2018 September Working With Spritual Guides Newsletter

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September 2018 - Working with spiritual 'guides'

Increasingly when we have been used to working with 'spirit' guides, or energies which represent themselves as forces of the light, we may come to a point of understanding that not all is what it seems, and some of the forces we have been taught that are light spirits, are not that.

Many involved in methods of healing, spiritual healings, or new age systems are being taught to call entities into their bodies in order to 'merge' or invite in the power of that entity; being, angel, archangel, ascended master, cosmic healing team, or some other label that has a 'powerful' name, or just a plain old guide who is a discarnate soul. Usually, this is a misplaced understanding and disbelief that we have the power within ourselves, and just because something is from an off planet name or angel or amazing healing modality; often we don't believe or fully know that we actually have more heart based intelligence than some of these energies. Many times people will say 'but I am led by spirit. Spirit told me what to do' Sometimes the 'spirit' is a presence with an agenda that we are unable to determine. Generally speaking, humans are of the understanding that beings without bodies must know more, because they are 'spirit'. This, is not the case. We are just waking up to remember who WE are.....We are learning to not give our power to invisible forces of energy, simply because a spiritual text told us that this force is benevolent. We must learn to discern ALL energies for heart based resonance, and truth, and see manipulation and imposters for what they truly are.

Understanding Sovereignty in spiritual communications

On the ascension path we are learning what it is to be sovereign and in full control of our own energy, in this here and now moment. Part of that is learning the hard understanding and sometimes bubble bursting of the energies and entities that have masqueraded themselves as healing forces on earth. This means, that under no circumstance is it advisable to allow any other energy into your body or mind. We are tricked because sometimes as an energy connects into our auric field, it provides a feeling of bliss and wonderment. When we are able to identify this as non-positive, it becomes easier to understand the ways in which we can be tricked. It's like being given a bliss pill, and the body feels woozy, drunken and almost like a spiritual 'high', and this can be interpreted as 'god'.

Christ Force Intelligence of the many families who are the Krystal Star Guardian Host, will never attempt to take over your body, or present themselves as anything other that what they are. Christ forces will never lie and cannot exist in a vibration or false impression. Christ forces are not a channelled entity, nor do they seek to impose or control us. In order to feel more god source in the body, the clearer we can be in our energy bodies, the easier this task is.

The issue we have is that people are being taught by other well meaning spiritual groups or teachers to allow or invite an energy or being to enter the body in order to provide healing. This causes auric field weakness, and can cause issues where the infiltrating energy starts to run inside the lightbody. Essentially, this is an infiltration and allows direct access to the energy life force of the body. The energy/entity presents itself as healing or harmless, and is, in fact tricking the person into believing that they need some external or outside help to come to their healing aid. It's similar to inviting someone into your house that looks and presents with something you might be interested in, but then when they get a foot in the door, they start to attempt to change the decor in your home. However, sometimes this situation also can occur when we have not understood or known what has happened. This can be as simple as attending a spiritual group event and turning up, this is implied consent to gain access to your energy field. As insidious as this is, it does happen.

Boundary Testing your communication links to the spiritual realms

When we learn the 12D shielding process, we are boundary testing for imposter or attached spirits, and when we realise that we may have worked with other energies over the years then we can take back the authority of our own energy, essentially evicting any residue or connections to these imposter spirits from having a seat inside our spiritual home. We have nothing to fear about this. This shifts our consciousness and awareness into being more centred, and we learn to call back our energies through the intention to do so.

Spirits, discarnate souls, demonics, thought forms and attached energies can become emeshed in layers of our auric fields, and consume energy or re-direct energy for their own needs, or agenda. Particularly if we have worked in healing modalities that have taught us to invite an ascended master or energy into our own auric field. This can be something as simple as a change of mood, attitude, or the desire to eat particular foods. When you notice a shift in your awareness; you may feel 'heavy' today, you may feel 'angry', you may become triggered for reasons that seem abnormal to your truthful inner heart - or you start to use lies to hide your inner feelings, or don't reveal the full truth, by using lies of omission - you can easily clear your field of these energy attachments by commanding your space, and calling out the behaviour you are noticing within yourself.

An example of this is "All energy attachments which are causing me to [tell lies, eat cake, be mean and horrible, think nasty thoughts] you are now cast out of my body, mind and soul. now" or, "beloved God, please show me what the energy-entity related to [healing modality] is doing to my energy field, so that I can decide if it should stay inside my energy or if I am going to evict it" With repeated intent, you can clear your own energy from the spiritual attachments that attempt to cause chaos, and keep us running in lower dense energies that cause us to feel miserable, or levels of being blocked from our inner heart space and highest expression of spiritual purpose. Knowing that many humans on earth contain attached energies, makes it easier to understand that our behaviour is quite often being manipulated by attached energies when we don't understand that this is the case.

Which behavioural pattern, thoughts or mood/sensation in the body have you noticed lately? and if you are able to give a name to it; you can move it out with your intent and stop it from suppressing your freedom by its energetic presence with you.

Commanding your personal space, creating a shadow vortex to route entities out of the dedicated spiritual space:

  • As a means to support others creating and commanding personal space, so that the energy becomes clearer and is not able to be intruded upon by discarnates, demonics or negative aliens. The commanding of space can take a daily practise until you start to really feel that your own energy space is becoming free from intrusion. If you can imagine that the multitude of beings in the invisible realms are existing in the same space, what we are really looking to achieve is to say "this is MY space, and I am dedicating this space as a house of god, no interlopers or manipulators may encroach here. All entities can be returned to their place or space of origin, through the architecture of my 12d shield and vortex".
  • If you are involved in attending groups, you must know that you are ALWAYS responsible for setting your own energetic protection and that it should not be left or expected that the group leader would do that for you. Since you are learning to work with your own personal christ connection, part of the self-sovereignty of understanding what that truly is, is the recognition that no-one else can do it for you.
  • When we set our space, we are effectively reclaiming the space and setting the 'field' as a form of creating an architecture and a boundary to your own living space. It can take a while to get a very strong energetic container in the home field, but once it is set, entities and chaos generally transit out of the space immediately and they cannot sit within the frequency.
  • In the beginning stages of commanding your home or personal space, you will come to understand that the spiritual links via your own lightbody are the means of which you are able to connect to the guardian host families. This connection does not become permanent until a very strong monadic body has been built, over several years. This is not to put anyone off, it is to say that the continual dedication and effort to build the architecture and connection in your home, will at one point on the journey be a permanent architecture. This is your lightbody's ability to be permanently strong and unified with your own spiritual bodies, emotions and thoughts.
  • It means that wherever you travel, you are always shielded, YOU become the field, the field is you, and when working in other group practises, you can be assured that your own spiritual links and guardian hub handshake are your governing lifeforce connection - free of manipulation, entities and imposter spirits who masquerade as if they are christed beings.

Steps to commanding your space, creating a shadow vortex:

  • 1. Start by shielding yourself via the 12D shield, ensuring you have your horizontal and vertical connections strengthened through intention. This action means you are intentionally creating a connection to connect with the guardian host families. It's like putting your hand up and asking for attention from them.
  • 2. Next, create a larger shield that encompasses either your entire home, or your personal room space, bedrooms are a must for sleepstate.
  • 3. At the 4 corners of the room, create an intention to have a vortex act as a 'shadow' vortex. Your intention to create it, means it is linking into the overall architecture of the 12D shield, and will act as a magnet for all lower forms of beings, intruders, lost human souls; in which they can safely leave your space
  • 4. From the centre of your room space, or in your mind's eye - spin out energy in an anti-clockwise motion with the intention to fill the entire room space with 12th dimensional pale platinum white light. See it spinning in the room and filling in all spaces. You can use additional commands such as

"close all astral portals, doors, leaks, negative spin points through all dimensions"

  • 5. Remember that entities will probably be pocketed in different time space locations that are actually where your physical land is. So, once we have a shadow vortex set, we want to command that the entities leave through the route of the 12d shielding and spiritual links to the guardian host:

"I claim this space as sacred and sovereign, I have created a shadow vortex for all beings who are not of 100% christed light. I have 100% authority over my space, and I command all entities, energies or misqualified vibrations, residue, scents or dead light leave and exit through the shadow vortex now"

  • Complete your space by again swirling the intention for all spaces to be sealed in the christed light. It sometimes helps to visualize the space as a gigantic pillar that is connected all the way into the heart of god. Starseeds connect into the transharmonic pillar gateway of the Mother Arc 13D Aquamarine Blue Ray during higher heart intitiations.

You may find that you notice during the course of a day that you have to command to "empty" the shadow vortexes. The reason for this, is because in the early stages of connecting to the 12D light and the guardian hosts, the auric field is not yet fully connected into the permanent connections of guardian architecture. The handshake link has to be made again, and commanded that the shadow vortex and guardian hosts assist in the transit (removing, and sending on their way back home via guardian host transit links) of the entities. All you need to do is re-enforce the 12d shield, and intend to clear the shadow vortex of any entities that have become held in that container vortex space.

Eventually, the space becomes an automatic routing for entities to pass through but it may take a few years for this to become stable within your space. It is relative to lightbody connections into the krystal star architecture. But, please know, that at any stage of the process- guardian teams are there, and listening and you will be provided help every time you ask for it. These teams know what we are doing on earth and want to assist in to clear communication channels between them and us. Until that becomes a very clear process usually we have the physical-spiritual housekeeping process of clearing down the field.

As an example, even though our space here has a permanent diamond pillar connection, sometimes the energy field of the home has to be swept; people coming into the house can have spiritual attachments that want to linger, and they do not have the authority to do that. So, a little spring clean and intention to allow all energies to pass through and move out.

Particularly at sleepstate, it is recommended to 'lock-down' the home or room space before going to sleep at night.

Supportive References -Lisa Renee


See Also


