Cosmic Sun Mother Elaysa initiates her Solar Founder Reisha-Rishi triple dragons, to receive her Cosmic Spirit Body and to reside within her Eiyana-Eiyani Universal Solar Reisha-Rishi Breneua Cathedrals, from inside their Eternal Godworlds Cosmic Merkabah Ankh with 1440 Centrifugal spins. The Cosmic Merkabah Shields are the ascended master's cosmic eternal lightbody which must embody into Elaysian Sun to receive the Triple TA Scepter-Rod Staff of the Solar Rainbow Bodied Dragon Ascended Master.
The Mother's Elaysian Cathedrals, are the blueprint holding formation of the Gothic Cathedrals made manifest into the architectures upon the earth. To enter the Mother's Elaysian Realms is where the Ascended Master returning home to their point of Origin, travels through the Aurora Time Continuum, or through the Thuban Dragon Star, of the Templar North Star which leads them directly into the Cosmic Elaysian Sun Realms and are revealed into the Cosminyas Cosmic Hall of Records within the Mother's Founder's Reisha Godworlds Matrix.
Cosmic Spirit Suns of the Eire-adonis
The Cosmic Sapphire Sun of the Mahara Reisha Female Blue Dragon Lineages, reside inside the Cosmic Sapphire Sun of Creation, and hold the access provision in and out of our Matrix, as the Creational Doorway guarded and protected by these Cosmic Dragon Founders. The Eire-Adonis layers in the godworlds, are realms of suns as far as the eye can see, and hold the Cosmic Mother's Suns and their corresponding Solar Cosmic Paliadorian Godworlds realms and dragon founders. The Eire-Adonis access in and out of our planetary body is governed by the Axis-Mundi and the Triple TA Cosmic Founder's Dragon Staff, in which the Triple TA Tones bonded into their Solar Dragon Wings opens their flame riding experience, through the Base Tone of the Mother's Base Orchestrational Music of the Spheres, Musicalis Universalis, which holds their genetically key coded access into and through to the Mahara Reisha Cosmic Temples of Mother's incredibly beautiful original creations of unending loving benevolence, as her creations.
The Cosmic Founders of the Elohei-Dragon Creators, in their Cosmic Citizenship Founder's merged with the parallel Universal time matrix Ecousha, to undergo their 22-23-24D Cosmic Egg Initiation, and merge to the Reisha Worlds Cosmic Spirit Body in which gives access the Cosmic Spirit Body of Mother's Dark Mattered Elaysian Sun body, in which she restored their Dark Matter Cosmic Ankhs to receive their Elaysa triple offsprings, of the triple Taras, with the Cosmic Melchizedek Father's Sun who emanated his triple Buddhic offsprings into their Monadic Cosmic Reisha-Rishic Rods. The Embodiment of the Cosmic Spirit Suns, is the process of the 36th dimensional triple diamond sun ascended master's template, an Elohei-Elohim Feline undergoing their Cosmic Dragon Starhuman embodiment as their Cosmic Timecycle process or Starborn.
Spelling search assist - Elaisa, Elaysian, Elaysa