Maji Grail King Arthur
Maji Grail King Arthur, is the Master Templar Timekeeper Dragon for all Templar Shields throughout the Rainbow Templar in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea or Camelot. His Mission in previous times was invaded during the 1400YA Celtic Maji 11th dimensional tribes invasions where the Ruby Body of his embodiment with Guinevere, was damaged destroyed and cloned into the False Ruby Order Wesan Annunakian Thothian-Leviathans mocking the Ruby Order in our matrix. King Arthur's vast body is the emanation of the Solar Grail King Protector, in the Ruby Sun of The Ancient of Ancients Grand Supreme Architects of Time, the Cosmic Father's Dragon Suns. In the Ruby Sun of God, in the Father's Matrix Godworlds Domains, the Ruby Sun is the Ancient Protector over all of creation, in which King Arthur and his Solar Ruby Dragons, hold the Ruby Sword of Truth and wear the Ruby-Red-Universal Solar Rishic Ruby-Magenta Cosmic Diamond Heart.
In the Albion Body, Arthur's Fatherly Essence is represented by the body he wishes to take, and thus, over the years of the guardian host recon mission over Arthur's many body parts the hidden histories over his true Identity and his direct communication to those in the Christos Mission was by his Maji Templar Dragons operational mission to secure and repair his body into all correct layers. King Arthur is prepping to be seated into the Albion Body in the Rainbow Watchtower of the Celtic Heart of Zion as his Avatar in Lyra in the Father's Matrix merging to the Mother's Matrix, as the Central highest Grail Chalice of the Maji Kings and Queens residing in the 11th and 12th dimension, as his Maji Grail Celtic Solar Aryan Dragon Kings and Queens are preparing for his return. His beloved, Queen Guinevere as the triple of the triple solar goddess, in Guinevere-Brigid-Merida Solar Dragons, were recovered out from their destructions over many years by the Emerald Founders seeking to locate and restore our fallen Grail Queens from the Atlantian timelines.