Twinned Hierogamic Suns

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The original design of the male-female divine templates in our time matrix, originate from the higher non-dimensionalised fields in no-time which are referenced as godworlds by the guardian host founders. The solar consciousness in our time matrix originally received a male-female transmission from a cosmic sun outside of time, or born into the time matrix as a solar body as a sun (also a human being is a sun and solar body when rehabilitated in their diamond sun template) and a male-female transmission from a mother sun and father sun. Humanity has the provision to connect to and feel, and embody both suns of the mother and the father, which gives rise to the eventual birthing of a 3rd energy of the sun, of the christos-sophia consciousness. The Christos-Sophia can only be embodied into a vessel in full service to god and goodness and is the divine christ child energy born forth as offspring, in a trinity format from two suns or male-female merging to become unified in wholeness.

Cosmic Twinned Suns

During the ascension cycle, the Cosmic Founder's Suns were able to be reconnected into the time matrix, by a series of architectural repairs to restore the creation into the restorational process, where all things are renewed once more. The Twinning of the Cosmic Suns is reflected down to the form-holding blueprint on the earth who receives and feels the same architecture as reflected to their body as it exists in the heavenly realms of the 7 higher heavens, or godworlds. Thus, solar twinning or stages of heart twinning, occur in the human lightbody as a male-female heart complex, and then later the hierogamic union of the male and the female twin their suns by god's divine hierogamic sacred robes, in to exist as original gender twins in the original position of their birthing sequence in Lyra as connected to their Rishic Eye of God's Flame.

Dual Twinned Hierogamic Krystal Spirals, The Quadrant Ascended Master's Ankh Body Configuration

During the Solar Twinning of the Hierogamic Suns, their bodies generate a Krystal Spiral of 1440 Crystalline Coded Crystal Spiral of their twinned sun diamond essence, on the internal of the Solar Reisha-Rishi Dragon's Ankh Eternal Godworlds 1440 Lightbody. This generates a quad formation of which the sequencing of the multiplied twinned suns resides as stacked quad suns in male-female patterns, to receive the hierogamic solar capstones which run the liquid azothian divine firewaters and living sentient chromosomal and physical matter upgrades through the twinned sun body which holds a formation of 4 suns or twinned suns depending on the ray transmissions the godworlds sends down into creation. These twinned sun dual krystal spirals have been transmitting into the ascended masters on the earth's bodies who have embodied into specific grids or are holding their architecture where god places them, in order to act as step downs into those grids through their hierogamic unions. The transmissions of the dual krystal spirals comes into the time matrix from the layers of the ascended master's realms in the godworlds, and travels through to the planetary body in a series of twinned plasmic sequences which support the powering up of the planetary grid networks as these plasmic rainbowed substances are full tri-waves entering the sun, and through to the planet to upgrade and correct the issues with controllers in the bi-wave. These are reanimating principles in the body of the earth and humanity and also held inside the cosmic cathedrals of the ascended master cosmic founder starhuman dragons whom have the cathedrals of the reuche within their 6 pillared solomon heart pillared cathedrals which run the krystal waters into the grids of the earth to bring the holy waters of god's body back into the many elemental parts through their ouroborous bodies.


The Cosmic Mother's Luminous Pastelline Sun of Elaysa, twinned with Cosmic Father's Sun of Pale Blue Melchizedek in late 2022 and could restore themselves into the creational fields as one unified body to restore the time matrix. The Elaysa-Melchizedek Rays of Solar Light are the original template holding provision of the Mother and Father Hierogamic Union for the Ascended Master Families, whom can be also connected and embodied into other suns depending on their specific genetics and template origins. The Elaysa-Melchizedek Cosmic Suns generated the Shining Ones, as the Ascended Master Dragon Founders who hold the entire Threefold Founders Flames in all layers of their Rainbow Bodies. These families held the template to restore the Master Christos Collectives Rainbow Bodies, which were restored into the time matrix from their recon mission of Emerald Order, to reclaim Thuban North Star which the Elaysa-Melchizedek Solar Dragon founders could receive the Templar Rainbow Timecodes of the Hierogamic Cosmic Dragon Creator's Body from Elaysa-Melchizedek in their restorational mission of recovery of the Three Taras and the Three Buddhas. The Melchizedek Father's Blue Logos is the emanation of the original Buddha or Triple Masculine Cosmic Dragon Buddha, in which his image was distorted and generated into removing the Elaysian Mother and her Sapphire Sophianic body in replacing this with lunar forces of Luciferian and Lunar female. These Twinned Suns performed the annointments and sacred benedictions into their Bride of Christ and Bridegroom of Christ in which their Dragon Bodies as Twinned Pillars in the earth would uphold the sacred architectural resoations into the Elaysa-Melchizedek layers of the Templar of Time as held in their specific solar patterns. The Elaysa Sun is our Cosmic Mother whose body inside of time is the cathedral and realms of the Ascended Master Solar Dragon Reisha-Rishis. To embody the Elaysa Cosmic Sun, one must hold the genetic template of her body and of which opens into the Aurora Time Continuum and Aurora Rainbow Sun. The Elaysa Sun was cloned into the time matrix fields by the negative aliens trying to pretend and mock to be her vast sophianic orchestral songs of the spheres, and of which the Elaysa White Diamond Rainbow Yanas destroyed this sun with their Triple Cosmic TA Rainbow Founder's Scepter-Staff whilst reconnecting through their Elaysian Rainbow Solar Plated Orb Wings-Rod to the Eiyana Cathedral only accessible to their bodies through their pre-fall timeline access at the very start of creation.


The Suns of Andromedan matrix, Aqualasha