The Wesa Matrix

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Revision as of 18:49, 19 February 2025 by Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Wesa (weeee-za) or Wesan (Wess-an) Matrix is the Parallell Ecka which is a fallen matrix, that was completely disconnected at the top of its Solar Logos or Avatar Matrix and thus is a dead reality system filled with Draconian Reptilians, Negative Alien Creatures, Negative Alien Racelines, and many clones of planetiods and stolen body parts from our Matrix. Wesadrac and Wesadek are the locations of where many stolen human souls and solar dragons in the albion body were lo...")
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Wesa (weeee-za) or Wesan (Wess-an) Matrix is the Parallell Ecka which is a fallen matrix, that was completely disconnected at the top of its Solar Logos or Avatar Matrix and thus is a dead reality system filled with Draconian Reptilians, Negative Alien Creatures, Negative Alien Racelines, and many clones of planetiods and stolen body parts from our Matrix. Wesadrac and Wesadek are the locations of where many stolen human souls and solar dragons in the albion body were located over the Paliadorian Reclaimation of Christos mission. Many Elohei-Elohim Founders and their Oraphim families had the lead search objectives due to their ability to travel in and out and locate and recover the mass human enslavement and fragmented souls. These brave Galactic Warrrior families could confront the negative alien machinery from their 360 degree orb bodies, and carry the transits through their full Aquamarine Ray into the Mother's 13D Aquamarine Transit. Thus, the Wesa Matrix has been detailed by those travelling in and out in the Guardian Christos Mission Gridworker Projects, in which saw the eventual removal of the Black Hole in the 8th Dimension near to Orion, finally close off and reveal the Solar Sun Body of Future Earth's Expression Gaia.

Wesa is accessible through the 8th dimension in the Scorpio-Western Rods in the Crown of the Maji Passageway, which leads out into the Wesan Access, and into the Black Star Abaddon location. Travelling Orb Bodies of the Double Diamond Sun 24 stranded fully embodied (repaired from the template of ascending repairs) as the Krysthallah can access into these portals and back again in the search over and removal of alien structures affecting our realm, without force.

Satanic Mother-Father Baphomet

Those in our matrix worshipping Satan, are worshipping an alien god who promotes itself as the Devil, or Satan. Satan's army are those hiding in plain sight whom have ethically different values to humanity, even when inhabiting a human body. The Satanic Church and the blood drinking, killing, deathing and sexual violence including MKultra and world stage promotion of sexualisations is being driven by the negative alien collective alien Baphomet to destroy the human race by worshipping the false gods of Wesa.


See other entries about The Wesa Matrix [Wesa]