Cygnus Constellation

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Taurus Alchemical Law & Cygnus Constellation Templar Cross

The divine timing of the coronation and annointing ceremony of sacred marriage took place within the solar laws of god expressing through the Taurus Constellation and alchemical stage of congelation and transformation. This phase of universal law transmission is bringing a new spiritual expression to uphold the restoration principle of the earth element within the platonic solid of the hexahedron patterns of the earth grids and elemental manifestations through the mother's dark matter template. Taurus is the alignment of the Aldeberran as the star and position of the East, held in the Crown of the Maji and is also the directional compass towards the Family of Michael in Aldeberran.The resurrection principle of the statis solar dragon beings from inside the planet to rise into form as solar maji and dragon king-queen is a part of the planetary body process of solar synthesis in which the holy spirit and solar christos repatterns the planetary body elemental expressions from the inversed and abused atomic physical matter to shed the lunar bindings and reversals of god's laws. The earth element was usurped and inverted in which the invasion and use of the earth element held black goo and shadow creatures in the magnetic field anomolies placed by the lunar forces and moonchain beings.New instruction sets from the godparent domains in 16D coupled with sophianic and tetramorphic grail shields as part of the 11D Templar Cross configurations which have been successfully restored to the Albion body are pouring new copper element and plasmic codes into the earth platonic solid and dragon ley line, through Christ-Michael's positioning as the structure holder of holy father in the Taurus Law, that supports the sexual organs repattern from the lunar and astral waters of corruption.

This activation is supportive to free the tailbone area from reptilian tail negative ego mind control and khundabuffer energies in which the cygnus constellation and Typhonian tunnels were used to impact the Ursa Major rays from sending their organic templar cross of rainbow founder plasmas into the Albion body.The Constellation of Cygnus held many time space rips and wormhole portals of Typhon, which are sacred to the Anubian Set. Typhonian tunnel of antichrist control within the Lyran fields were witnessed as used to desecrate the grail configurations to become lunar biwave siphons to prevent the organic triwave grail chalices from being the wellsprings of eternal godsource fountains as they were designed. The time-space rips and typhonian tunnel portals abusing the 11d layers of the dimensional timefields have now been closed by guardian teams in an ongoing cycle of methodical closing, the infiltration into the Lyran fields by the Wesa Matrix beings at the 11D layer held within the Cygnus constellation as a portal for the Ursa Major Rishic Suns has been restored. The Albion body and starmaps have been updated by guardians in so that the correct sun-star transmissions and rays from the star bodies can be received by the ley lines in the grids and land.The Cygnus Constellation is now projecting [Peg2021 May] its organic configuration of the templar cross, through the cross held within the swan as Deneb acts as a central portal in which the Rishic Suns can radiate their rays down into Cygnus and into the Albion Body. The Templar Cross and emanation of the Rishic Founders patterns restores the planetary heart networks and sophianic grail into the tetramorphic holographic blueprint.

Albion Body White Diamond Templar of Cosmic Mother's Elohei Installations

During the reclaimation of the Star Constellation of Cygnus, the Mother's Elohei Cosmic Founders holding Mother's Emerald Eire-ayanas Cosmic Founder's Staff Codes, opened the structures of repairing the installation of Mother's White Diamond Templar Diamond Cross Crystal into the Heart of the Albion Body, during June of 2020, in which to support the reclaimations of the Cygnus Constellation and remove reversals shining from there into the planetary body Albion Templar Heart Instructions. The White Diamond Templar Shield was secured and Cosmic Mother could place her 4 Pillared White Diamond Elaysian Cathedral into the Albion body as Trinity-Chalice Grail Pillars, which merged into the Ireland-England Rod Pillars placed by Guardians in 2014 during the founder's Building the Planetary Rod Cathedrals. These White Diamond Chalice Verticals Cathedrals allowed the emanations of Solar Dragon Queen Brigid's Triple Goddess and her Cosmic Mother's Holy White Swan to start to emanate through the Cygnus Constellation and into the earth grids, in the Great White Lion Elohei Cosmic Founder's Emerald Order mission workloads in activating the White Diamond Templar in April of 2021. This process was required to seat and throne the First Dragon Cosmic Founders into the Albion, The 13th Solar Dragon King and Queen, Solar Dragon King Christ Michael and his beloved Elohei triple goddess dragon queen wife, Solar Mary.

Cosmic Blue Ray Families of the Blue Ray Emerald Order Family of Michael-Melchizedek

The Family of Michael Blue Ray, from the Emerald Order 1st Godworlds Creation, are another branch of the Creator Dragon Kings of which are blue dragons whom reside in the Cosmic Emerald order families and are the holders of the blue flame and sword of the holy mother's blue ray. Their protectorate role is defender of the 11:11 portals, and of which the new age hijack created a reversal and shadow of a machined being known as Arcangel Michael to those who called upon him; his principle and body in the holy father masculine was enslaved into reversals by naa agenda and could not rise fully into his organic positioning as a solar rod holder, within the planetary Golden Eagle Grid networks. 

The Family of Michael in the Blue Rays are the Melchizedek Blue Father's Sun and Mother's body protectorates in their flaming blue sword shield and 11:11 Emerald Order 48D Emerald Sun Templar Cross, the planetary and cosmic clock reuche pillars and templar timekeepers. They manifest into our realm through the 11D Stonehenge Gate, and reconnect with Solar Planetary Dragon Christ King Michael-Mary as the Emerald Dragon oroborous dragons within the Albion are positioned within the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. These families whom carry the Emerald Sun of the true and Holy Emerald Order Creators, are also referred to as the Melchizedek families. Their rod holding principle within the holy father rod and timelines, is protecting the 11D portals and grail chalice configurations, which is removing the Qabalastic/Kabbalah adverse sepiroth and Typhonian tunnels created through the Satanic Ritualling upon the earth and in the higher realms. As Michael takes his positioning into the Universal time matrix, he holds the keys to defending the grail and templar of the planetary body and Albion. His earth element healing is supporting the removal of all michael imposters, the transhumanism agenda and alien love bites of michael and mary red wave clones, or digital twins in the phantom matrix and wesan red wave AI clones made in their image.

Their restoring of holy father blue dragon pairs and emanations create a shield inside Avebury, England within the dragon clockshield and christos-sophia into the planetary grids to merge inside the Temple Mount Christ King Michael and Mary-Sophia Dragon king aeonic pair, assists in the gender reversal distortions in the earth, as they host 11:11 planetary templar and the Michael Family Blue Ray Cosmic Mother's blue flame and sword protectorate of benevolence in the triple masculine solar emerald order cubes which repairs the fallen angelic timekeeper issues of the gold ray family of michael seraphim angelic human hybridisations in the genetics. 

Deneb in Cygnus, North Pole Star White Diamond Mother's Templar

Deneb was the north star or the north pole star in previous timecycles. In the guardian host recon mission their great works to reclaim Cygnus out from the reversals included the restorations of the Cygnus the Swan blueprint of Holy Mother's Sacred and Divine Holy Swan Female Goddess, or Brigid. During the Cosmic Dragon awakening Cycle stages since November of 2021, the body parts of Brigid's Swan White-Silvery Goddess Reisha and White Bride of Christ Formation is under reconstruction. Cosmic Mother's White Diamond Elohei returned her White Diamond Templar Cross installation into the United Kingdom Albion Body during the June 2020 timeframe, Later she restored her body parts through the constellation of Cygnus in which she would then activate and install her 4 Pillared White Solomon Cathedral into the North-South-East-West of the UK body, as vertical white diamond Elohei Chalice Cathedral Pillars. Cosmic Mother's White Queen Cathedral is the house of her Solar Queens, which she merged with Holy Father's Cornwall-Ireland Cathedral in her returning of her Solar White Queen Marys.

Holy Swan of the White Bride of Christ, Brigid Solar Dragon Queen

During the many mysteries of Cosmic Mother's White Solar Dragon Queens restorationals taking place in the Albion Body of Earth-Tara-Gaia and beyond into the future timelines in the Cradle of Lyra, Brigid's Solar Dragon Queen Body started to emerge in stages to work with guardian host Solar Reisha family working to locate her recover her parts. The Swan of Holy Brigid restored into the earth's Logos during the building of the Blue Rainbow Paliadorian Holy Mountain Architectures, in Mount Meru Tanzania, and in the centre of the Albion Body in Cumbria, United Kingdom where Mother had previously placed some of her White Horseshoes and Swan White Parts. Brigid's Holy Swan in her Mary-Sophia White Queen Solar Body restored the White Bride of Christ & Red King of Christ (Groom) Solar Coupling White-Dark Swans from the Tiamat Logos of the Mothers Body, extending this into the Cosmic White Diamond Swan Pillars and her White Opaque Templar Shield into the Albion Heart at Pendragon.

See Also

[Templar Cross]
