Category:Ascension Class Audio

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Audios from our Ascension Classes on OmniLov3

Our Audio Classes span the themes of ascension including [Category: Negative Ego Healing], emotional and mental understanding of the processes affecting the planetary body and the human experience on an ascending and correcting planet. These audios include the very required emotional and soul matrix healing, to heal the soul and spiritual bodies in order to regain clarity out from negative ego mind control operations in the earth's grids and through the spiritual warfare of various psychospiritual transmissions embedded into the planetary grids, and assorted machinery used to dumb the human race down and block their true nature and perception. A selection of audio is available to purchase through our store, our Membership Community contains the full audio archives for personal learning and attaining spiritual freedom at a personal pace.

Other Resources

[OmniLov3 Tools & Meditations]

[OmniLov3 Store - Meditations, Audios and Clearing Correction Energetic Treatments]

Ascension Class Audios

[OmniLov3 Ascension Class Audio]

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Our Community container allows further classes, toolsets and sharings for the purposes of community participation in the ascension cycle with hierogamic toolsets which are to support the diamond sun body rehabilitation and emotional shadow clearing and understanding the ascension changes of the diamond sun template and ascension plan B.