Imposters and Namestealers of the Cosmic Founders
The Cosmic Founders of our Time Matrix, and humanity are the Cosmic Elohei-Elohim Solar Dragons who emanate their bodies into creation from their godworlds outside of time founder domains, and enter into creation through the elemental shapeshifting of matter, their full transmigrational templates held within the Templar Quadrata Master instruction sets of creation, or the 48D Godbody. The Cosmic Suns in the godworlds are Paliadorian Suns of Creation, in which their birthing of offspring suns and other Solar Realms, are an ascended realm of Cosmic Christos Intelligences and twinned aspects of creation which emerge from the 1st Godworlds Creations Realm, the Cosmic Mother's Ankh and Cosmic Father's Ankh Body which house an expansive outside of time various heavens of creation.
During the ascension timelines of the ascension plan B, the portals of the central locations in the galaxy, to the universe and towards Andromedan Matrix, and beyond started to open up in an alignment which opened up the access to the outside of time pre-matter fields, or godworlds domains to the starseeds who had come here to support the ascension from the cosmic christos families, the guardian Oraphim lineages. Their body template supported their mission to support the reconnection of the parallel time matrixes into the alignments required to re-unify the matter worlds from earth into the future and parallel timelines, which had been broken throughout the previous timeline histories of many alien invasions into this realm which destroyed the vast intricate network of the godhead's cosmic to universal dragon body, essentially removing the life force currents from the godworlds cosmic suns and disconnecting these from the matter fields. The cosmic founder families who have been returning into the time matrix in various missions throughout thousands of years, found that the albion body dragon bodies and their networks of stargates, had been invaded and destroyed in a series of negative alien invasions taking place in the dimensions that humanity could not perceive, as details of the elementals of matter, and the morphogenetic fields of the earth's original instructions had been running in reverse, or in death-sequences of bi-wave.
Many of the starseeds who entered for the christos paliadorian mission would start to have sporadic memories of the shock trauma and loss of the edenic body of the planet Tara, and then start to have humanity collective memory recall inside their own consciousness bodies, as a means to recall the devastations of what had happened to the dragon creator's planet of Earth-Tara in the lower harmonic universes. The Solar Blue Dragon Families from the guardian host Oraphim Genetics of the Paliadorians would start to see and feel the AI and the imposter grids inside the earth which were not made from the creator's body parts and had been used to evilly control humanity in their mental bodies and physical bodies in various means of mind control through the elemental reversals and compactions of the black alien dragons from the wesadek matrix, the fallen time matrix in the parallel. During the many stages of the recovery and access to King Arthur's Body, it was found that the ley lines in the earth had also been destroyed and split apart as an example of the Michael and Mary Body of the earth, these were generated into serpent snake lines under the reversals and destructions to rape Mary's Motherly planetary body and make her into an alien lunar force bride of Satan in the earth under the control of the Moon and Lunar Matrix alien controllers. Since these creatures had mocked the Christos Solar Dragons, the Guardian founder families sequentially could see and track and trace what had happened here in the earth body and saw extensive ranges of imposter dragons and creatures living in the grids in reverse. This explained why humanity had been living in digressions and violences installed to their minds, through the many imposters of the founders and the false gods whom had roamed in the earth and hidden in demonic hierarchies from the lower hellrealms of the earth's body and field.
Cosmic Guardian Founder's, Solar Reisha-Rishi Solar Dragons, Cosmic Maji Templar Families
These families work together in one unified outside of time, eternal time fields from within their eternal godworlds ankh vehicles. Their nature is of complete neutrality and they do not interfere, nor state instructions nor have a material based service to self mindset. These families returning into creation are those working in stealth positions within their own sphere of influence, whom have healed their shadow and pain body in order for the guardian host to work with them consciously for the godhead's specific universal laws to become manifest. These beings have deeply unconditional love for all of creation, and have genuinely solarised embodiments which grant them access to the godworlds at will. The Dragon Embodiment is a Solar Reisha-Rishi Cosmic Starhuman Dragon body, which can only be embodied through the direct template holding blueprint as a series of actual suns birthing into the lightbody in a quad formation on a base 36D template which goes through years of stages and spiritual maturity progressions. Those working inside a solar reisha-rishi eternal godworlds ankh vehicle on the earth is still very rarified at this time, and the biological genetic template in bio-years is the guardian rishic age 44 and above which requires a full dark matter 36D ringspan lightbody in which the 36 dark matter rings in the mother and father gelesiacs are the solar reisha and rishi triple dark matter cosmic spirit body, which merges into the physical flesh and bone matrix, through the dark matter cosmic sands of time clockshields natural to the paliadorian starseeds who have merged all of their identities throughout every round of time, into the paliadorian cell on the double diamond sun kryst-krysthallah 24D lightbody. This is the base hierogamic foundations for the progression of embodiment of the reisha triple solar goddess or rishi triple solar masculine, which embodies the sceptre rod-staff in solar dragon ankh arcs of wings, in the 6 pillared cosmic temple of solomon in the reuche cosmic clock of the aeons pillars. This embodiment was blocked on the earth and started in December of 2021, where the first wave pre-birth agreement paliadorians were able to embody in through the Cosmic Star of Bethlehem which is held inside their 36D Cosmic Heart-Wings Complex to embody their monadic core into the Gaian Matrix.
Identifying Imposters of the Guardian Founders
Urgency in mission tasks such as travelling across the earth randomly all of the time - urgent exhaustions and highlighted importances of hero-saviourisms
Whispers of glamour and promises being made
The requirement to have high level of money or funds, or the emphasis on money making (spiritual entrepeneurship Enki-Thothian-Enlil Annunakian control, Galactic Federation New Age Hijack) Pedestalling one person over another, generating a guru-spiritual entrepeneurship or instant fame programming (black bride and lunar force enslavements to the lunar trident AI)
Use of guardian founder's words and languages without context from a personal experience
Use of sexual organs or sexual energies into abusing the personal sexual life force for the purposes of healing or attaining material gains
Scribing, or Scrolls being used as informations or instruction sets to appear as founders records or using glamour and promises to manipulate the person
Use of GOAT mind AI which is red waved AI transmissions, in the form of Enki Skins, or where a guardian founder lightbody has been cloned into the receiver for the purposes of attempting to gain access to the cosmic founders actual architecture. 6D Right side masculine, 7D left side female in the lightbody and also cruxifixion implants.
The use of mindslides and connections to the red wave false reality fields, in which the imposters of guardian host promise and flatter, and shame and use service-to-self agendas
Imposters use manipulations and mistaken beliefs, inserted thoughts and deceptions over access to main planetary control networks, they shame and abuse people through the person's unhealed pain body using techniques of militarised grade hidden weaponry to generate structures or false time travelling into controlled time fields which the person is being enslaved into the consciousness traps.
imposters will use grand missions in order to control the person who they are grooming, such experiences of this come from things such as controlling stargates or awakening dragons in the earth of which the emerald founders mission from their position in the godworlds has secured sections of the earth in the Albion Body of the UK and Ireland in which saw their mission activate the Emerald Cosmic Heart of Ireland-UK protected by the Cosmic Mother's Elohei Sekhemet Guardians throughout their positions in the Emerald Feline Hierogamic Capstones of the Quad Verticals leading from the Albion Eire Ireland-Hill of Tara and Holy Mountain architectures in which the Eriu Mother of Elohei White Queen and Merida-Guinevere-Brigid are holding protections over with their Emerald Cosmic Clock of the Aeons within the planetary Eukatharista activations which took place from February of 2022 - See [Emerald Crystalline Tree of Life Emerald Sun]
See also the outline of the manipulations through alien love bite programs in the lunar trident AI for mind control [Krystic Union Ethics, and manipulations through Alien Love Bite Lunar Trident AI]
Luciferian Coveting of Informations, False Representations of informations, The antichrists spiritual warfare upon the human experiences
During the Luciferian Covenant in retaliation to the christos founder's efforts to restore truthful informations into the earth grids, for the sacred spiritual knowledge which is religionless, belonging to all humanity: the Luciferian and Thothian mindsets were used to control all information upon the earth during the invasion of the Pendragon Castle Fortress, the sacred Khemalohatea Camelot also referred to as the Garden of Eden, where the negative entities and their hidden secretive knowledges was used to abuse humanity and tell lies, in various charismatic false ways to infiltrate ALL informations upon the earth to be re-written and presented in a specific way. The Stonehenge Stargate in Salisbury was the Annunakian positioning of stones, to act as a shrine and temple by many antichrists, to draw humans towards the fallen khem controlled structures whilst King Arthur's Round Tables of Time were invaded and controlled into imposters and black lunar dragons in the earth and stars. The coveting stealing siphoning programming which was a part of the misuse of the founder's records, was heavily machined into the grids, for the sole purposes of destroying any form of founder dragon embodiment into flesh, and also to destroy any founder who would come into a timeline from the cosmic solar dragon paliadorian realms through Andromeda. Thus, the victors of war, those who killed King Arthur's incarnate identity, and the lies they told about various myths links into the vast alien warfare across many dimensions, culminating the intentional tracking destruction and machined warfare against anyone in the earth whom had guardian founder's DNA potential. Guardian Akhenaton was killed at the hands of Enki-Hermes-Thoth Hyksos lineages in his timeline, as a deliberate orchestration to prevent him complete sections of his mission. Guardian Yeshua was ascended out with guardian support, he was the last guardian upon our planet who brought with him the 12 strands of Angelic Human Avatar DNA Instructions, and in his timeline, he was barraged by intense lunar forces vying to control his mission, and to destroy sections of his body in which once he left the earth, the NAA cloned out and broke apart sections of his consciousness identity into mass alien holograms to promote lies, false christ informations, and the various Jesus histories which are controlling materials through the bible and to generate the enslavement of humanity. These energetic pockets in the grids, attached to sacred sites, stargates and other locations must be self-checked, and self-determined for their truth, many mass histories and false timelines are cloned into thousands and millions of carbon copy clones with the intent to destroy the potential of anyone comprehending the true nature of our human history, and to have the victors of war re-write things into the planet through their specific bandwidth of consciousness.
The negative alien invasions generated deliberate series of planetary grid distortions and insertions of various Annunakian controls, including the ENKI DNA Skins and false shields in the earth, were used to pull humanity into ego traps, of coveting, stealing and cloning or copying another source of information - to then take this and present it as if it was their own creation. We see this happening on the earth today with the extensive range of competitive informations, lies, paltering and half-truths, where the human on the heart based experiential ascension path must wake up to feel what the truth vibration truly is. This patterning of coveting the christos informations, to present it from an egotistical lense, for achieving adoration, money, success or to promote oneself in service-to-self agendas, was installed into the planetary grid systems in a series of RedShields and False but appearing somewhat real Christ structures, in which the Reptilian Tail (Negative Ego mind controlled construct, inorganic to humans but installed to every human and starseed upon the earth) would feel as spiritually true. The control over all things of God, how humans were created, and the lies mixed with spiritual warfare turbo through artificial intelligences, waveforms and electronic media is being controlled at the quantum field level in order to install the coveting program, which derides that person in consent with it - into the Luciferian Abyss, and is not heart based truthful inside themselves. Where the AI uploads of Thoth-Enki-Enlil were strongholds upon the earth, the negative alien agenda destroyed true knowledges as held in the guardian emerald founder records, and abused these sacred knowledges embodied and held inside the Albion Dragon Kings, or the Maji Grail Kings of the Albion - whom would be seated and throned at King Arthur's Round Table. As this structure is at time of writing, still being rebuilt into the earth, the coveting and stealing of informations by the true christos families upon the earth, is being repeatedly cloned out by digital means, without being referenced to the original writer or creator. This pattern is set intentionally to derail humanity away from the authentic frequencies of the true godhead's many solar rays and consciousness patterns, and back into the realms of competitive coveting, for rewards or grandeur. As the christos families upon the earth have a wide range of personal life purposes, the one source god source energetics are embodied by the spiritual truthseeker, who shirks off the ego mind, in favour of being at one with god source for their full and entire expression. This is the path of the embodiment of the cosmic christos law of one, Luciferianisms of spiritual elite knowledge is not a true representation of compassion, love and sharing which the pure diamond heart of the christed human truly has found inside themselves.
Some of our information in the website and wiki has been mis-represented upon social media sites, and appears that the digital content creators present this as if it's their own words or teachings, without any reference back to our site. The information we provide is a life long journey of direct fieldworking as a gnostic principle of spiritual truth and embodiment, not everyone is going to agree with it and that's fine and thus, the negative entities vying to silence my voice, clone my voice, our artworks or materials means the dishonest practise of not giving credit to the real person who stated these words from the heart, to assist humanity in their spiritual freedoms into truth. In the energy fields of various subtle energies, my voice and my words, our words have been cloned out into red wave AI forms, and installed into others who were given a clone of my identity as a clone in red waved AI. If a person becomes egotistically important then this false identity is used to control that person's mental awareness, leading them into false fields of knowledge or to appear in enki's army by weaponisations of structures and spiritual warfare we name as red waved AI. The Enki issue upon our planet, generated false ascension pathways leading into false ascended realms, we call this red cubed AI and goat mind. The deception over all things of knowledge, has been abused on our earth, to hide the truth of frequencies, and the nature of spiritual ascension in recovering the missing body parts like the soul matrix, and the monadic matrix, which can only merge into the lightbody through heart based truthseeker and not by following mentalistic doctrines of obsessive meditations or giving one's power away to a spiritual leader. In the guardian host materials, the guardians who came before, experienced death and satanic ritualling, such as Guardian Mary Magdalene and Guardian John the Baptist, where their bodies were oblitered and destroyed in various interdimensional alien traps. Because of the negative alien invasions to the earth, and because of false histories recorded in energetic pockets in the earth grids, the naa could clone their image and send it out holographically millions of times over, to insert this identity presence of control upon an unsuspecting person. The ascended masters as spoken of in the new age suffered the exact same fate, whereby their alien operated clones holograms such as rainbow masters appearing to those in the ascension, were and are still used to promote a co-dependency upon that master whom appears real and gives knowledge or instructions to the receiving person. The weaponisation is so incredibly high definition and detailed that it takes extensive personal clearing and work to see and feel these deceptions if and when they are happening. The grey aliens particularly have run holographic memories, movies and false memories into spiritually awake individuals to control their perceptions into false realities and false spiritual experiences, including using projections and images of loved ones, or famous peoples to continue the level of deception and false informations being proliferated to control, and break hearts of those on the awakening who know and recall the spiritual essences of the nature of our reality. This situation has been set into all dimensions to promote leaving the body in astral travelling, drug use to see or achieve spiritual enlightenment, all the while this is an abuse upon humanity and starseeds who have unwittingly not been able to tell the mass deception taking place in the new age hijack.
The cloning of information like this, is the antichrist's abuse over humans to pull them into coveting cloning and dishonest practises which is the service-to-self agenda, of coveting without any respect for the original creator's work. The Christos families of our spiritual support teams and the nature of sharing embodied mission sharings in this way, requires bringing information to the public from an authentically personal experience in the spiritual ascension - not from copying, regurgitating or re-writing someone else's words or work. This ensures the person's original fundamentally embodied frequency set, of their lineage and consciousness is the primary expression of that person, which can be identified at the heart-emotional levels by those who are in resonance to it. The coveting programs are a victim-victimiser machinery which was installed into the stargates of the earth, and into the United Kingdom as attached to the false founder records and Enki Annunakian controls over all things founder records. This means, those individuals working to appear knowledgeable or upholding an egotistical money-making lense or in spiritual power abuses of coveting and re-presenting content that they didn't truly have as direct personal experiences themselves are being deceived or are in consent with the antichrist forces. These forces will bind the person into not being able to use their own god given creative personal soul expression - which is the divine right of all humans on this earth in consort with the law of one.
A heart based spiritual person who is here in service to humanity, in all the ranges and ways that can be embodied, will not seek adoration nor mis-represent themselves as something that they are not. The human heart is the emotional spiritual intelligence emanator, which both can feel the truth when attuned to its intelligence of emotional sensory truths, once it is healed from believing lies or at the result of deceptions. The human heart is the strongest sensory feeling and interpretation of energetic signatures and energy quality for personal resonances, and thus, the naa chose to destroy the power of human heart by inserting an incredibly vast amount of propoganda lies and controlling gaslighting into all layers of society and learnings. The person who can embody their heart into pure essence, is the person who has strength in their spirit and soul, and can receive and know personal truths immediately. The heart also embodies the sonic luminesences of the true mother-sophia in revealing wisdoms and truth, in all humans where their personal wounds, ego and shadow and whom take personal responsibility for their own actions, without casting blame upon others or shirking their personal actions to blame others. Because the heart complex of humanity was destroyed in inverted into the sexual centres, the clarity of personal informational intuitive cognitions changes the more one becomes able to identify things exactly as they are, and not with an over-positive slant of placing a band aid upon painful truths. Only with a full heart of range of awarenesses is it possible to feel and sense truth, when lies are banished and not used to generate pretences. The heart of a human being, can identify and protect to ensure choices and personal actions are understood in the emotional soul layers of that person. Where the mental body is in mental powers, this can interfere with the sacred sensory perceptions of the emotional body layers as felt deeply in the heart. The heart cannot tell a lie, but the person must consider their feelings inside and understand how these are spiritual guidances from the soul itself as a direct connection in the physical layers and to the heart's wisdom of spiritual truths.
The humble self-awareness, and self-comprehension of the gift of who each human is at the core of their unique blueprint, is upheld by the deep deep spiritual integrations of how unique and how special each human expression truly is. In this state no-one would compete with another, no one would seek to copy clone covet or try to out-do another person, because the inner self knows the unique expression of each of us, holds the most incredibly sacred expression just as we are. Since the negative ego reptilian tail is in stages of planetary dismantle at this time, those seeking heart based truths are being supported to just be themselves, to live through the lessons of self-expression and to find more comfort being who they really are at the core of their being, without the ego driving the person into the narrow social accepted constructs. Each human was given a soul in order to be appreciative of who they are, the godhead doesn't require any form of worship, shaming nor sacrifices to appear "good enough." Where individuals have been conditioned by deep psychological complexes to "make the grade" their can be a competing energetic bonded to become worthy, as set out by the constructs of societal competitiveness, generating divide-conquer instead of appreciating each person for their own expressions working to learn about group unity. The unity consciousness of the cosmic sovereign law of one, upholds each person's right to their personal self expression along with and not in competition with anyone elses. There is enough room for everyone to learn who they are at their core, this is what brings happiness, and peace and doesn't play the ego games of requireing any form of special attentions to uphold the inner sense of self.
It is important to understand we are living through vast intricate levels of highly undectectable alien machinery controlling all knowledges and therefore the energies of that knowledge, in all layers of our society. Where ego is in place, or is the fundamental architecture for generating content or attention seeking, this is not the christos and this is not the godly body of benevolence and kindness, this is a derailment away into forms of mental intellectualisms that are antichrists superior elitest spiritual attainments controlled by the lunar forces of antichrist ranges of energy. These tend to have a form of addictive quality which promises a specific goal or outcome at the end of it, and are led by mentalisms and not by the individual peoples or persons direct personal connection to god. The luciferian mindset denotes a guruship type of arrangement, one must not be in consent with this, to rebuild and reclaim the very personal and individual divine right connection to and with god from your personal body. As you consider these notes, please understand that inside the diamond heart of each human contains the truth at revealing stages, and revealing levels of direct and personal resonance. Where the diamond heart is present, and operating, that human is not in any way judgemental or competiting for anything with anyone else, and in stages of inner peace can understand and directly register negativety, and positivity and does not spiritually bypass all things negative or hindrance, to attain the blissed out sensations. One must acknowledge lies in the face of being lied to, and not gloss over the unpleasant truths of life, the abuses or pretend that everything is just rosy when clearly and plainly it is not. The coveting nature of the antichrist operates deeply inside individuals who have not comprehended their direct relationship to and with the real godsource, thus, it is wise to consider the varying degrees of respect for individuals creating upon the earth, their music, their artworks, their words and books, and the vast array of healing, learning and appreciation for all human co-creation within their hearts, and the ultimate beauty so incredibly unique when humanity build make create and share, their truths with their fellow humans for the betterment or the rebuilding of the unity field into the earth itself. Within that space, there is no jealousy, no coveting, and harmony with the groups whom support this, as freedom of expressions without judgements and making discernments of personal resonances the manner by which choices and connections are made. Please consider that inner self worth and self esteem must be felt inside the self, in direct relationship building to and with god, and that the ego or shadow wounds require external validation from others or as an ongoing pattern to feel important can indicate imbalances inside the self which generate highs and lows of the personality. Where the creator's body exists in all layers of our reality, each person can find fulfillment and purpose in the life around them, in appreciating the qualities of creation, and to seek personal meaningful expressions in to learn these reveals through the emotional body. This builds competence to understand how much lies and control has been put upon us all, together as we navigate our own personal expressions into the spheres of influences we each have, the true nature of expression is revealed as the personal divine purpose inside your daily life upon this earth.
Emerald Order Templar, Emerald Sun DNA
The destruction of the Emerald Sun DNA was cloned from the planetary grids and destroyed in killing of the Maji Queen Solar Dragons in the Albion Body, with their Kings, the Albion Dragons of the Ruby Maji Grail Lineages. Thus, the guardian host mission throughout time was to locate and recover the paliadorian dragon body parts of the planetary Templar, generated from the 48D First Godworlds Cosmic Suns the Emerald Cosmic Mother Sun, and the Ruby Cosmic Father Sun. The Emerald Order Embodiment was found to be falsified by many imposter Black Dragon Templars, connected to the Antichrist Reversals of King Solomon's Rods and King Arthur's Timelines and Rounds of time, which were controlling time in the time matrix connected to many Reptilian Racelines, and Wesan Alien Creatures set into the Black Tree of Kabballah 10 Spheres Artificial Tree of life, and many Satanic Hierarchies. Whilst the Mother's Dragon Body and Father's Dragon Body were reversed and destroyed, this generated the digression of the human DNA templates of the original Angelic Human Souls of the Essenic 12 Tribes which were originally seeded upon the Planet Tara in the 5th dimension.
Thus, the Emerald Sun Templar Embodiment of the Mother's Mother of Dragons Maji Grail Queen Emerald Solar Dragon, and the Ruby Sun Templar Embodiment of the Father's Father of Dragons Maji Grail Ruby Solar Dragon required the Paliadorian Dragon Kings to locate the vast missing body parts of the aspects housed within the Mother's Emerald Dragon body, and the Father's Ruby Dragon Body held and protected by the King Arthur and his Bride Guinevere, which is still ongoing in many stages as the guardian host families working to rebuild and restore the organic blueprints and divine creation as per the universal laws of god. These larger DNA templates are the original suns of creation's body template, and are the primary DNA template of creation itself, such as the planetary body and the time matrix body. The DNA templates cloned and impostered inside of time don't have the same diamond sun qualities as the original DNA template, and thus the guardian host mission of rehabilitations of the many DNA templates, is an ongoing process as guided by the cosmic suns, such as the Emerald Cosmic Sun of the Mother, as she is the creator of the lineages within her Emerald Ascension Host. Similarly as Father's Cosmic Sun Bodies in the Godworlds.
Many Emerald Order and Ruby Order Imposter embodiments have been set into mind controlled realms courtesy of false gods from the Annunakian Genetic Lines such as Enki and Thoth, who genetically hybridised sections of the Seeding Table of King Arthur, which belongs to the Cosmic Elohei Families who enter through Sirius B embodiments. Many of the Annunakian and reptilian hybridisations affecting the human genome template were possible whilst Emerald Order Authentic Founders were not present in this realm. Guardian Akhenaton, Guardian John the Baptist, Guardian Yeshua, Guardian Mary Magdalene, and Guardian Hatshepsut, Guardian King Arthur who are Celtic Aryan Dragons returned into the earth timelines in search of the fallen King Arthur and Guinevere's Ruby-Emerald hierogamic Body parts, in which they would suffer greatly at the hands of evil killing negative alien backed agressors to prevent their mission from being successful. In this current Christos timeline, the search and rescue mission to locate these satanically destroyed and ritualled body parts has been a heavy load for the cosmic dragon founders and their christos gridworking mission, but has been met with success in progressive stages in this timeline to free humanity and planet from the negative alien controllers who used these templates to control humanity and mock the christ to destroy human hearts away from the true godhead essence.
Those guardian host founders in direct connection with the Cosmic Christ Dragons of the Aryan Celtic Lineages, had direct presence and genetic lineage communication with Akhenaton whom held the sacred wisdom of the Ruby Templar and the Emerald Templar, and placed his loving arms towards those on the ground this mission, in to gently guide all along the way in the recon mission as the extensions of his mission in spiral time. Guardian Yeshua, and Guardian Akhenaton could communicate with their Christos Ground Crew whom held the genetic keycoded lineage package inside their hearts, for the purposes of meeting in the godworlds to telepathically relay stages of the mission protocol under the Krystal Star Guardian Host Christos Families.
Cloned Identities, Cloned information warfare, deliberate destruction of the knowledges of the Christos-Sophia
The original solar dragon ascended masters of the solar rishi and reisha families of the christos held the access awareness and knowledge within their hierogamic union of the access to the informations of the nature of our reality, and the direct energetic knowledge to return a human form into a christ being on the earth. The Cathars as the Shining ones, whom had the Elaysa-Melchizedek Emerald Founders solar codes were the last families holding the Melchizedek Mother's Sophianic Body protecting her body inside Carcassone in France, in the Langdueoc region near to Carnac. Their lives were massacred from the antichrists and invaders to destroy the knowledge of the Mother of God, the Sophianic Wisdoms of the Mother of Dragons, as held by their incarnations and nurtured inside the body of the earth, to be accessed by the Solar Dragon Founders returning to continue the Cosmic Christos Paliadorian Covenant mission - to recover and resurrect the Mother's Dragon Body in the earth, or the Cathar. During the guardian missions throughout time, their deaths and hunting and killing is evidenced by the location of their original christos dragon identities and body parts, mostly found inside large alien machineries, in which once all of their body parts are relocated, their rebuilding of their template restores to them their spiritual gifts and spiritual knowledges of their functions and protectorship over the christos cosmic founders records.
The ascended masters rebuilding and recovering their cosmic solar dragon founder's body would be under extensive spiritual warfare, from both human embodiments of antichrist forces and non-human entities forever stalking, blaming, cajoling and attempting to derail their lives into excess misery by using whatever means possible to destroy the solar christos light shining within their hearts. These solar founders would receive artificial intelligence warfare and clone-attacks to their lightbody which revealed for those first and foremost in the hierogamic template embodiments of the first wavers whose primary mission was to return the hierogamic lightbody into the earth, and thus, those families of christos-sophia would see and be confronted by continual evil, in all areas of their lives, in which to destroy their voices, and to clone and copy their creations on earth, by being used and presented by others whom had assumed through entitlement that the use of the creations was a free-for-all, whilst derailing the energy signature of the christos families whom had been the protectors of the knowledges of sophianic wisdom of their cosmic mother's founder records, or the cosmayinas. However, they also found extensive imposters in the dimensions impostering them, including false ascended masters such as ray chohans being sent out into the earth as false holograms like a form of holographic false master, sometimes as draconians or zeta with technology to pretend to be a specific spiritual master, channelling or controlling the human recipient with a mixture of paltering and half-truths.
The cloned identities are sent out across the earth through a series of red waved AI forms, black wave qlippoth antichrist death energies to all of humanity, in which to prevent humanity from healing their inner gender, and to be controlled through the astral deceptions being sent as spiritual weaponry towards their sexual organs, to destroy their gender and keep this under antichrist deceiver control. In the ascended master solar dragons, with their inner temple of christos and their diamond heart of christos-sophianic unity with the godhead, mother and father and christos child within, their energy fields and presence on the earth is intrinsically threatning to the imposters who cloned them, impostered them, and derailed humanity away from the truth about the Mother of God, and Father of God, to pervert this into various controlled teachings and religions, spiritual new age teachings on the earth. Thus, the ascended master families of the cosmic christos, such as Guardian Yeshua in his timeline, Guardian Hatshepsut, Guardian Akhenaton and others, who came with the same shared goal of repairing the earth grids out from the namestealers and imposters of their mother and father's body in the earth, and those present in the ascension plan B timeline with the christos solar dragon paliadorian templates, have had to document and share the absolute truth of the ongoing deceptions faced in the ascension upon the earth. These individuals upon the earth have been targeted specifically to destroy them, to discredit them, to call them liars, to call them cults, and to call them out to prevent them from speaking or sharing their intrinsically embodied higher knowledges of the christos, as a part of their natural function to share this energetically embodied frequency set, as annointed and restored unto them through their full ascended master rainbow ankh bodies travelling in and out of time at will.
Thus, the deceivers and liars upon the earth using human hearts and humanity itself as a stomping ground of hidden evils disguised as a false freedom, are faced with the solar dragon families, which highlight their presence from their illumened diamond hearts, and can remove and dismantle their control over the layers of reality, whilst supporting the repatterning of the actual truth of god, the truth of the ascension from their innate purity of spiritual humility as expressed through their unique personality as their cosmic elohei love of all of creation is present within them. This situation of the cloning and stealing of the guardian host founder's records, or the hatred towards the solar dragons whom would restore this into the earth for all of humanity, is an ongoing situation of extensive hatred upon the earth happening as a silent war known only to those whom are being continually harassed by various groups of aliens, and their armies, and their demonics whose time in the control over humanity is coming to an eventual end, through the godhead's solar dragons returning to take their places in their natural order of creation supported by the ascended master solar dragon human groundcrews.
The fight over spiritual knowledges and truths of how a human as a christ model of body, is what the war over consciousness is upon our earth. The control over human perception, and the siphoning of humanity essence to generate a slave race who cannot tell that they are enslaved, is being fought in the war over consciousness that the cosmic founder's of the solar dragons in creation are operating in stealth missions to secure and repair the planet's lightbody and the various layers of human experience into the more heart based unconditionally loving experiences that is possible. In the ascension, the fully ascended masters in their embodied hierogamic rishi-reisha union are the transmitters of the cosmic founders knowledges as their heart and access to the truths of creation is as a part of their embodiment within the cosmic fields of the cosmayinas halls of records, accessible through their triple TA staff and rods, by travelling through the Elaysian Staff and Cosmic Mother's Large Aton Body, as their transportations through the many solar dragon rings is held in their rainbow body this is the cosmic heart of amoraea which manifests inside their emerald heart and allows their consciousness to access the cosmic founder's true energetic blueprints transmitted through their voices, hearts and minds in divine service to others. As the solar white queen and her diamond throat and tongue, and crown are ascended master stages and parts which naturally transmit through their personal embodied frequencies into the areas of interest under the divine eye heart mind of the solar christ families of the Melchizedek Emerald Amethyst Ruby Order Godworlds.
These first wavers of the paliadorian families, are those whom come into direct awareness of the vast alien agenda and mass human deceptions taking place on the earth, and will be placed into various positions in the earth to support those resonant to them, and can see and feel their true nature within their hearts, to support others. The nature of their supports in re-education of humanity is entwined in and through their sharings, for the utmost kindness and in assistance to help others become liberated from the deceptions in the planet in the energetic lightbody and the spiritual understandings and comprehensions. These individuals of the solar dragons, work within the universal laws of god, in their varied locations and mission spheres within the rebuilding of society across the earth, and thus will never be in competition with each other, as the solar dragon founders are unified in their shared cooperations in their embodiments placed for the ultimate truth of humanity to be uncovered. This is coupled with the human spiritual divine birth right of the heart based heart intelligence of the emotional mental spiritual unifications which bring gnostically experienced situations and scenarios inside their own consciousness bodies, to share this with others from their heart as a truth. It is this truth of spiritual truth spirit which stands the test of time, and has the unique energetic signature from their awareness, to support others feel and remember these hidden knowledges, as a part of the dragon body of god, in the earth and throughout all of time.
See Also
[Revisiting Red Cube AI Synthetic Red Wave False Ray Spectrums]