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Arayanas, Eireayanas Emerald Edenic Paradise

The Emerald Flowering fields of Emerald Order founders inside the Cosmic Amoraea Heart of the Cosmic Parents is accessed through the Emerald Heart Networks from the Planetary Emerald Heart, to the Galactic Emerald Heart, to the Universal Emerald Heart and through to the Cosmic Emerald Heart, the access is of flowering crystallised fields of the Holy Godparents Cosmic Emerald First Godworlds Creations in the 48D layers of the Cosmic Trinity Godworlds Domains. Spelling search assist - Eire-Ayanas

During the planetary Cosmic Emerald Heart Revivals which ignited the first stages of the restorational period of the April to May 2021, [peg 2021] of the Emerald Heart within the Earth, the Emerald Order made their further reconnections with their founder families and access into the flowering fields of founder records outside of time. Their vast fields of emerald-aqua crystalline diamond flowerings of the emerald fields was present which in the presence of have the naming resonance and tones of Arayanas or the Eireayanas Triple Emerald Order Maji Grail King & Queen from within the Emerald Order's Timekeeper Cosmic Pillar, connected with the Elaysian Cosmic Mother's Opalescent Sun within the Emerald Order's Hosting in 1st godworlds creation. For the Kantarian resurrection of Solar Amethyst Dragon King Ezekiel, to restore into the planet's Gaian Matrix for his Solar Rods and Solar Sextant Matrix, the Arayanas Eireayanas Solar Melchizedek Queens held the conduit into the Universal Time Matrix Staff, of which Holy Mother placed her next layers of Emerald Heart into the earth, in the Equatorial Lines.

During the Emerald Order's restoration of key aspects within the planetary Albion, the 6 Emerald Hearts within the Emerald Heart Highway are used as a direct access between the Emerald Order 1st Godworlds Creation and the Emerald Sun Body within the Emerald Ankh. The Founders could transport and provide their unconditional love over humanity through the recreational building of their architecture, to activate and return the Emerald Heart Songs from the Creator's Body from the Godworlds, and down into the many Emerald Rivers of the Rainbow-Emerald Aurora liquid lights, trinity tones and the Song of unending love which is generated from the Heart of Amoraea, the Cosmic Body of Pure Love.

From within the Eireayanas Emerald Heart and Cosmic Amoraea fields, the trintones tones are flowering plasmic sophianic mother's life giving flowers and also solid diamond emerald crystallines which are being restored by emerald order Maji Grail Queens from the Emerald Order lineages, and are being transmitted from the planetary staff inside the Elaysian-Melchizedek Emerald Order Triple Yanas Staff, as the Solar Dragons of the earth in their Emerald Ouroborous Pairs are being seated in the the great dragon awakening of the earth. The Arayanas flowering crystalline emerald fields of immense love, are one part of the emerald founders tritone heart song to their human creations. The emerald tritones held within the mother's body of her sophianic sound mother of dragons, hold immense omnilove to protect the Emerald Heart of the earth, and the Emerald Heart Crystals within the planetary networks. The United Kingdom Albion Body has a few emerald heart crystals which were found by guardians in this timeline in which to support the resurrection of the emerald instruction sets which the emerald Solar dragons use to correct the Cosmic Mother's Flowering Cathar Rose body of the earth.

The Eireayanas, or Arayanas tones are part of the hosting matrix of the locations where the Cosmic Sun of Elaysa Cosmic Opalescent Rainbow Sun resides in the Emerald Order's 1st Godworlds Creational Realm. Before the 1st Godworlds was created, there was a merging of the Ankh Body of the Cosmic Dragon Ankh Eternal Godworlds Invisible Light, Sound, and all creational codes which emerged through that vast void to bring into creation the 1st Godworlds Domains known as the Holy Emerald Order.

Eiras, Eireas Mother's Cosmic Sound Body Tones and Plasmic Seeds of Creation, Eros Father's Cosmic Seeds and Tones

Holy Mother's Eiras or Eireas Cosmic Sounds and Plasmas are the carrier waves of her Seed Codes, such as the Marquise Diamond Seed Codes sent down from the higher godworlds Cosmic Mother's Spirit Suns, and into her Triple Goddess Solar Yanas or Reisha Triple Goddess, White Queen Elohei Dragon Aspects, for the purposes of reclamation of the planetary grail 2D centres. These Seeds are sent down through the Emerald Order's White Queen Bride of Christ united with her Red King Groom of Christ and link into the planetary Solomon Metalurgic trinity of Grail Shields and into the tailbone and Solar RA centre of the inner rods for the corrections to the genetics and the biological seed code of origin which can then be aligned into the planetary rods under Cosmic Mother-Father's protection in the Rainbow Watchtower of King Arthur's Sacred Tribal Seeding Rounds of Time, as the Tribal Shield of who is birthed onto the earth and who is sustained by the Seed Codes of Time as held by the Cosmic Dragon Twinned Founders in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Temple which is their position inside the Rod-Staff.

During the Solar Reisha and Rishi Solar Factor of the K8 Krist Factor of that Paliadorian Dragon Founder's Rishic Identity process of embodiment, a merging of cosmic suns takes place of the 7 Cosmic Spirit Suns (requires full 36th dimensional template to embody as Hova Cosmic Rods Radial Bodies in the Ankh Ascended Master), into which an 8th Sun which was hidden is revealed to the cosmic solar starhuman dragon founder's consciousness directly. The silvery seed codes activation brings the embodiment stages of the realignments to the original seeding position and the restoration into verticals of the Godworlds Axiatonal Lines which run from the Sun and point of origin for that solar cosmic dragon starhuman, thus their bodies at the forehead area hairline of 9th dimension position within the Azothian Sapphire Crown (36th dimensional cosmic hierogamic azothian crown) which holds the Cosmic trinity Star of Bethlehem Solar Dragon Eyes as sonar receivers within the solar dragon king rishic or queen reisha triple goddess and god masculine principles. This is the receiver of the Seed codes in which these are directed into layers of the lightbody for the build out of the corrected plasmic divine sparks of light-star-seeded codes of any colour of rainbow plasma, which is annointed through the Solar Reisha White Queen and the Solar Rishic King for the purposes of rebuilding and re-seeding god's original seeds of creations, as tones and sentient sparks of light, to restore creation such as being seeded within the dark matter firmaments of the earth's body.

Eireayanas, Pastelline Blue Spirit Suns, Mother's Matrix

The Cosmic Spirit Suns of the Eireayanas, hold the Mother's palest Aquamarine 7 spirit suns of the energetic body of the Blue Rainbow Mother's Body which unifies inside the Emerald Order's White Queen in her Blue Star Templar Blue Rainbow Bridge, in the restorations of the architecture bearing this energetic signature forms. The Eireayanas Suns make up another section of the Godworlds Mother's Cosmic Sun Matrices, in which the Ascended Master in Emerald Ankh can direct the conduit of the Mother's Emerald Eireayanas in the Pastelline Azura Blues for purposes of the restorational aspects of the Universal Melchizedek Cosmic Spirit Body, Which merges to the father's aspects of his Cosmic Spirit Suns body in his locations in the godworlds. A Holy Mother Restored the linking of permanence connections between Earth-Tara and Tiamat she generated another layer of Templar Maltese Cross Shields from her Eireayanas Spirit Suns, to united into the Emerald Templars & Heart of the Albion in the Earth, to unite the Ascended Masters and the Mary-Sophia and her White Queen within the Bride of Christ to the Albion networks.

These Cosmic Spirit Suns emerge through the Rishic and Reisha Layers, of the Ascended Master's Cosmic Aton Body, of which they create 7 layers of the heart chambers as the Aton Body Cathedrals of the Unified 7 Higher Heavens united within the 7 Lower Heavens inside their Aton Eternal Godworlds Solomon Temple of the Cathedral as the 6 Pillared Emerald Heart Amoraea Cosmic Starhuman Cathedral.

Return of the Emerald Order by Sequoia

From the Cosmic Emerald Heart Matrices in the godworlds connected with the Arayanas flowering fields, the sound tones of the emerald rays from the mother and father in their trinity and chalice grail cup, they anchored their presence into the next stages of the Emerald Heart awakenings in the planetary body. These massive plasmic emerald flows of trinity and incredible love were spiralled through from their position in the 48D layers, downstepping through the 18D godparent cosmic field, and through their shared hearts in bringing the authentic structures required to restore the Albion Body Heart networks into their Camelot principles which align into the corrections of the Constellations, the King Dragon Plasmic Domes of starplasmic concave and convex structures, and to the the Planetary Internal Templar Clockshields which prepare the earth to receive the next stage of timeline corrections. The Female Triple Goddess embodiment of which King Arthur's Bride Guinevere is undergoing now, from her body and Crystal Cathedral networks in the earth, she holds the Arayanas Eireayanas keycodes and flowering sophianic plasmic fields in her body for humanity in returning the Cosmic Amoraea Emerald Heart Creator's Edenic Paradise Realities through the Aton Cosmic Cathedrals. During Guardian Hatshepsut's annointment of her ignition into her Emerald Dragon Ouroborous [Hatshepsut-Ezekiel 12th Solar Dragon Ouroborous] body restored her trinity of edenic codes and sang the songs of the Arayanas tritones into the planet as she returned in helping to protect the true Holy Mother's Sophianic Body of the earth.

Ascended Master Yanas, The Solar Female Christ Reisha Triple Goddess (Rishic Female)

The Yanas in the godworlds of the Solar Female Christ Reisha triple goddesses are found to be protectors of this space which is accessed through the Cosmic Mother's Elaysa Tritone Staff tones, the triple TA Dragon Tones in their rainbow emerald dragon breath. These female lineages are embued within their Maji Queen Emerald Order bodies holding trinity of emerald suns, trinity of edenic codes and triple formations of emerald solar cubes. When they speak, their voices and emerald dragon bodies emit triple suns through their emerald diamond throated hearts, speaking the truths of the creator's laws unto the earth through their Dragon Mother's Languaging.

The Sophianic Sound body of the Emerald Order embodies to the Solar Female Christs and whom are a part of the lineage from the Aquaelle, Aqualasha families related to Yeshua the Christ and his previous mission upon the earth. The returning of the Emerald Order Celtic Goddesses and Yanas from the higher heavens appear to be the first waves of Solar Female Christs whom are holding levels of planetary support for humanity in the restorations for the Human Edenic Age of the Emerald Restoration of Humanity. In the future timelines upon the earth, all humans will understand and know their Emerald Heart and flowering tones of the Emerald Cosmic Godfields, are the true creators of humanity.

Eire of the Cosmic Mother's Creational Doorway, Eire-adonis

The Eire (sounds like Er-ha Air-ah) emerald heart within the planetary body is connected to and accessed from the areas located on the planetary body in this geological position of Ireland, and United Kingdom. During many of the planetary upgrades to repair the Albion Dragons, the Alba Dragon Kings, into the earth's ley lines or dragon lines, the Eire location in the North to South Verticals would prove to be access to the planetary to cosmic Womb principle, and also including the Cosmic Mother's Body, as recorded into those grid networks in the Irish Sea to the United Kingdom. The Aryan Celtic Magi Solar Dragon Kings, the Emerald Order Rod-staff holders whom have been present from their Emerald Ankhs would utilise the Axis Mundi and Prime Meridian accessible in the planetary body 0 Meridians accessed in this location upon the earth. The Eire of the Mother's Body and Emerald Heart Networks were located by the guardian families and their previous missions left Terma and holographic records within the stargate portals in the UK, for assembly and comprehension in the current guardian christos emerald order mission. The Universal Diamond Gateway installed into the UK pendragon shields of the Eire Albion Heart Throne Room, into the Father's Arthur's Body opened into the 22-23-24D Eye of God during the Solstice of 2022, in which the alignments in direct access from this point in the timeline to the planet's birth transduction sequence within the emerald Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, aligned to open into the Creational doorway from the Oraphim and Seven Sacred Suns location for the Cosmic Timecycle Starborn activations accessing the Crown of the Maji position at the 22-23-24D. Previous Crown of the Maji North South East West Universal Diamond Pillars, at the galactic elliptical planes in the Gaian Matrix and 8D centre of the time matrix Solar rod position, aligned and opened into the higher timecycles held within the 22-23-24D trinitised Eye of God. This 24D sphere position held the Emerald Heart for the trinity egg of Ruby-Sapphire-Emerald Solid Diamond Rays and Creator's reveal of the next Cosmic Egg in this triad, as this anchored into the Gaian Matrix, it opened the potential of the Albion Body Dragon Kings Kantarian's Emerald-Azura Hearts on Gaia into the next layers of the 36D-48D of the Emerald Order transmissions potentials inside the emerald sapphire diamond and ruby spirals heart crystals.

The Cosmic Mother's Spirit Suns of her Cosmic Spirit body are arranged in groups of Seven Cosmic Suns which have emanated from her Prime Cosmic Suns in the Godworlds. The Seven Spirit Suns of the Eiradonis are part of the spirit body of the female yanas ascended masters, as the Eireadonis Suns merge into their Cosmic Reisha triple solar lightbody to create the emergence of the Holy Mother's creational aspects of the etheric structures and the celestial tones, lights and sun-stars created from her cosmic starbody, into the Universal Solar Reisha and Rishi 36D DNA template and then into their body in the 13-14-15D fields, and stepped down into the creational matter realms. As the Cosmic Mother of Dragons has been restoring her aspects into the planetary body, during the Cosmic Dragon Awakening cycle underway at this time, she has revealed various Cosmic body parts which were absconded reversed and stolen, in which her Solar Reisha Queens are restoring to creation in their Solar Plasmic Sun-Star Domes, dragon ley lines and Rishic-Reisha Dragon Nodes within the planetary body Rishi luminary lightfields.

[September 2023] During the restoration of the Cosmic Dragon Mother's aspects of her White Queens returning into the Earth Albion her Cosmic Dragon Body would appear to return through the area between the Sea of Ireland and Scotland, through the portal which later was revealed to be a part of her Eireadonis architecture. The 6th dimensional ley lines of the Irish Side on the West Coasts, and the 7th dimensional ley lines of the Eastern Coast were protected by the guardian Building the Rod Cathedral for Solar King Arthur and then later in 2021, the installation of the Mother's Chalice Cathedral for her Solar Queens. These Cathdedrals unite within the Templar's Heart of Eire to bring forth the King-Queen of the White Queen Emerald Order and her husband, the Red King of Emerald Order. Together these pairings are securing the restorational aspects of the Emerald Heart's Crystals of the earth, as the Hierogamic Union of the White Elohei Queen & Bride of Christ, with her Red Pink Dark Elohei Rainbow Groom of Christ, hold the Emerald Twinned Cosmic Amoraea Emerald Heart within their bodies for the Emerald Founders to amplify the various Dragon Rings & Rounds of which they are seated within, within the planetary body Cathedrals and etheric chalices, presiding over the protections of the Kingdoms of God upon the earth under their loving Kingship and Divine protectorship over humanity. From their positions within the rounds of time, these Kings and Queens are the returning Emerald Order Maji Lineages, here to further the access directly between the Emerald Order 1st Godworlds and to the planetary body.

The Father's Matrix of his Cosmic Spirit Suns resonates in the tones of the Eire-Adonai.

Spelling search term in Eridanus, for searching name conventions only, but the Eridanus star constellation is one of the locations identified of Enki's False God Creationals connected to the Lunar AI Trident Structures of Antichrist controllers domains. Enki's DNA Skins and imprints have been used to deceive and distort various Adonis, Eire-Adonis and various other portals in his red wave AI false rounds of time and controller timelines connected to the Root Downfall, or Path of the Fall. As guardian host emerald order families rehabilitate the earth grids, the architectures of the reversals and lunar matrix are methodically identified by the christos teams for extraction and repair to the organic blueprint of god's creations.

See Also

[Emerald Order Crystalline Tree of Life]

Solar Christ Mary Sophia 13th Dragon Queen

Emerald Crystal Heart

Solar Dragon
