Four Hands of Man
The Four hands of Man network was dormant within the planetary body and is protected by the Guardian Host Elohei Emerald-Amethyst Order Dragon Kings.
The Four hands of Man
The Emerald Order Founders Ancient Dragon Creators from within their Quadrants of the Holy Mother and Father's Cosmic Rods inside the Emerald Order and Amoraea Cosmic Heart of the Emerald Aqua have been the protectors of the planetary Cosmic Rods for the control structure over time and space. The Four Hands of Man unites in each dimensional bandwidth of each manifest timeline to the vertical networks of the Four Faces of Man. Together, as these have been united in rod-staff complex formations throughout the Universal Fields of the Time Matrix, the restoration of the father's Cosmic Rods through the Temples of Solomon was made possible. Holy Father's Cosmic Dragon Body has returned into our earth in stages, through the Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle, in which the Ancient Elohei Founders from the Father's Godworlds Domains have reclaimed his body parts, and activated his organic Solar Rod Blueprint and instruction sets from within their Templar and Quadrants of the Rods, of Holy Sacred Divine Time, held within the Father's Law of Structure and his Solar Sextant Matrix Codings.