Cosmic Christ

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Cosmic Christ

The Christ Consciousness is the true authentic energy source of all of humanity, and all creation within our realm. This energy is the source of our genesis, and has restored into the planetary body through guardian host families restoration of the architecture usurped in Christ's name from various fallen and negative alien antichrist antilife invaders. These invaders could hide and siphon energy from humanity, to act as false gods, replacing the true meaning of "God" or "Christ" upon the earth, whilst replicating their control structures into the earth via religious constructs to create pain, suffering, violence and sexual misery in the name of worshipping the false god they inserted into the planet through various inversions of the mother & father's body of the earth.

The Cosmic families of christ consciousness reside in the 4 godworlds creations through the Andromedan portals, through the neutron window in zero point outwith the time matrix and into the Seven Higher Heavens. These families are large suns, vast expansive never ending fields of suns of all colors, rays and intelligent creators of life in this time matrix. These sun-star networks are accessible via the ascension cycle in building the diamond sun template, the original 12 stranded DNA template of the human being, or angelic human race (humanity) can choose to participate in the rehabilitation of their holographic architecture through emotional healing and heart awakening to become more aware of the reality and its truths.

Guardian Founders, Creator Godworlds Families

The creators of our existence downstepped themselves into the time matrix through their Dragon creator essences, which would birth into the lower realms of the Rainbow Tri-Matrix or Founder Tri-Fold Flame of the Solar Rishi. The Solar Rishi are the Guardian Founder families whom created themselves into the Cradle of Lyra millions of years in the future from the current earth timeline of 2012 and beyond.

Founder Aquamarine Blue Ray Families, 13D Blue Ray Oraphim, Melchizedeks

Founder Gold Ray Families, 14D RA Gold Ray Seraphim Angelic & Elohei Lion Beings

Founder Magenta Ray Families, 15D Magenta Ray Cetacean Dolphin Porpoise & Pegasus Lineages