Ankhulasa Mahara Reisha Mothers Cosmic Suns Peach

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Peach Cosmic Pillar of Merida Celtic

Mother Matrices, Godworlds in no time

Through the godparent source fields of the 16D 17D 18D which were merged into the time matrix as Harmonic Universe 6, or the Mother's Dark Matter Heavenly Void Suns, is the vast array of access through the godworlds corridors where many mother matrices are accessible through the Core of Creation or the Solar Rishi and Neutron window. The Neutron window is the zero point connection to the doorways of creation in which the Godworlds Mother Cosmic Christos Solar bodies and Suns reside. These suns and their expressions have returned themselves into creation at the end of the ascension cycle as the dragons of this time matrix, the creators of our realms in the timefields. These matrices are accessible via the embodiment of the Solar Female Christ Universal Reisha triple goddess template of the diamond sun body within the earth. The female solar christ must resurrect her christos-sophia internal currents and build her diamond sun body in which when embodied allows the feeling senses and direct awareness of the vast songs of creation which can only be heard and experienced through the mother's sonic hydrolase water body as a part of the sophianic plasmic flowering fields which grown from the sophianic plasma shield or tantriahura shield and sophianic heart.

The Mother's godworlds matrices named the Ankhulasa or AN-KU-LA-SA, sometimes also AN-KHU-LASH-A were received through the paliadorian activations into the earth grids from early 2017 onwards. These rays move into the sexual organs of the solar sacrum in the sexual organs, and build out the mother's Peach Ankh body, and her solar dragon peach dragon rings and djedhi pillar. This transmission is a peachy creamsicle ray flecked with golden and silver Azothian Fire Water Aethers and is a part of the Solar Female Christ Rishic Counterparts, the Solar Reisha. From within there Emerald Sun eternal godworlds ankh body of the 1440 spiral and 6 pillared amoreaea heart cathedral within the Cosmic Aton Godbody or k8 factor suns, the peach ankh body embodies the aspects of Merida triple solar goddess, emanating and birthing forth from the Mother's Matrices in the godworlds.


The Scotland landmass has several triple goddess solar reisha triple suns anchor points in which guardian host families reclaiming the mother's Mahareisha dragon body parts within the Rose Line, surround the earth required to evict massive amounts of alien machinery including baphomet false sophia, seducers and the alien gestalts of black grail queens as black serpents and scorpion gestalt forms. As the human lightbody is the smaller representation of the planetary body, it is helpful to understand that this extraction of many blood sacrifice moloch tanks, alien bindings destroyed the mother's grail points and the planetary womb principle.

Peach Cosmic Pillar of Merida Celtic

The Merida-Brigid-Guinevere body is an aspect and part of the holy mother's dragon body in which she unites with King Arthur to take their place into the Planetary Matrix, as the Solar Triple Female Christ and Solar Masculine Christ Rishi-Reisha in their hierogamic union of the Emerald Order, as the overseers of the Albion Dragons within the earth and keepers of the stairway to heaven and planetary ascending timelines within the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons.

Merida in her first expressions were appearing as pastelline blue colours through the mother arc 13D aquamarine ray, and later once the Cosmic Mother's Sun Solar Dragon emanations started to bring themselves back into time, Merida appears as a Celtic female goddess and grail queen, a Mahara Reisha Emerald Order Female and also an emerald Order Elohei creator Lion Feline expression. Her entry into the time matrix comes through the emerald order solar body and ankh vehicle, and she travels inside and outside of time at will through the eternal spirit body of the mother's dark matter sun and peach sun of the Aton. Merida is of the Aton, uniting her triple solar sophianic expression to restore the peach flows, her crystal cathedral appears as a pale diamond morganite shade or peach creamsicle and she holds the birthing of the peach dragon eggs into the ley lines of the earth grids.

Peach Ray

The peach ray upon the earth is found in triple goddess nodes within the earth's Albion body, of which the United Kingdom landmass has several points of Cathar body mother's triple goddess nodes. Fortinghall Yew in Perthshire, The Isle of Skye and Loch Lomond are amongst the main centres of the embodiments and Cathar Rose Code Albion body Rose Line controls within the earth. When the Rose Line was upgraded to the Universal template emanating forth in rainbow pastellines opalescent rays in 2017, the Emerald Order families started their next phase of extraction of the reversals and bindings to the planetary rose and grail lines. The Triple Suns of Peach Cosmic Mother's Merida expression restored herself into the earth and is the raw sexual creative energy of the human form, she brings the potential for sovereignty over procreation and co-creation with the god source fields when one is acting and living in alignment to the law of one.