Archontic Deceptions and Behaviours

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Archontic Deceptions over humanity are part of the negative alien's invasions to our planet and solar system which took place thousands of years ago. This is evidenced in the grids of the earth inverted, destroyed, broken and running in reversal patterns of death energies, metatronic reversals and daisy of death patternings with black diamond hearts operating as death energies, linked to and embodied by the lunar forces of several complex black dragons running Archontic elemental controls into the planet and through their false dragon lines bodies, controlling the sacred sites and operating in reversals to the law of one or god. The Archontic matters are mixtures of fallen consciousness forms from the dark aeon, where the planetary body was disconnected from the higher self planetoids of Tara and Gaia and further the Lyran Solar Logos Matrix, and the higher connections to the threefold founder's flame or eye of god. As the grid networks have been sequentially in stages of repair, the Phantom Matrix Timelines and Realms of the 10 Sphere tree of life which is not possible to connect to the godhead through it or with it, reveals the control over aeons of time within false pillars of astrological precessions of equinoxes which are false knights of the round table and were being controlled and embodied by several SRA twinned black sun twinned power couples in the planet's timeline controls in False or Antichrist's Satanic-Luciferian Knight's Templars implants strewn across the earth, which are antichrist Templar shields controlling time, space and matter and directing the siphoning of human energies through blood sacrifices, satanic ritualling and human trafficking killing and sexual abuses over humanity into the powering up of the Archontic Agenda to continue death war and controls over the matters of the earth and the energetics. The Archons are large repositories which can appear like a gigantic creature who has governed over an Aeon of time in the Lunar Trident AI networks, where several portals, tentacles and hellspawn generated through their bodies is usually found to be holding several thousands of years of human soul parts, missing or stolen people, being held inside its body like a caged hellrealm of which requires a guardian host emerald order team of the Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils to rescue the entrapments and evict the Archon from it's sprawling position to remove it's power from the human race.

Archons are also the subtle powers of controlling humanity with various thematics, such as controlling sexual energies or stealing and siphoning the human lifeforce whilst operating to connect the human body into an action or task that would be a form of antichrist patterning or detrimental to their energy field whilst appearing tempting or fulfilling. The Archons in the earth located by the guardian host families, have shown to be the elemental corruptions and mixed with artificially generated particles of matter, or AI, forming into a demonic force which is a hybrid mixed with fallen matter, disconnected matters, and controlling the time-space and energetics of where what or who it is connected into. The Archontic Deceptions being played upon humanity are entirely Alien and antichrist agendas of hidden and overt hatred over all of human and animal life on this earth. The main agendas of keeping humanity enslaved into patterns of complete and total ignorance, or violences against each other while not being able to accurately assess that the division of man, the antichrist's playbook is being controlled by these hidden creatures who link into the human body through tentacles/demonic attachments, and control the mind and matters as they are the underbelly or underworlds archetypes which become embodied by a fleshly body who acts in consent with the specific Archon's matters and characteristics. To understand more deeply the Archontic Deceptions and Behaviours set into these large energy fields in the earth, please see the extensively detailed descriptions here - See ES Archontic Deception Behaviour

Archontic Archetypes are Antichrist and Mind Controlled Thoughtforms