Phantom Matrix Jupiter
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See Enki-Enil Jehovian Dove Crucifixion implants/Seals, Annunakian False Dragon (False paliadorian, and false Elohei) networks, bonding humanity into False Gods impostering the Cosmic Elohei Founders. The Cosmic Elohei-Elohim are the Great Lion-Feline Consciousness of the Mother and Father God Constructs which are Dragon Paliadorian Creations. Humans do not have Dragon DNA, but the Cosmic Founders' Paliadorian Dragon DNA is the baseline of the creational fields, which generated Angelic Humans as knowing and connected to their Elohei Ascended Master Twinned Templar Timekeepers inside the Khemalohatea Temple of Creation.
6D-7D Caduceus Implants, Golden Caduceus Synthetic Male-Female False Solar Breath (Lunar Breath), Qlippoth Caduceus Networks (removed during planetary body guardian host recon works 2019)
Jupiter Phantom Matrix, 6th dimensional Crucifixion Implants
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