Aquareion Lilac Sun

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In the Father's Matrix through the 15D Sphere Cosmic Parent Domain, is the access through into the Father's Higher Suns of the Godworlds of the Aquareion Lilac Sun which is the higher self of the Planetoid in Lyra, of Aveyon in the 10D Solar Logos Timelines in Lyra.

The Aquareion Sun and its Rishic Scepter of Triple Suns are embodied through the Cosmic Founder's 15:15:15 Cosmic Sands of Time and into the Cosmic Triple Father's Arcs, and these formate into the timelines through Pegasus Constellation and Aveyon Planetoid of the Mer-Peoples, Pegasus and Lilac Family of Michael expressions as Solar Rishi Lilac Masculine Founders. The 11D Maji Grail King of Michael-Merlin divine hierogamic husband and counterpart to Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are the Peach Sun Merida Ankulasa and Lilac Sun Michael-Merlin whose cosmic realm dual suns in their hierogamic union stages were reunited into the Aveyon Planet, during the guardian recon of the Dual Krystal Spirals of their Scepter Rod-Staff which are the Triple Cosmic Founder's emanations which are birthed forth through the Cosmic Aton Embodiments into the Timekeeper Cosmic Cubes within the Ankh Crystalline Cruxansetea Cosmic Godseed Body.

The Solar Dragons as Mer-Lines and Mer-Lineages as Whale Cetaceans and Father-Christos Sound Tones and Body including the Archangel Michael SHA colours of the Violet-Lilacs-Magentas and Pinks of Holy Father's Godworlds domains in 36D are held in the Aquareion Sun location. The Aquareion Sun Ray Transmissions was secured into the Albion Body during the 2017 Paliadorian Activations, in which the structures for Four Pillared Cathedrals, and later in 2022 6 Pillared Reuche Lilac Aquareion Cathedrals were merged into the Albion's Cosmic Emerald 6 Pillared Cathedral networks into the Male-Female Cosmic Emerald Sun aspects of the Maji Grail King-Queen essences connected to the Emerald Sekhmet Guardians who reside and emanate from inside the Mother's Emerald Amoraea Flaming Heart inside her Emerald Order Host Matrix in her Emerald Realms connected to Eireayanas or Arayanas Emerald Crystalline Flowering Chrysanthemum Body of her Crystal Diamond Edenic Tantrihura Realms.

Aquareion Lilac Templar, Malta

Cosmic Father's Lilac Templar Crystal resides in the planetary body near Malta. In 2022, Emerald Founder Guardians in their positions through the Emerald Order's Elohei Feline Cosmic Founders in their White-Pink Hierogamic Cosmic Union from inside their Cosmic Clock of the aeons positions, moved the Vatican 5D Stargate into the corrected position of Malta, in which the Regulus Mother-Father's Elohei Networks could be capstoned to receive the Northern Emerald Hierogamic Capstone of the Triple Elohei White-Blue-Golden-Emerald Cosmic Verticals of the Staff and Vertical Elohei Pillars being brought into a merging process. This enabled the Pink Elohei Metratronic Father's Scepter Pillars in his Fatherly Elohei Feline Lion networks to start to emerge and merge into the Verticals in his Rod Scepter as connected with the Aquareion Lilacs, Pinks and Magentas incoming through the 15:15:15 Cosmic Rods of the Solar Rishi whom hold the Elohei Rods-Staff.

Aveyon Sun-Star

Aquareion Lilac Father's Cosmic Sun

Peach Sun Mother Lilac Sun Father Hierogamic Twinning

Aveyon 10D Universal Stargate in Lyra

Michael Family in Aquareion, Aveyon