Dark Matter
Dark Matter is a layer of matter in which is a part of the building blocks of creational matter, in which the planetary body Dark Matter template began to be restored by the guardian host families in or around 2014. The Dark Matter body of the Planet is the layer from the unmanifest morphogenetic blueprint and of which the Cosmic Parents flows of Cosmic Rays materialise through the Planetary or Human Atomic Body Regulator, in elemental forms through the platonic solids of the elements of creation. The distortions of matter have existed also in the solar system and higher galaxy levels, of which from the quantum and atomic, to sub-atomic layers, these structures have required re-habilitation by the Aurora Rainbow Dragons. The Aurora Rainbow Elemental Forces are those Paliadorian Godworlds Creator Dragons whom made their way into our earth in direct contact with some starseeded guardian families from around 1994 onwards. These Rainbow Dragons are un-interfereing elementals whom embody into the creation, as the Creator's body is the Body of the Solar Dragons.
See Also
[Dark Matter Entries in OL3 Wiki]
Quadrata of Dark Matter Templates, 48D Dark Matter for all subharmonics inside 12 Subharmonics
During the Cosmic Mother and Father revealing their Cosmic Spirit Body in the non-dimensionalised realms we call the godworlds, their bodies formed through the Ascended Master Solar Rishic and Reisha Bodies to birth Heavenly Void Suns into our matrix, through the 16-17-18D and the 34-35-36D of the Father's Dark Matter Realms. The Aeonic Pairs of the Solar Reisha-Rishi Solar Dragon Families upgraded the earth's Atomic Body Regulator in which the dark matter of the triple rasha and rashala, azurtanya and triple layers within the planetary matter matrix of the solar rishi and reisha cosmic dragon bodies of creation would require to be repaired to receive the trinity bonded layers of the genetic tri-bonds which carry the dark matter corrections into the planetary body and human body. This was the pre-requisite for the Quadrata Dark Mattter instruction sets and blueprints which were placed through the Cosmic 6 Heart Pillared Dark Matter Cathedrals for the purposes of extending out and creating the 8 pillared Octagonal Aton Cathedral layers, and for the purposes of the matters of earth to respond to the incoming Holy Father's Cosmic Ruby Templar, in his Quadrata Body for the access of the particle spin rates he requires to restore time and matter into his vast cosmic rounds of evolutionary nested time, inside his Cosmic Layers of his Creator Dragon Body, of the Father's consciousness layers uniting with the Mother's Dragon Body and her consciousness layers throughout all of time, and connected into their vast Cosmic Dark Matter Suns inside the godworlds.