The YA Peridot Sun

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YA Cosmic Sun, Peridot Green Crystalline Sun

The YA Cosmic Sun appears to be a Cosmic 48D Sun which generates into the Crystalline Diamond Sun of one of the Seven Sacred Suns and Tones of Creation. This sun and its architectures were being inverted and mocked by the Yahweh Black False God and the Black tree of Artificial Life. Yahweh is not a Cosmic Founder God being, he was a destroyer and hater of humanity mocking and destroying human hearts.

The YA tones and crystal diamond rays emit a pastelline pale clear peridot green colour emanating from this sun's body. The YA Sun diamond cathedrals were recovered out from their reversals in the Yemen temple of Sheba, and Israel Palestine and the 10th Dimensional Planetary Stargate Iraq/Iran, and also recovered out from Egypt, Scotland and other locations during the gridworking projects of the guardian host.

YA Cosmic Sun appears to be very loving and very kindly all encompassingly fatherly, and contains the Hiburu tribes codes of the ancient Aryan Celtic Dragon Kings, the descendents of the Melchizedek Cosmic to Universal families, who upheld the teachings from the original words of creation held within the Cosmic founder records in the centre of the Godworlds. The Grail Kings, also known as the Fisher Kings held the YA rod codes in their genetics, which connected them to the records emanated inside the Cosmic founders and these YA MA HA Rishic Solar Rods appear to delete the AI and Jehovian Enki-Enlil AI mental body fields, as Holy Father's YA Peridot Crystal Ankh for his Solar Dragon twins starts to reveal these stages within the ancient lands of Israel. The YA Cosmic Sun connects with the Discs of Amenti Paliadorian Dragon Kings Families.

Triple YA Tones, and YA Solar Cubes

The Triple YA tones and codes annointed into the Solar Rishi Dragon Kings, within their Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Ankh Peridot Rainbow Body, unify within the Copper Solomon Zion Rod Codes as the Solomon-Maji-David lineages from the Copper Solar Dragon Godworlds Realms. As these YA triple Solar Cubes and Triple YA tones were anchored into the 10th dimensional stargate of Basra these were connected into the pre-fall Tiamat Albion Dragon Body which generated the YA records linking back into the planetary stargate networks in the 10th dimension. 13th Solar Dragon King Michael & Mary were initiated into their YA 7 Flames Holy Lamps Divine Holy Lady and Divine Holy Man, in which their bodies circulated the YA Cosmic Dragon Peridot Egg around the planetary body. [Nov 2023]

YA Cosmic Cathedrals

In the restoration for the Solomon lineages of King Solomon, King Isaiah Solar Dragons rescued out from SRA inside the grids of Israel, the YA Cosmic Cathedral for King Solomon & Sheba Solar Dragons was restored into the Temple of Sheba in Yemen, and also held by Solar Dragon Christ Michael and his beloved Mary-Sophia to their Solomon Cathedral in Temple Mount, Jerusalem. The Hierogamic Union Pairs of the Cosmic Starhuman Dragons started to emerge into the planetary body in the rebuilding of their Reisha-Rishi template for the purposes of the Cosmic YA Starhuman Dragon bodies to build out the YA Ankh Body. The family of YA Cosmic Sun Solar Dragons are building out the architectures of the father's YA sun and reclaiming the YA Cruxansetea teardrop instruction sets.

YA Cosmic Diamond Heart and Templar Shield

The YA Solar Dragons restored the YA Cosmic Diamond Heart into King Arthur's Body and placed a YA peridot Templar Shield into the United Kingdom to the Pendragon Planetary Albion Shields. This installation supports the guardian families build out of the YA restorations which had been reversed into the YAWEH Matrix, in the reversal divine infinite calculus and also to remove the Jehovian Eye which is in opposition to the YA Sun Lineages of the Solar Dragon Kings of Solomon-Maji-David whom hold the Zion Codes.

YA Peridot 48D Crystalline Tree

The YA 48D Crystalline Tree was placed into the earth when the Holy Father beamed his tree construct down into the earth for the restorations of the YA periodot apples and records contained within the YA sun's lineage histories and crystals in the earth. The timeline history inside the Temple Mount Dome of the Rock showed that the reversals and stealing of these YA father sun body parts held by the ancient original Pharisees, had been used to invert the Gardens of Eden or the Khemalohatea Temples of the Adam & Eve Coding which had been generated by the Cosmic YA sun. When Holy Father placed his YA Tree into the earth, guardian emerald founders and the cosmic elohei families bridged out into the Copper Cube Tesseracts in the Copper Sun Godworlds Realms, where many of the Copper Metallic and Silvery Suns appeared to the bearers of the Cosmic Emerald Ankh bodies.


The Ya-Ma-Ha Rod Codes held by the Solar Triple Masculine Rishi Solar Dragon Kings, restored their Ya-Ma-Ha tones into the Solomon Mercy Shields to support the Golden Eagle Grid horizontals and to help to repair the planetary timelines for their rod codes. Yamaha.

Ya Cosmic Cube Tesseract - White Diamond Cube Tesseract and Sapphire Diamond Cosmic Cube Tesseract triple Combo was the toolset guardians would utilise to the 10D Stargate networks in supporting the hierogamic union restorations of beloved White Queen Mary-Sophia and her Red King Solar Dragon Christ Michael, during the stages of the Tiamat Logos being returned into the earth grids during the White Bride of Christ Edenic Codes and Staff of Tiamat being merged into the Planetary body timelines via the Blue Rainbow Paliadorian Bridges which the Templar of the Eiras of mother's palest blue suns in the godworlds of her 7 Spirit Suns generated the Templar Shields to be placed in the Solar System for Michael & Mary to anchor across to the Holy White Swan Bride of Christ and Holy Dark Rainbow (Ruby) Father's Swan Hierogamic Union Coding to realign this logos into the earth grids. [August 2023 Blue Rainbow Bridge Holy Mountain, Mount Meru Tanzania & Pendragon Shield]

The paralells Solar Rod Cores accessible from inside the Kantarian Heart in the Gaian Matrix were linked by guardian host YA dragon twins structures, leading out into the parallel cores of time in the Ecousha-TA during their rebuilding phases in May of 2022. The YA genetics were part of the Fisher Kings protecting the planetary grual and the sacred gifts of the grual of the body of King Arthur's Solomon Dark Matter Rainbow Copper Rose Gold and Rainbow Chalice Grual, in which the Copper Zion Universal Red Rose Christos Maji King bloodlines protected the gruals of the earth within their bloodlines. These Fisher Kings suffered wounds in the timelines of the Emporer Constantine, Nebuchannezer (Ezekiel's Timeline) and in the invasions of the Stonehenge Stargate by Annunakians Enki-Enlil-Thoth who sought the riches of earths chalice gruals for themselves, to control humanity via the mining of the metals and cloned AI rays which generated layers of the splitting of the authentic temples of eden and gender twin matrix, Khemalohatea.


Within the rebuilding of the template in the planetary body, the tritones of SA KA RA or Sakara were recovering in sections building out as Cherry Blossom Grual Line and flowerings which is encased inside the YA Cosmic Peridot Diamond Sun. These tones and parts appear connected to the Asian Dragon Grids recon mission, of which sections of these grids were located during June of 2022 during the Solomon-Sheba Copper Rose Gold and YA Peridot parts for the Red Rose Blood and their Blue Dragon Recoveries for the Melchizedek Kantarian Solar Dragons. These tones of SA KA RA were restoring into the dark matter body of the earth in the Asian, Japanese locations of the Dragon Lines in those locations, SA KA RA appears in dark matter tritones of the solar dragon body of mother's body in the earth connected to the rainbow dark matters of the cosmic father, in SA TA RA and SA KA RA together. SA-TA-RA SA-KA-RA tritones of the dark matters are connected also to the pegasus-pegasai elohei of the father's dark matter cosmic sun realms. The Histories of the Egyptian timelines related to Saqqara and the invasions which the antichrists destroyed the guardian christos families bodies are connected to the hiding of the Sa ka ra tones which appear in the solar rishic-reisha holding YA peridot cosmic solar dragon codes and ankh.

Rosetta Stone of the Father's YA Sun

The Rosetta Stone holding the YA Diamond Peridot structures appearing during May of 2023 to be restored into the planetary body through the quad template of the Solar Reisha-Rishic Solar Dragon's Peridot Ankh, weaving the Rosetta Spirals into their Rosetta Stone Solar Base Shield. The restoration of these Rosetta spirals weaving in a milky emulsion ray of AquaYAreion into the clear diamond peridot sparkling rays appeared to blossom out in the solar peridot apples within the ya cosmic sun's ya-ma-ha holders, whose bodies felt the languages of the ancient first male dragons to speak the words of creation such as relayed by beloved John the Baptist. The Rosetta breath spirals and the tones of the YA sun transmissions hold the memories of the ancient bible stories and sumerian invasion by Enki into the gardens of Eden.

Historical Lineages

The Mysteries of the YA sun are revealing to unfold as having been ensmeshed and satanically ritual abused and held in various alien constructs, as the progressions of the guardian mission take place within the earth. The Pharisees, the Zion Codes and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon including the ancient Mesopotamia Guardian Host original Magi Maji Grail Solar Dragon Kings held this code for creation in their genetic lineages. Moses and Isaiah, and Solomon have appeared to be a part of this connection, whereby the 10 Commandments have been paltered out from the true nature of the loving benevolent protector of the ancient biblical times, enmeshed with alien warfare in which the bible has been used to dictate untruthful events mixed with truthful events connected to the Tower of Babel language scrambling of human history and genome. The YA lineages appear as the Celtic Aryan Solar Dragons from the ancient Hiburu Tribes, in which the stealers of their body parts abused the Solomon coding to generate the mass false solomon temples and networks in the earth, and to be under the OTO Aleister Crowlian, Black Templar Consettia Dragons in their false rounds of time and timeline controls, which appear to hide and blur the truth over the true histories of God's words and laws as spoken by the actual authentic Solomon Copper-Zion coded Solar Dragon Kings from the godworlds. The King Solomon Body and Logos is intimately connected with the keeping of the Khem Copper Dragon Failsafe Codes, which guardian host families started to resolve the issue of the Core of the earth when the Thubanite aliens were accosted for the reclaimations of the higher Copper Codes of the Copper Templar kept and held in the Solar Dragon Kings Blood codes. The Human population have been living without the truth of creation in which the father's YA Cosmic Sun is beginning to reveal himself to his genetic family lineages upon the earth. The Triple Rods of Lilac Aquareion-Ya Peridot-and Coppery Rose Golden colours, with another triple dragon diamond rings of Sapphire-Peridot-White Diamond were placed into the 10D Stargate to support the restoring principles of the stargates of the earth in the middle east.

See Also

Templar Cross

[Coppery Suns Cosmic Source]