Consettia Black Dragon
The Consettia black dragon, black hole entity gestalt (massive group of negative) with demonic hierarchy force was observed by Krystal Star Guardians maintaining the planetary body through multiple on planet and off planet gridworking projects. The Consettia force is a male-female black frequency which breaks apart the male-female organic Christ coding, in the earth and has been used to hold reversals in the grid of earth, keeping the bi-wave or bi-polar anti-life reversals in place.
Consettia, Con-Setty-ah appears in the planetary grids, particularly in the inner stargate of 12D Kauai,along with Octupus Kracken tentacle type of energy as Ursula, Kathulu, and uses the red wave pulse spectrum frequency to base pulse sexual attraction into the 1D sphere of humans, as a means to gain hidden consent. This force, or forces are used to create distortion and to keep sexual misery programming and associated mind control pulsing in place, usurping the 1D sphere of the organic tree of life, and the alchemical mixing chamber of the lightbody; the holy sepulchre.
Baphomet 2D planetary Reversals of Mother-Sophia, and in Fallen Parallell System Wesadrac Guardian teams have been evicting this demonic black hole gestalt from the planet grids, and also in the location of travelling to the Wesa fallen universe through the 8D portal systems whilst recovering the Solar female principles from there. The 2d Layers and body of Planet Earth, the Grual or grail points have been running in reverse whilst controlled by negative alien forces usurping the solar feminine to create their own grotesque creations whilst siphoning the energy from humanity. The entire blood sacrifice of the planetary explosion of Tara (a 5D planet body exploded in previous galactic raceline history) and reversal female coding, based in base 5 or base 10 (black tree of life, or Kabbalah tree of lie) has been used to link this fallen system into our planet as the black hole entities attempt to keep control over planet earth's female consciousness.