Supressor Parasite Entities
Supressor parasite entities are jellyfish or octopus like creatures who spawn themselves into the human body etheric layers like a parasite made from artificial intelligence and insert a series of inserted mind-control thoughts, and control the person's reality into the AI intelligence fields of the false tree of life and its many false realities controlled by artificial intelligences including the Looking Glass Gray Alien timelines and realms generated as false reality systems. The gallbladder meridian in the left side vertical in 7D Axiatonal and right side 6D Axiatonal line of the lightbody to bio-spiritual layers of the human body has been the most notable location for these creatures to insert themselves and burrow deeply into the layers of the etheric and auric field. They can be removed by intention, and etheric surgery but also mimick the internal voice of the person, in generating conversations or inner conflicts of the mind such as convincing, controlling, mocking or directing and pretending to be the higher self intelligences of the soul matrix and monadic matrix.
See Search for SPE
Archontic Deceptions, and Elemental Human Physical Control through Archontic enslavements
See Archons