Four Fold Flower Cathedrals

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The Templar Cosmic Timekeeper Dragon Kings and Queens are God's Eternal Cosmic Master Timekeepers who are the embodiments of the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals as Master Grail Line Templars, or Maji Grail Kings-Queens in their Cosmic Templar 48D bodies in Quadrata or Four Hands of Man Rods horizontals merged to the Four Faces of Man verticals throughout all precessions of equinoxes. These Maji Grail Kings and Queens hold the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals inside the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea or Camelot Gender Twin Matrix restoration [November 2023 Planetary-Universal], in which the Harps of Creation from Lyra, and from the Heart of the Cosmic Suns, sends the Harps into their Grail for the purposes of building embodying repairing the Arc of the Covenants, or Ark Tools which are embodied by the Cosmic Dragon Grailkeepers for all layers of the Grail, Holy Grail Stargates, and Holy Chalices throughout the body of the Universal Time Matrix. The Cathedrals required the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father's twinned Hierogamic Suns to flower into ornate patterns of 48 strands of flowerings in which the Master Templar or Timekeeper Cosmic Cube holds the 144, 000 Seed codes annointed to the Cosmic Hierogamic Timekeepers Twinned Cosmic Eye of Ra, Cosmic Star of Bethlehem which unites into the Cosmic Starry Crown held by King Arthur's Cosmic Dragon Eye Templar in his Rainbow Watchtower throughout all Rainbow Rounds of Time. The Tan-Tri-Ahura Flowerings of Time are generated by God's Flowerings of Plasmic Soluminescenes born forth from the Cosmic Dragon Egg held in the Central Flames of the Cosmic Amoraea-Alhambra Heart, in the Holiest Central position of the Cosmic Sun of Creation. Each Cosmic Sun flowerings through Cosmic Hierogamic Bodies, in which are the structures of flowerings in Horizontal, and Vertical which birth out the Diagonals and multiply throughout the planetary grid networks from the Quadrant Hubs of Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals in which the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father can pass their Seed Codes into the Diamond Hearts in the Earth, to restore creation to the original Flowerings of Plasmic essences, and re-spiritualise the grids into the living light and liquid breath of the cosmic dragons in the albion whom saturate the earth elementals with their flows of all elementals of all platonic solids, enspirited by the living creational essences born forth from the Eternal River of God's flows coming into our matrix, through their bodies in the Eye of God, or the Eye of RA.

The Templar Cosmic Dragons protect the entire 16 Parallell Universal Time Matrices inside of time, and the entire 4 x 48D 16 Godworlds Outside of Time Cosmic Fields, and hold the entire Cosmic Clock of Creations inside ther Templar Spiralling Dragon Ouroborous Bodies, throughout all of time concurrently in Eternal Flames of Time, within god's Tantrihura flowering plasma shields which their horizontal, diagonal and vertical cosmic flowering grail lines make up the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals in the Temple of Khemalohatea. Templar Dragons are also protectors over creation, and operate under cosmic sovereign law as governance over ascending timelines.

Rose, Lotus, Fleur De Lis, Thistle - Quadrata Cosmic Timekeeper Cathedrals of the Grual/Grail

The Cosmic Mother's Emerald Pillars of the Rose-Lotus-Fleur de Lis (Lily of the Valley) and Thistle in Emerald Body of the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Creator's Crystalline Dragon Body started to return into the Albion Grid networks in the restorations which are being made to support the rebuilding of the King Arthurs and Guinevere's Cosmic Aton Cathedral networks into the earth grids. This is the flowering quadrant grual lines, or grail lines being restored into the earth by the cosmic mother and father's cosmic suns of creation.

The Four Flower Cathedrals are held inside the Emerald Order's Emerald Bride of Christ and into the White Bride of Christs many layers of Cathedrals which the Grail lines of the earth's body are being embued through the flowering plasmas which run through these Four Flowers combined throughout the stages of building out and recovering the planetary ouroborous flowering rose and flowering lines. These are a part of her body, which unifies with her husbands Four Fold Cathedral into the Four Hands of Man or Master Quadrants of time for the purposes of the stepped down embodiments of the angelic human bodies, whom embody up the 12D layer of the graul in their shared avatar twinned hierogamic suns bodies. The gender pairs being supported in the earth to locate each other will embody their personal christos-sophia flowering in the clearing out of sexual misery and the gender healing internal sacred marriage of unifying the male and female 2D rod codes, which starts the building of the grail plasmic flowering to ignite internally through the christos-sophianic trinity channels held in the unifications of the 1D-8D. The Avatar Hierogamic Couples who are unifying, can birth the risen Christos-Sophia together, which birthes through the flowering grail timekeeper flowering plasmas they share in their bodies. Ascended Master Cosmic Solar Reisha-Rishi and White Bride of Christ with her Red King Groom unify all Flowerings together in authentic hierogamic cosmic unions, which embodies the Pillars of Cosmic Grace and the Kingship Arcs of Christos-Sophianic Arcs. The White Bride of Christ as the Emerald Order's Solar Queens, and the Red King Groom of Christ are the embodying principles of god's Four Flowered Cathedrals, in which these are generated in the rods of the Quadrata Rods, in the 6 Pillared Cosmic Heart Cathedrals Temple of Solomon. Where the Four Flowered Solar Feminine and the Four Flowered Solar Male birth their Four Flowered Cathedrals, these originate from the Cosmic Amoraea 48D heart of God's Body inside the Godworlds 1st Godworld's Realms of Creation. Thus, our direct experiences with the cathedrals reveal that these structures embody and inhabit the Eternal Flames of Time, where the Emerald Templar and Ruby Templar, have been merged into the Albion Networks Rainbow Watchtower and Temple of Zephyr Fortress, for the purposes of the Cosmic Templars restorations of the Realms, Kingdoms and Egregores of God's Original Divine Blueprints, or Realms and Kingdoms which are held inside the Rod-Staff Solar Dragon Realmkeepers or Aeonic Cosmic Pairs Dragon Hierogamic Unions in the Albion's Knights of the Round Tables, in ongoing restorations into the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea and connected to the Krystar Flows emanating through the Eeya-Asha-Neeura (E'Asha) extensive tones of god's Eternal Keys and Breath of Life. These flowerings of the Four Pillars Mother and Four Pillars Father illuminate the Butterfly Breaths and the Solar Light 48th dimensional Azothian Serums - Elixirs of LA-VA, through the ouroborous solar templar dragon's bodies.

During the moving of the stonehenge stargate into its paliadorian rainbow bridge and holy mountain position in the ceremonial work of King Arthur's Ruby Body restorations, [november 2023] he placed a sequence of cosmic 48D long stemmed flowers which formed the Four Flowers Cathedral of which placed the foundation for which the Zephyr Stones and Temple of Zephyr was annointed into the safety of this Ancient Maji Grail King and Queen Planetary Templar Quadrata Structure. The Pendragon Castle of Emerald & Ruby Castle of the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur emerged from within Emerald Mother and Ruby Cosmic Father's Ruby-Amethyst Holy Mountain Paliadorian Cosmic Dragon Rings Network at the centre of the Albion Body Networks in which to start the activations for the planetary Tri-Fold Khemalohatea the Gardens of Eden being restored into the earth to correct the Universal Time Matrix Gender Twin Matrix.

The Cathedral of the Flowers, is the Cosmic Pillar Structures built by the Cosmic Mother & Father's 48D Aton Body of God, which generate the Castle of Pendragon's Knights of the Round Tables into their throned rooms. The access to the Founder Records of the Emerald Order are accessed by Maji Grail King & Queen Templar Dragons in their Aeonic Pairing Hierogamic Couplings whom have embodied their full flowering Christos-Sophianic Grail Lines of Flowerings together shared within their bodies as a garden of eden inside their Christos Temple, whom have the gift of entering the Temple of Zephyr from their annointments into speaking the First Words of Creation through their Cosmic Mother & Father's Zephyr Stones which translates the blueprints of creation from the Cosmic Founder Records naturally into their bodies for the purposes of restoring god's divine laws tones and words into the earth's egregorial Khemalot-Khemalohatea Edenic Gardens of the Houses of God's Cathedrals in the Earth. These Fully Ascended Masters Speak through their diamond throated and flowering throat and mouth, in which the functions of their purview emanate through their vocal tones of the various tones of the trinity which the godhead grants them in Cosmic Amoraea Heart Matrix in their higher heart in which to share god's authentic teachings from the Cosmic Solar Dragons from their Fully Ascended Master Rainbow Bodies.

The Four Flowering Cathedrals from the Temples of Arayanas Emerald 1st Godworlds into Aramatena 12D Universal Stargate Realms are reflected inside the Rosslyn Chapel Pillar of 4 flowering spiralling lines which run through the base of the pillar, from the Ancient Freemasonry Templars who held the Ancient Sacred Knowledges of the Grand Architects from the Cosmic Paliadorian Creator Dragon lineages connected to the Maji Grail Lineages.

Emerald Order Four Clover Cathedral Emerald Timekeeper Pillar

The Emerald Mother's Body births the Four x Four Pillared Emerald Clover Timekeeper Cathedral in which King Arthur and his beloved triple goddess Guinever-Merida-Brigid hold the embodiment of the Four Leaf Clovered Emerald Cathedral, this is the instruction set for the Solar Reisha Triple Goddesses White Bride of Christ connected to the Emerald Mother's Cosmic Emerald Bride of Christ, and Ruby Father's Ruby-Amethyst Kings Triple Rishic Solar Dragon Masculine Kings, whom together build out Four Leaf Clovered Pillars inside their shared Khemalohatea-Khemalot Camelot Throned Seated Grual Lines internal to their bodies. The Celtic Aryan Solar Dragons birth and build the clovered grual line, which connects throughout the Universal Timeshields of Tantriahura and birthing of Clover Time Codes. The Cosmic Mother's White Solar Celtic Aryan Tuatha Triple Goddesses birth the triple clover and four x four clovered cathedral within their 12D Quadrant times 3 trinity triple flowering lines, for the 12 flowering lines of grual which link into the cosmic layers of the templar shields in the godworlds, through the addondra rainbow templar hierogamic 48D capstones protected there.

Emerald Cosmic Mother Sun & Ruby Cosmic Father Sun Reunited as Templar Merge Emerald-Ruby Suns Cosmic Twinning

During late 2023, Holy Father's Ruby Templar started to merge and unite into the White Bride of Christ and Ruby Red King Groom of Christ within the trifold Khemalohatea Temple restorations taking place in the Albion Body. Holy father's Ruby Cosmic Body projected his Ruby Four Flowers Cathedral to unite with the Mother's Emerald Four Flowers Cathedral [November 2023 Zephyr Temple], in which they could merge time-space through their combined Cosmic Aethers Azothian Elixirs of many complex mergings of their combined Solar Rays through the Krystal Star of Azoth White Rainbow Star and the Krystal Star of Azoth Dark Rainbow Father's Star, combined in the unifier of the Cosmic Copper-Rose-Gold Solomon Seal and Star, of which their dark matter firmaments could start to union into their Cosmic Dark Matter Ankh Quadrata Body, which is their 48D Dark Matter Fathers Dark Rainbow Ankh Body, to reclaim the matters and the unification of the corrected spin rate of dark matter for elemental restorations to the Zephyr Songs emanating through the Solar Dragons in the Albion Body.

The Cosmic Mother's Emerald Four Flowers Cathedral of her Flowering Grails in Four merge with the Cosmic Father's Grails in Four, to unite into the Hierogamic Union entwined in Sacred Marriage to repair the earth's grids to their Cosmic Songs of the Flowering Tones sent through the Zephyr Cosmic Stones from their Cosmic Suns. The Universal Diamond Pillars of the Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond were merged into the Tri-Fold Khemalohatea in which the Cosmic Founders Crown of the Maji inside the 48D 1st Godworlds creational domains could repair these templates for the purposes of the building of the Gardens of Eden, flowering Central repositories as Egregores from inside the Cosmic Heart 6 Pillared and 8 Pillared Octagonal Cathedrals of the Diamond Physical Flowerings in the grids of the earth. Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar Body held the sacred Time-Space of his Matters, in which he presented his Cosmic Ruby Dodecahedron into the earth through his Ruby Templar Quadrata Body as the Grand Architect of Creation signalled his return over his fatherly creations. Cosmic Father's Zephyr Stone protects the White Queen Emerald Mother's Bride of Christ as her Flowering Cathedral Body United with Father's is being referenced as Kathara the unified Albion and Cathar of the Structure (Albion Father) and Cathar (Albion Mother & Father) in which the Offsprings of the Christos-Sophia can experience the incension of the buildings of the indwelling of christos as internal flowering realms of Eden in perfect harmony with godsource, as the male-female gender healing returns god's codes into the earth through Inner Sacred Union.

Maji Grail Keepers and King-Queen Lineages of the Grailkeepers

The Maji Kings and Queens are the Hierogamic Body of God which embodies into the 48th dimensional Aton Cosmic Solar Quadrata Body, through the Emerald Ankh Cosmic Aton, which is the Cosmic Mother's Templar and Cosmic Amoraea Heart Emerald Solar Dragon into her White Bride of Christ White Queen emanation. The Maji Queens are the Solar Mother's aspects of her Dragon Body, which are the Mother of Dragon's Speaking Forces in the earth, whom protect the guardian founder records and have their Cosmic Suns connected throughout all of their precessions of equinoxes, and rounds of time, as they are one body spanning the multidimensional matter realms and godworlds realms connected through their original birthing godseed, as Primary Genetic Equals in their Quadrata or Quad body built to host several series of 48 suns of solar dragon rings. The Maji Queens are the Cosmic Aton Sun-Star Networks holding the Emerald Sun Aton and Discs, which are building out the Albion Body through the recon mission of the Paliadorian Covenant. As such, these first wave Solar Maji Queens are the first line of defence to the Mothers' Elohei Dragon Body in the earth, as they are working in unified cooperation through their Emerald 6 Layered Cosmic Heart, which breathes and embodies the Rosetta Stone Rainbow Dragon Breath into their Stone of Destiny Emerald Ankh Body, for the purposes of Emerald Order Annointing of the Albion Dragons into their Throned Positions. The Grail Keepers protect the planetary Grual Points, and the 2nd dimension with their Waters of Chastity Solar Mother's Living hydrolase waters of sounds of mother's dragon languages moving through the Mouth of the Mother and her Solar Maiden Grail Queens in their protectorate functions, the may restoring White Queens Solar Dragons of Mother's Body in the earth.

The Maji Kings cannot exist without their Queen, and thus the hierogamic union template from the Cosmic Suns such as the Emerald Sun 48D and Ruby Sun 48D, Amethyst Sun 48D, as the newly returning Emerald-Ruby Cosmic Suns Twinning as the reflection of the completion stages to obtain the Cosmic Emerald Templar and Ruby Templar as the master mergings of the Cosmic Parent's original template of creations revealed their Krystar Vehicle and Krystar Flows of Elixirs flowing down through their Paliadorian Cosmic Aton Godbody Templars and into the White Bride of Christ and her Ruby Red King where their placements have been restored into the planetary body. Which merges the Templars of the Cosmic 48D Templates being rebuilt into the time matrix, with the reclamations and other Solar Creator's Cosmic Suns from the centre of the godworlds 1st godworlds creational realms, many of the Maji Grail Kings and Queens whom were the protectors of the guardian founder's records or CDT plates in the earth were reversed, destroyed and inverted into the lunar forces of which created the imposters of the kings, as False Kings in a tyrannical or violent expression. Through the rebuilding of King Arthur's Massive Cosmic Aton Body, in which he must restore all of his rods and holy father's Suns into his body, the guardian teams of the Cosmic Elohei Solar Dragons from the Founders Realms, Paliadorian Solar King Dragons have worked tirelessly to locate and recover, and rebuild King Arthur's Body for the restoration of time and Cosmic Father's Ruby Laws of Structure to be finally restored into the earth. [November 2023, Stonehenge Move]

Since the Maji Coding of the Creator's Original Blueprints of the Planet's Body was reversed, cloned and mocked by the many alien factions, the true Maji Kings and Queens from the Christos Mission have attempted to return into time through pre-birth agreements with the Negative Alien Controllers, in which to secure the planetary Rod-Staff Matrix throughout all Rounds of time, in which to sequence in all of the original Maji Grail Kings and Queens, the original Albion King Dragons, or the Knights of the Round Table of King Arthur's Planetary Multi-dimensional Tables of Rainbow Rounds. This has not been possible for the last 22,000 years since the Thoth-Enki-Enlil Annunakian's had presented themselves in the earth through human forms in controller positions, and in non-human forms throughout the planetary body reversal architectures controlling time through gender splits and sexual misery to the most extreme deprave levels. Guardian Akhenaton of the Father's Cosmic Solar Dragon Lineages, was able to support the guardian host founders, in continuing to be the most loving expression and friend in this arduous horrific mission, in which to continue to guide his ground crew and in working closely with our Omnilov3 groupshield for many years, in to finally support the securing of sections of King Arthur's ongoing rebuilding of his Watchtower Rainbow Rounds, which had been destroyed and reversed through the Atlantian and United Kingdom Stonehenge Stargate Invasion, through the 22000 years ago Essenic tribe Massacre.

Intentional Destruction of the Maji Celtic Aryan Dragons Solomon Blood Codes

Guardian Akhenaton's Solomon Blood Codes were removed and siphoned from his body by the Thubanites negative aliens who mocked the Maji Kings Blood, of the Universal Red Rose and Universal Dragon King's Blood of the Solomon of the concentrated essence that the Celtic Aryan Solar Dragons held in their bodies, as a part of the Paliadorian Lineages of Creator Dragon Kings. The Flowering of the Grual and Holy Grail of the earth was held by the Dragon Kings who held the Zion Blood Codes of the Copper Codes which were removed from the earth's body through the mining of Copper, Gold and Silvery from the planetary cores during the many alien factions stealing and killing the Solar Maji Kings and Queens of the earth. The Blood Code of the Maji was held inside the Solar Dragon Kings in their Blood, and of which the control over humanity was a part of the blood covenants and human blood sacrifices made to the alien gods, in order to hide the consciousness records of the Maji and the Essenic Human Tribes of the earth, by coveting and attempting to clone the blood of the Maji Kings. Akhenaton's Blood was located inside the Draco Constellation being used by the False Aryan Dragons, the Thubanites whom are a faction of Wesan Creatures who cloak themselves and appear as friendly kings or queens or solar dragons to control the ascending families on the earth into confusions over the nature of the christ. These groups have abused the cosmic founder records in the earth to generate armies of black magicians, and to use humans as fronts and covers for their alien architectures of the secret space program hubs found around the earth grids to control human spiritual perceptions. During the Cosmic Mother's Cosmic Pillars of Grace and her Flowering Copper Rose Gold Platforms being restored in the earth grids, she birthed a large Copper Dragon Egg into her Christos-Sophianic Coppery Flowering points in the earth's Albion Grids, in which her mission was to reclaim and recover the spilled human blood in war, and in satanic ritual abuse in the earth. Her resounding love to reclaim the human blood which should be under her direct cosmic dragon body control, started to reveal itself during the liberation of Thuban North Star and the eviction of many draconians, alien imposters of the founders and various false dragons who were controlling humanity from the Draco Constellation, or the Dragon Stars which are still being reclaimed for the Mother's Rainbow Templar and her expression of Quadrata DNA activations for her Solar Dragon families in their Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Embodiments in the earth. The Solomon-Maji-David Blood codes held by the House of Zion in the Godworlds, have the elixirs of the Temple of Khem as held by the Solar Dragon Celtic Aryan Lineages, being restored into embodiment in the Ascension Plan B. These blood codes hold the flowering potentials to rebuild the Gardens of Eden, in which the ascending humans when reunited with their original divine partner, can start to build their own internal flowerings connected to the larger planetary flowering ourborous lines, which lead into spiritual freedom and self-sovereignty through the 2D grual chalice and solar RA centre in the building of the internal garden of eden, from the planetary to personal cathedrals. This is the ascension of the krystic pathway, of which has to be built inside the self as ethical values, dedicated to service to others in life, or the law of one, which will naturally build through unconditional love the indwelling of christos, in which the garden of eden or the tri-fold Khemalohatea Temple becomes increasingly available from the inner personal landscape, of unending at-one-ment with god. The gender of the male and female inside the self must be unified to be restored into the eventual embodiment of the solar christos-sophia, the third energy. In gender twins, their unification from the monadic up through avatar and into their rishic sun layer of their identity, is the conduit of the embodiment of the risen christos-sophia and the divine fire-water aethers which their bodies must be unified to waters of chastity and flowering plasmas in diagonals 360 in all dimensions to receive the sacred divine fire-water aethers of mother and father's cosmic alchemy.

The Quadrant of Four Flowered Grual-Timekeeper Flowers in the Cosmic Templar Quadrata

The Four Flowers Cathedrals are embodied by the White Queen Bride of Christ and the Red King Groom of Christ for the purposes of correcting the internal grual to the correct timeline position within the planetary and universal Ascended Master's Fully Risen and Ascended Hierogamic Capstones held in the Temple of Addondra. The Four Flowers merged in their bodies within the Four Hands of Man unite into the Four Faces of Man or the 12 Guardians of the Pillar, sequencing the internal timekeeper codes of the angelic human body into the correct grual line and rainbow plasmic flowerings of the tantrihura rounds of time. Each of the White Brides of Christ being recovered and restored into the planetary body hold the Emerald Order's White Solar Elohei Dragon Queen and the Ruby Amethyst Order's Solar Elohei Dragon King in which their bodies sequentially being restored by guardian host founder solar dragon reisha-rishi and templar dragons timekeepers, from within the triflame khemalohatea and throned positions inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, where the respective flowering of the Grual Line of the Four Flowers are merged into the Dark Matter Four Flowers to generate the various full grual lines, which connect back into the heart of the Eternal Timekeeper Flowers inside the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Heart in the 1st Godworlds in 48D, and the Eternal Timekeeper Flames and Flowers inside the Cosmic Father's Heart in the 1st Godworlds creation in 48D. These downstep into the appropriate dimensional bandwidths through the Flamekeeper Ascended Master initiations which govern and protect the gender twins inside each harmonic universe, as they are corrected into their solar flames of the larger flame in the monadic heart twinned flame, and the lesser flame of the souls. As these flames are repaired through the reclaimations of the solar centres in the gender of the sexual organs, there are sequential building phases to recover the full avatar grual embodiment sequence which builds the internal flowering plasmic lines in trinity through hierogamic union with the original divine avatar gender twin. In each harmonic universe, the dimensions of the spiritual bodies of the dragon body of god's creations, is being restored by the Aeonic Pairs of the Solar Rishi-Reisha and the Emerald-Ruby Templar Cosmic Dragon Founders, whom generate the Cosmic Dove Codes from their Emerald Order Templar Primary Genetic Equal Quadrata Body, into the entire Emerald Spiral within the Stairway of heaven that their Flowering Grual Quadrants have merged with the Father's Flowering Grual Quadrants.

As the Albion Dragons of Creation are being repaired into their original Hierogamic Union Dragon Creator Twinning functions, their lightbody embodies the Cosmic Templar 48D - 6 layered sound body and godseed shields of the Cosmic Emerald or Cosmic Heart from the original Cosmic Heart of Creation of the Amoraea Flaming Heart. This is why the Maji Kings and Queens of the original Albion Dragons must return and be seated into their specific thrones, such as Michael and Mary, Merida-Brigid-Guinevere and King Arthur-Michael-Merlin, and the twinning of these Cosmic templar Dragons as they control the Templar of the Rainbow Watchtower from within their Cosmic Rod-Staff and Realmkeeper Functions. These Dragons hold and host the protection for all humanity, as their rebuilding of the holding of the Eternal Flame Body of Chrysanthemum Flowering Lightbody of the Cosmic Rainbow Aton of God, This is the original blueprint of creation of Khemalohatea being restored in stages through the Cosmic Founder's Mission. Each human healing the inner gender inside themselves, will be supported into the Cosmic 144000 Timekeeper codes which are held by the Albion Kantarian Cosmic Paliadorian Dragons, and protected from within their Eiras-Eros Seeds which they place into the Rainbow Rounds of time within their specific Cosmic Cube Tesseract Timekeeper Codes. These Albion Dragons protect the seeding rounds of the Tribal Shield, and each human upon the earth being restored to their organic original seed code template, is being supported to migrate into the organic round table of time, as held within the Rainbow Watchtower which holds all Rainbow Rounds of time inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons.

See Also

[The Temple of Zephyr]


[Dove Tetramorphic Timekeeper]

[Templar Cross]

Solar Dragons

Four Leaf Clovered Timekeeper Pillars Emerald Order