Ecousha Parallel Matrix

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The Ecousha Matrix is the Parallel in what we could consider as future forwards time, as part of the Cosmic Father's Matrix layers. The Ecousha layers are exactly Parallel to our current matrix which is the Akasha. Four Matrices of 12 Tree Grids make up one Ecka, and one Ecka is also named as a Quadrant. There are Four Eckas of Matter Worlds in our Universal Time Matrix.

The Cosmic Clock of the Aeons which is accessible as the Godworlds Override Pillars in the earth, accesses all 16 Parallel Universal 12 Tree Grids of which the body of God's Quadrata is the Master Templar Protector of the entire Manifest Worlds Time and Matters, and Godworlds Domains. To leave the time matrix and enter the godworlds, a fully operational base 12 Tree grid at Avatar Level connected to the Rishic Trifold Flames of the Cave of Creation, is required to leave and enter the manifest timelines to move into the godworlds embodying the zero point flames connected to the solar logos avatar christ base shield of the 12D shield building process. The Lunar forces operating false timelines, and the base 10 Qlippoth or Kabbalah Qabalistic Tree of Artificial Life is the Phantom Matrix layers of corrupted quantum fields blended into our reality. Each human and starseed, must go through the process of extractions of lunar matters in their own lightbody layers, to move from Lunar to Solarisation, this is the process of becoming an angelic human christ on the earth once the Avatar Solar Logos Twinning is underway. The Ecousha Matrix has been identified as fallen time fields and false constructs which were bound into layers of our reality matters and corrupted elementals in the Akasha, and so, the next stage of the Guardian Host projects of repairing the Universal Time Matrix Layers, is inventorying detailed levels of influence coming from the parallel timelines held inside the 12 Tree grid of the Ecousha.

Ecousha Repairs to Akasha Layers

The Ecousha Matrix was cloned by Negative aliens to generate a series of False Father's Logos of Melchizedek and The Body of Zion layers of our reality into our matrix as false Blue Dragon Father Melchizedek - See [[1]] which span the controlled bi-waves and quantum field layers of matter. The Ecousha false arcs of various false Elohei Cosmic Heart-Dragon Nodes were removed in sequences from the local planets in our Solar System, to extract out and remove False Blue Dragons as a combination of False Crystal Blue Dragons or Blue Genies, operating inside the False Khemalohatea structures in Thothian-Enki-Enlil Lunar Trident of False Khem, to divert humanity into the cloned metals of Zion formations. The Ecousha Matrix of Father's Melchizedek Logos is another layer of False King of Tyranny, as False Father Melchizedek has been inverted into the Logos of Buddhic Lunar forces, controlling the sections of our matrix as False Father's Layers of reality. As such, this has been used by the Thothian-Luciferian agendas, and has been used to generate the backbone of some layers of False Light or Synthetic ray carrying structures in which has deeply affected the process of human Lunar to Solar pathway to retrieve their authentic diamond sun embodiment phases and stages. This coupled with the extensive transmissions of Supressor Parasite Entities and the False Ascended Master's constructs operating as New Age Hijack and assorted extensive fields of cloned identity operations, has been one of the ways that the Father's Solar Logos of his Layers is still under construction and repairs to his elementals and his Aurora-Christos Body in creation.

Lunar Matrix Buddhic Logos, Noble 8 Fold Path inversions as Black Buddhic Wheels from Ecousha, Blocking Lunar to Solar Transfigurations inside Akasha

The Planetary Logos and the 11D Solar Buddhic Initiations of the Christed path of Lunar to Solar Transfiguration was repaired inside the Akasha Matrix, in our sections of the Solar Logos affecting the timelines and consciousness underneath. The Parallel Matrix of Ecousha revealed in the planetary grid, and in Thothian-Leviathan-Luciferian constructs operating inside Ecousha, to be the hiding places of various Luciferian entities, connected to their human counterparts and drawing energetics on black magician types of Lunar forced operations masquerading as the Christos or Holy Father-Son energetics. The Thothian Logos operating in the Akasha Matrix was sequentially removed over thousands of hours of guardian projects, in which the extractions of the alien machinery and thothian alien timekeepers to be evicted upon confrontation by the Christos Teams in the field. The Ecousha revealed the 11D False Body of Zion, as Synthetic Suns inside of time in the Solar Logos area of Ecousha, having a direct influence upon the masculine and rods in our matrix of Akasha. This structure has been part of the cause of the Essenic-Divide into the Base 10 Alien Qlippoth Adverse Sepiroth and False Light Matrices or Phantom Matrix realms affecting humanity inside the false khemalohatea and camelote structures placed inside of time and not connected to the originating Cosmic Triple Grail Line or Cosmic Suns Body or Logos.

Thus, extensive inventorying and removing of the ongoing seeking of False Melchizedek Logos Buddhic Logos parts operating from Ecousha and affecting Akasha, in which the true and real Cosmic Father's Blue Sun of Melchizedek is guiding the way over his Universal Christ Cathedrals and his Eiyani layers in Ecousha with the rebuilding of his Celtic Heart of Zion body layers in the Solar Logos fields. Those connected into the False Father's Melchizedek would not necessarily understand nor be aware of this, except to say that the Solar Masculine Oraphim 24D was appearing to be the required override to physicalise inside of hierogamic union; in genuine solar reclaimation through all of the Michael templates in each harmonic universe, to override safely the time-field phantoms and distortions held inside Father's Ecousha Layers. Therefore, those templates of the Oraphim extended to Solar Rishic 36 strands of full DNA Inside and outside of time at once, was the hidden gifts held by God's Elohei Cosmic Founders to build out the required parallel matrix access and inner passageways through their internal transport routes through their dragon chakra and base shield.

For those in the earth building their Double Diamond Sun Oraphim 24D templates, the reversals in the Father's Matrix were being overridden by the Aeonic Pair inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, the Elaysa-Melchizedek Emerald Order Pairs, connected to the parallels of the Aeontic Pairing Cosmic Clock of Cosmic Father's Eye of God in 22-23-24D, holding the 22D Ruby Father's Eye, 23D Sapphire (christos-sophia parallel) and 24D Emerald Father's Eye as their Solar flowering grail line of the Lotus-Rose combination was the spanning required to embody into the 12:12 through the double diamond sun body of god, as the two 12 universal matrices held inside the repairing of Elaysa Mother Matrix in Akasha and Father Melchizedek Matrix in Ecousha. These two universal time matrix layers of our Ecka, required the full hierogamic merging of the Oraphim to ensure the particle-antiparticle timelines could be secured into the correct timeline accesses throughout the ascension plan B and mission upgrades.