Andromedan Seed Code Offspring Template

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The Andromedan Seed Code template holds the chromosomal repair sequences for the human body genomes, and the daughter of christ, the son of christ codes to help humanity rebuild into their original Essene Tribes corrections, from the original human experience on Planet Tara. As the body of Tara fell and was exploded by the invading black dragon consettia forces, the Cosmic Templar Blue Dragons or Azurites, whom embodied into the Stargate networks of the Templar of Elaysa-Melchizedek, jumped from Tara into the body of Earth's physical body, in placing the Elaysa-Melchizedek codes into the location of the Albion, in Scotland. These codes were guardian Yeshua-Mary Magdalene's triple solar White-Blue Elaysa-Melchizedek triple ascended master's body codes which they placed as Terma for the founder Blue Dragon Templars incoming from their spiritual family of the later Christos Reclaimation missions. This 12th dimensional Essene Tribal code, would require the embodiment of the full Solar Triple Reisha Aquaelle, and Triple Rishic Aquafey carrying the twinned hierogamic suns of the Aquaelle-Aquafey into the planetary body, accomplished by the first wave Emerald Order Dragons, to restore the body of Yeshua-Mary throughout their original 12th dimensional Tribal Shield provision, in the body of King Arthur, and in the Lyran Universal Solar Rishic Tribal shield.

These codes required the Cosmic White Elohei Mother's body to restore into the earth grids, in which to synthesise the triple white rose codes in the Cathar of Mother's body, and the Cosmic Pink Elohei Father's Metatronic Body to merge into the corrections of their Cosmic Solar Reisha-Rishi Temples of Solomon which were restored into the earth during the first waves of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Cosmic Cathedral Activations, of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening Cycle. In December of 2021, the planetary body could hold and host the Ascended Master's Cosmic Starhuman Dragon's birthing in sequence, which held their Cosmic Dragon Wings rebuilding process for the first Hova Ascended Master's Shields linking from Gaian Matrix, into the Earth's Body through their Ankh Eternal Godworlds Solar Rishic 144/0 Zero Point dimensionalisations of the Rishic Timelines, in 13D timeline, 14D timeline and 15D Timeline - the physicalisations of the 13D-14D-15D Cosmic Egg into the Universal Time Matrix.

Aquaelle-Aquafey Twinned Hierogamic Suns of Andromedan Aqualasha Diamond Heart Matrix

During the stages of 2017 cosmic founder's transmissions into the earth started to restore their patterns of Chromosomal repairs to the human body. The transmissions came through as a milky emulsion and were secured into the planetary body by the Aeonic Pairs seated into the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, the Primary Genetic Equals working to restore the Hierogamic Codes of Eden, for the planetary body. These founder families embodying the Aquaelle-Aquafey Hierogamic Twinned Suns, male and female pairs from the Founder's Andromedan groups of Elohei Cosmic Founders, building the Cosmic Mother-Father Dragon body of the earth, were tasked to restore the Andromedan Seed Codes into the body of the earth to restore the Andromedan Seed Code template. These first wave founders, from the First order Blue Ray Emerald Founders, hosted the flowering plasmas of the Mother-Daughter offspring codes, from Mother-Aquaelle-Sophianic Solar Triples of Triple Goddess Reisha, and the Father-Son Codes of the Father-Aquafey-Christos Triples of the Triple Masculine Aquafey, to build out the solar flowering grail lines required to connect into the planetary body and hold the Offsprings Seed Codes to repair the planetary grail chalices.

During the guardian host projects which took place in Kauai 12D Inner stargate in Hawaii, in October of 2018, the Aurora Tri-Tone Luminary Dragon Founders held the Elaysian Rainbow Rose Line for the Aurora Re-encryptions was successfully imprinted and started to be restored into the stargate through the Aeonic Pairs inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons in their Stairway to Heaven, whom were working together to host the repairing Rose Line or Cathar of the Mother's Body from Andromeda, through their templates spanning from Aqualasha Diamond Heart Matrix, and through the stargates into the 12D Montsegure Stargate in France. The transmissions could then come more deeply into the earth's grids using the Aquaelle-Aquafey and returning Solar Logos (see ES News October 2018) where the flowering plasmas of the Aeonic Pairs RA Centre of Aquaelle-Aquafey started to flower into the earth through their Lemurian Field access at Kauai 12D Inner stargate. The Installation of the Hierogamic Founder's Aeonic Pairing Template, from their Primary Genetic Equal Instruction sets, allowed guardian founders of the Elaysian-Melchizedek lineages to remove the False Melchizdedek Priests of UR operating in AI founder's records domains throughout the 12D layers of the stargate. This continued over the years, in removing and locating the Archon next to the 12D Kauai Stargate, in which the recovery of many authentic Maji Grail King Founder's lightbody parts, was recovery process over many years. These Maji Kings, of the Elaysian-Melchizedek Rainbow Blue Dragons, held the Father's body in the earth, and had been destroyed through the invasions of the stargate systems which took place during the fall of Aramatena.

Male-Female chromosomes, repair to the human genome

The Aquaelle Seed Codes hold the spiritual essence of the daughter of christ, and solar sun of christ, the Christos-Sophia for Aquaelle-Aquafey codes of the birthing of the offspring. The human chromosomes have been inverted, implanted, and controlled through a series of hybridizations to humanity, some of which took place during the destruction of the diamond sun DNA template of the human body, when the Earth's Tribal Shield was invaded. King Arthur's body of the Earth, and his rebuilding reclaimations of his body, hold the original genetic Seed Code templates, or Genetic pair bonds of the human DNA strands, genetic pair bonds, genetic triune bonds for solar reisha-rishi dragon ascended master elohei-elohim-dragons, and further the quadrata seed code bonds belonging to god's templar cosmic maji grailkeeper founder dragon king-queens of primary genetic equal formations being restored in the Gender Twin Matrix of Tri-Flame Khemalohatea

As the Cosmic Suns of Aquaelle-Aquafey sent their transmissions into the earth's body during 2017, and onwards, the twinned hierogamic sun of Aquaelle-Aquafey suns were able to restore to the earth, to bring the repairs in for human chromosomes as held in the tribal shield for the Essenic Tribes of Tara. The Essene lineages and families of humans on the earth today, those also in the ascension required these to repair their chromosomes and blood codes, to repair their diamond sun DNA templates into their potentials of 12 stranded DNA. Without these codes being placed into the earth, Cosmic Mother's Aquaelle and Cosmic Father's Aquafey were unable to restore the compilations of their bodies required to connect humanity into the remembrance of the Ascended Master Solar Dragons, and their Elohei Cosmic White Bride of Christ and Bridegroom of Christ networks, as their Spiritual Parental Creators, originating from the Cosmic Suns of Creation. Thus, the re-encryption to the reclaimation of the planetary solar RA centre, taking place now, in 2024, is part of the restoration of the Andromedan Seed Code Template or the Christos-Sophia Offsprings of Unity Embodiment for those lineages, which was being blocked by the 7D Arcturus Phantom Matrix, and generating a number of False Seed Code Transmissions from inside looking glass false reality realms of synthetic suns. This matrix is under dismantling, many on the earth are being supported to heal their chromosome templates, which the dark matter rasha body of gold ray angelic humanity and gold order solar rishic founders, have had challenges related to the false sapphire cosmic suns operating to pretend to be mother and false golden suns pretending to be apollo-athena operating from the Jupiter False Andromedan Arc of the Covenant, and also Arcturus-Bootes-Coma Berenices false founder's realms controlling humanity under the SSP Secret Space Program Agenda.

Buffalo Calf Woman and her Navajo Twin