ascension cycle.