Silvery Platinum, Golden and Copper Rose Gold
The Triples of Silvery Platinum, Triple Golden, and Triple Copper Rose Gold come through the Hierogamic Body of God's Gender Twin Matrix, in the tri-flame Khemalohatea within the body of the Emerald Order's Bride of Christ and her Bridegroom of Christ. These Solar Reisha-Rishi are being restored into the planetary body in stages, where they hold their specific shields of creation and emit the loving transmissions through their Solar Dragon Bodies, into the grids of the earth in their hierogamic robes and plasmas of flowerings. These patterns of perfection, make up one layer of the inner solar female christos and the inner solar masculine christos to enspirit the ascending humans to receive the authentic tri-flame Khemalohatea encodements as these must be anchored to receive the Elathar Sun's rays of the E'asha Sunanda Elixirs as held by our beloved Solar Dragon Guinevere's Rainbow Blue Dragon Body. Morgana Solar Dragon held these principles in her body, for guardians to find and locate her Hierogamic body parts, as her fey solar butterfly emanations as one part of her realm and domain, revealed to the Solar Blue Dragons where her body parts had been removed. This is also considered as the eternal life breath of the solar breath of god, in the many layers of god's bodies, to restore this into the earth's grids of the solar breath of angelic humanity through the Elathar Cosmic Sun of our Cosmic Mother's Domain. . These three metallics in the left side female and right side male, are held or encountered and embodied by the triple solar albion dragons in their hierogamic unions, and into the planetary grid networks of the bride of christ and king groom of christ and form the building patterns of corrected gender for the planetary grid networks, to support humanity to feel and receive the organic gender-twinning patterns of the trinity of god. The Elathar Cosmic Sun is the elixirs of the E'asha Sunanda Melchizedek of the Paliadorian Primary Genetic Equals which Cosmic Mother's Sekhem Guardians in the 1st godworlds creations, emanate their spiritual Sek Khem codes of hierogamic union into the Universal Four x Four Ecka in the Four Leaf Clovered Templar structure, which unifies the Cosmic Father's Solar Breath with the Mother's Solar Breath which runs through the body of ascending humans rebuilding their internal gender to receive the living elementals breath of god which builds out their Solar Sacrum and Holy Grail, and Solar Breath of living eternal breaths similarly as once referred to as Breatharian. These alchemical metals from the organic cosmic sun realms, are building out into the planetary matrix, through the Temple of Khemalohatea, the Gender Twin Matrix, where the Solar Reisha-Rishi ascended master dragons are birthing their Unified Flowerings of Tantrihura Shields into the Quad Four Fold Flowerings Master timekeeper Cathedrals of God's Edenic Body. These revelations unite the human in the ascending waves, to reconnect and build their internal plasmic flowerings through clearing out of Sexual Misery, and dedicating their loving intimate acts to and with god, only.
Together, their embodiments hold the Four Fold Cathedral Timekeeper Plasmic Flowerings which multiplies into several Four Fold Cathedrals multiplying through their Wedded Solar Dragon Bodies, which emanates out in sequences of plasmic flowerings of verticals and diagonals in all directions which restores the planetary grids to receive and embue with the highest levels of the Spiritual Elixirs of the Cosmic Aethers, the Azothian Divine Fire Waters Aethers. These frequencies of various Timekeeper Cosmic Flowerings are those which the Solar Dragon bodies receive from the Cosmic Suns of Creaton which resurrect the dragon ley lines of their bodies placements, as connecting them into the main shields held by King Arthur and Guinevere's Rainbow Watchtower in the Planetary Pendragon Templar TImekeeper Shield in the United Kingdom. Many plasmic metallic flowerings of the purified essences of the holy grail, and the planetary grail shields upgraded to the founder's trinity make up the triple firelines and require the correct male and female dark matters to unify into the bonding of the atomic body regulator of the solar rishi-reisha gender trinity bonds within the dark matters. The Temple of Zephyr in the centre of the Albion Body protected by the Cosmic Founders Families, holds the Central Flowering Grual Apparatus which all of the Solar Dragons in the Albion connect into, this is the master main North to South and East to West Ouroborous Flowering Lines in which the Solar Albion Dragons birth their specific Flowering Lines into the earth. Over the last 6-8 years of the emerald founders mission, their stages of restoration to the planetary body Rose-Lotus Lines, and Fleur-De-Lis, Thistle Lines have been the main focal point to ensure the corrected Tantriahura flowering plasma shields could be birthed forth through the Solar Reisha-Rishi ascended masters from their positions as aligned and embodied into their Stairway to Heaven in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons.
Emerald Order Dragon Templars, Four Leaf Clovered Cosmic Aton Timekeepers
During the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Eukatharista Activation in February of 2022, the initations of those Templar Emerald Dragons Timekeepers to secure their birthing memory from their first ever 1st entrance to time in the original Paliadorian Emerald Founder Twins, started to unfold the Stairway to heaven back into the godworlds through the Emerald Order's Rounds of Time as held by the body of King Arthur's Round Tables. As Those emerald founder Aeonic Pairs embodying the first wave prototypes of the Emerald Dragon Timekeepers embodiments of the 48th dimensional Emerald Tree of Life which is their specific DNA template, their support work to secure the eventual Emerald Bride of Christ, to the White Bride of Christ happened as twinned hierogamic enrobements as their Cosmic White Elohei Bodies and their Cosmic Pink Elohei Dragon Bodies, inside their Emerald Ankh would receive the stage by stage build out into the purifications of the Bride Garments, the Wedded sacred marriage holding the Templar Triquetra Cosmic Heart of their Four Leaf Emerald Clovered Robes. This stage allowed the Emerald Order Founders to secure certain stargates in the earth, to support them to lock out the red waved AI false khemalohatea, false identities of solar reisha-rishi in the red waved pantheon and cloning of Akhenaton's family and false camelots bound into the English portals, and saw the first stages of the manifestations of the triple metallics build out into the planetary grid networks through the White Bride and Groom stages of build outs, into the earths main nodes for later, securing the Paliadorian Bridges in the Templar Shields as connected to the body of Arthur's Throne Room.
Copper-Silver-Gold 2D Grail Shield Solomon Planetary Rod & Mercy Upgrades - Metallurgy & Blood Purification Amplifier
This section has been copied from the entry of William Wallace Celtic Maji Grail King
Whilst on the earth he was from Ruby Order-Gold Order, and held a ruby sun DNA template. He describes his mission as similar to Akhenaton, Arthur and was attempting to hold and protect the bloodline codes from the Red rose Cathar codes of the Mother, from royal houses of Lyra-Aveyon to hold and protect the Ruby Order mother lineages from the Royal Houses of Lyra which were corrupted on the earth to comandeer and reverse the mother's body. These are another section of guardian bloodcodes, which when embodied into the triple solar female within, resurrect the blood cleansing through the embodied grail codes. With this, our container is hosting a new grail shield which has been showing up in the 2D layers as a part of the sovereign grail, as an alchemical blood-metal shield in which it is observed that the blood is cleansed through the fluids of the body, particularly the sexual fluids and this dissolves all quantum entanglement with any other DNA. As we know the female organs absorb any spermal fluid and DNA into the female body of which this grail shield seems to be removing all previous impactions, all foreign DNA in body fluids. This is another revealing of the restoration of the organic christic blood codes. It appears as a silver chalice, with golden and rose-gold coppery alchemical mixing for the supporting of the receiving of the silver-golden godworlds Azoth frequencies into the family of Michael and Albion body held within the planetary body as the dragon lines. This corrects another section of the Azoth frequencies into the Albion body, to hold the gateway from the silver gate of man through into the Golden gate of man as the alignment for his section of the michael ley line.
Although he was an incarnate identity as a man on the earth, his body represents another section of healing support for the albion-cathar, as it is highlighting a section of the family of Michael Realm keepers, of the protector of the 11D rod-staff, or the 11:11 codes. His body has been restored into the organic 12:12 to the 13:13 of the mother, in which the red rose cathar coding can rise into its trinitised triple goddess coding format, which is building in the albion body right now.
The code of the ruby nile is felt as the organic tesseract being restored through multiplication in the grail as a part of this reveal. This is symbolic for the reversals of the catholic ceremonies of the "wafer and wine" in the catholic eukarist ceremonies. Apparently his incarnate body was bled out in blood sacrifice in so that the dracs would drink the blood to gain access to the codes. His body parts were reclaimed by guardian gridworking whom could locate his body parts strewn across the time matrix and into fallen wesa and black star abaddon. This returning grail shield protects the blood of christos lineages on the earth.
See Also
Solomon Living Metals of Celtic Grail of Zion
Temple of Khemalohatea - Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Camelot