Solar Dragon Mother's Kira Violet Ouroborous Solar Dragon Body and Ankh Body emerged during the early months of 2023, in which the move of Stonehenge Stargate into the Holy Mountains and Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals inside King Arthur's Throne Room and Heart Complex, allowed the guardian host to continue their repair the Universal Solar Rishic Shields and layers of Addondra Universal Templar locations to the Father's Parallels of Ecousha. Father's Cosmic Ruby Sun and his Dark Matter Realms supported portals and access to be repaired inside the Ruby Templar of the Templar Dragons in the Ruby Rainbow Universal Addondra and Lyran Positions. These repairs to King Arthur's Rainbow Watchtower, and the re-routing of Solomon's Ruby Order Keys through 8 Hierogamic Templar Dragons united inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons of Ruby Stairways, started to restore the passageways from the Father's Matrix to the Akasha Mother's Matrix, into our Earth body in revealing patterns of Ki-Sa or Ki-Sa Deah which is the Father's Matrix equivalent of the Elodeah Central Union Point of the Cosmic Founders inside Aqualasha, and Higher Heavens of the Godworlds Solar Reisha-Rishi Dragon and Elohei Cosmic Founders Locations in the 1440 Ankh or Aton 8th Cosmic Suns positions.
Kira's Body Returns to the earth grids
During the intensity of the guardian host project work to locate the missing and revealing Mother of Power, Solar Violet Dragon Cosmic Mother Kira from Ki-sa-deah realms in the Violet Cosmic Sun Domains of the Godworlds, several locations of her missing crystal diamond violet heart matrix and other parts were located by the Elohei Founders under the Emerald Order's White Bride of Christ mission. Kira's entrance to the planet was possible due to the paliadorian's great love of all living beings, and the planet's Copper-Rose-Gold Core and the Cosmic Parents reclaimation of the copper elements in the earth required to protect human blood within the Khemalohatea Celtic Heart of Zion, was a stage by stage process in which she finally emerged into the earth within her Violet Ankh body and Violet HA-RA Dragon ring crystals. KIra stepped into the Ruby Templar with the Solar Ruby Dragon Templar Family holding the portal in which from the Father's Matrix Parallels she entered and passed through to restore her body inside of Earth's Grids. Her Connection to Ki-SA or Andromedan Father's Matrix layers was being restored through the Ruby Templar Solomon Shields in the Lyran to Eye of God Parallels of Ecoushata. [April 2024] This momentous restoration allowed her to reveal HU7 of the Violet Sun restoring into the Cores of the Earth, to reconnect into the Core of Creation and extend the Father's repairs from the parallels, into the Core of the Earth's Shields. This reveal was to understand the nature of the Cosmic Energy Timecycle Openings of which changed the Earth's Core through a series of upgrades by the Paliadorian Rainbow Dragon Kings, and their Birthing of Cosmic Suns into the Cosmic Womb inside the earth. Cosmic Womb was birthed into the earth by Cosmic Mother-Father's Heavenly Void Rishic Suns incoming during the December 2021 time, and of which the Solar Rishi upgraded the planetary RA or Womb birthing centre to their trinity Cosmic Egg and Atomic Body Regulator.
During October of 2023, the Paliadorian Solar Dragons upgraded the Sun's matrix for its astrological precession of equinoxes galactic zodiac shielding, in which allowed the Solar Clockshields of the planetary body as held in Avebury Henge location, to be upgraded from lunar constellational and albion dragon ley line controls, to be moved into their full Solar Constellations of Solar Clockshields as per the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons within the Templar Timekeeper Dragon Kings Controls. The Sun's body was required to host the plasmic load out into the expressions of solar plasma transmissions in which the Paliadorian founders advised that this was necessary in order to reclaim the core of the earth, which has been inhabited for millions of years by the Monsters of Chaos, archons and demonic hierarchies in controlled matters in the earth's body. This upgrade was to provide the power source of organic dragon kings entering through the Sun Portal, in which their bodies could unite into the Albion and carry the Cosmic to Universal living light sounds, plasmas and La-Vas of god's highest eternal elixirs of creation, to pass down through their Ouroborous spiralling bodies and into the matter of the earth grids.
Excerpt from OLBlog [OL Blog April 2024]
Additional notes on Kira [Kira Search]
The Solar Flares in plasmic activations from the sun, is essential for the overall liberation of humanity as the solar dragon Mother Kira is showing herself as taking embodiment into the fuller Violet Ray Spectrums, and securing the copper core of the planetary body.
Kira has powered up a series of Violet Ray Plasma shields vertically placed inside the earth's body, in which her body is taking control over the Power of the Earth's magnetic core and field, in conjunction with her body repairing the 7D violet ray correlations between Saturn (7D Violet Ray Holder) and 6D Jupiter, as Indigo Ray upgrades and corrections through her body as she has returned into creation through the Ruby Rainbow Templar Shields, and into our earth to restore the planetary KA battery body, under her ongoing loving restorations. However, this means that the highlighting point of the earth's merkaba spin rate, including the magnetic field is undergoing additional corrections, as the Paliadorian Dragon King founders removed a series of False Moon Portals harnessing towards the earth and Moon in order to continue to attempt to harness pole flip narratives, or to power up cataclysmic fear based transmissions to project this into the masses. Thus, to be aware of this as the planetary body is being slowly restored to its former glory, as the architecture and the solar living light of the plasmas are our entire power source, being demonised to control humanity into not trusting the very system built for our safe habitation all those millions of years ago.
At this time, it is suggested to stay strong and fearless as is possible, as the Cosmic Mother and Father's Dragon Bodies are in ongoing stages of repairing, at a level we have never lived through upon our ascending earth, before. All of this is required to continue to restore sections of the planetary lightbody to prepare for the longer term work to sequence in King Arthur's Second Coming, which is gently supported by the Cosmic Ruby Templar of Cosmic Father's Structural Body of Creation, recently uniting with the Mother's Emerald Templar and her Sun Body in the godworlds. The Emerald-Ruby Suns twinned as a reflection of their templates repairing into the time matrix, in the ongoing reveal of the liberation of our planet and all inhabitants upon it.