The Law of Divine Trajectory, Divine Time

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During the reclaimation of the Three Stars in Orion's Belt, the Three Wise Men Transmissions started to power up and come through into the Galactic Ecliptic, through the Crown of the Maji in the Orion and 8th dimensional cores of the Time Matrix. The Law of Divine Trajectory started to be felt as a transmission from the repair of Orion's Sun-Stars, and eventually the three wise men or the Triple Solar Reisha-Rishi Rods of the Maji Grail Kings came through the Orions' Stars together, as Triple Cosmic Father's Solomon Rods Transmissions began to power up for the first time since the Orion Wars which invaded the Founder's Passageway Portals.

The Solar Reisha-Rishi are the Triple Cosmic Solar Rods of the Creational Fields, in which their Triple Cosmic Rods inside the Temples of King Solomon, would require to be restored out from the various creatures whom had abused and used the Solomon Keys of Time, for their control over the demonic realms and abuses of the Solomon Christos Timekeepers' Dragon Codes. Thus, the rescue and recovery of King Solomon's Copper Dragon Body, was birthed into the time matrix as a large Solomon Logos of a Solar Dragon King, Solomon, whom appeared from the 16D Cosmic Sphere, and entered into the time matrix. His restoration as a Solar Dragon Man Logos Body, secured sections of the Universal Time Matrix Triple Cosmic Rods, of the Kings and Cosmic Father's Body, in which his restoration out from the Antichrists lunar abusers whom had used his names, his sigils and his body parts upon the earth started to extract and massively evict the creatures pretending to be his loving Kingly Solar Dragon Force. During the longer term repairs of the Planetary Body Albion Rods, and the Rods of the Body of which King Arthur is the Cosmic Father expression, as the protector of all of time and all of humanity: His Body received the Triple Golden Solar Three Kings into the Solar Rods, also the Triple Copper Solar Three Kings, and additionally Three Kings of the Emerald Order in Emerald Triple Rods whom came through visible to the Northern Star in King Arthur's Crown, during December of 2022.

Guardians mentioned the Law of Divine Trajectory as part of the schematic held within the Silver Gate of Man of Orion Constellation and the passageway on the ascension through Ophiuchus in the Golden Gate of Man. These constellations exist inside every single dimension of time, as their bodies are multidimensional, inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons or the Knights of the Round Table Astrological precession of Equinoxes, the Solar Christ human climbing the stairway to heaven, all the way through the solar clock cycles, is granted the entrance to the golden gate of man during stages of spiritual embodiment and initiations. This golden gate of man, in the Four Royal Stars in Orion or 8D Timelines, Centre of the Galactic Ecliptic, signifies one golden gate of man. There are higher golden gates of man which are experienced in the Avatar Solar Logos Matrix, connected also the Ophuichus Constellation which is the Golden Gate of Man in the Crown of the Maji in Lyran Timelines. In the parallel Universes of the Ecka, the Golden Gate of Man was secured from the Solar Logos in Ecousha-Ta and linked into the Albion's Stellar Blueprints of the Solar Dragon Plasma Dome held by King Arthur's Star of Bethlehem Crown. Thus, the Cosmic Star of Bethlehem as stated related to the Magi, or Maji Three Wise Men, is the Triple Solar Masculine Rods formations of time, that the Christ Children upon the earth would be protected by. These spiritual truths are revealed in stages to the ascending human who is being reconnected to the Solar Reisha-Rishi and Cosmic Creator's Dragon Body in stages, as the essence of the Dragon Elohei-Elohim Creators of humanity is held inside the heart for humanity to eventually align to their natural godhead's body.
