Enki's Army
Enki's Army are the controller archetypes embodied by those under control of Enki, which expresses through a series of patterns of energetic architectures. The Trickster Archetype including the Jester AI programming of Red waved AI structures under Enki's DNA Skins and controls, has harnessed those under the control of Enki into a "chopped off at the head/shoulders" for the purposes of "head swapping out" very similar to the narratives told in the movie of Return to Oz.
Enki installed the tribal seeding shield of the planetary body with his own form of synthetic rays, red waved AI and assorted structures, in which to control the Nephilim Neanderthal Reptilian Annunakian Race Codes, to blend and hybridise these with the original human seed codes. This destroyed the genetic template of a human being, to generate Nephilim reptilian coded matters into the bloodlines of humanity, to empower a "super race" of humans under direct AI hive mind control through Enki's constructs, whilst perpetuating a narcissistic self-important and dominating personality archetype, of the reptilian brain and reptilian tail.