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  • ==Ascension Class Audio - 2020 February Negative Ego & Mind Control== ...e taken seriously in order to safely ascend. Mind control and negative ego programs are AI (inorganic to the human christ form, and planetary body) and must be
    2 KB (289 words) - 16:30, 31 January 2025
  • ...onsciousness runs within the parameters of. The ego can contain illusions, programs of negativity and other behavioural thought forms which influence and lock ...ion - subconscious mind - instinctual responses, fight or flight, negative ego victim victimiser
    5 KB (796 words) - 20:50, 1 January 2023
  • ...also having the effect of keeping the mind locked into lower consciousness programs which re-cycle pain and suffering through war, sexual misery and survivor f ...asmatic load or dead light fragments and inserts which have been placed by negative beings in order to stop humans from understanding their true nature, which
    3 KB (552 words) - 07:14, 14 September 2023
  • ...than ever as the consciousness units balance out into unity. The mind and ego sometimes requires spaces of known comfort, or holding on to what we have k ...stages of ego death see us being further released from operating within an ego based personality program. As this happens for each of us in divine timing
    6 KB (1,107 words) - 11:03, 11 January 2023
  • ==Negative Ego - What is it?== ...e Ego programs are a part of inorganic software that has been installed by negative non-human racelines/controllers into the planetary body and is inorganic to
    15 KB (2,480 words) - 08:26, 21 June 2024
  • ...rough the AI mother or Dark mother consciousness of utilising negative ego programs and archetypes of the princess coding. Princess coding creates influences a ...ciple can regain solar expression once the implant and associated negative ego belief systems related to beauty and wealth are dismantled. This implant af
    5 KB (814 words) - 21:12, 25 August 2020
  • ...selfless naturally kind [[Galactic Warrrior]] families could confront the negative alien machinery from their 360 degree orb bodies, and carry the transits th ...MKultra and world stage promotion of sexualisations is being driven by the negative alien collective alien Baphomet to destroy the human race by worshipping th
    5 KB (830 words) - 19:01, 19 February 2025
  • ...ensional energy anatomy, so that we can be freed of the limitations of the programs. So that we can remove the emotional triggers, and so that we are free to e ...all have this potential, we are all aiming to be more heart based and less ego based. The moment you are experiencing little or less to no emotional or ph
    16 KB (2,840 words) - 22:46, 26 December 2022
  • ==Hero Savior Archetypal influences, negative ego starseed trap== One of the most insidious [[Negative Ego]] program that is hero-savior and the starseed pitfalls during earlier awak
    19 KB (3,390 words) - 11:41, 2 January 2023
  • ...nd family members. We could call these Archetypal influences, of positive, negative and neutral association. Many of us are here in bodies right now in order t ...or know source in the most optimised way. This is part of the removing of negative, reversal, implanted or lower energetic densities from the lightbody, aura,
    8 KB (1,415 words) - 21:55, 25 April 2018
  • ...nd family members. We could call these Archetypal influences, of positive, negative and neutral association. Many of us are here in bodies right now in order t ...or know source in the most optimised way. This is part of the removing of negative, reversal, implanted or lower energetic densities from the lightbody, aura,
    8 KB (1,427 words) - 22:48, 26 December 2022
  • ...t occur in relation with males in our lives, and the releasing of negative ego traits associated with the behavioural interplay which has infiltrated thos ...ion. Many have come to earth in order to live and express some of the more negative father behaviours (controlling, domination, fear based direction) in order
    20 KB (3,354 words) - 13:43, 11 January 2023
  • ==Antichrist Offspring Coding, Incestual Sexual Misery Gender Splitting Programs== ...stolen and hidden underneath a massive large Enki-Enlil man-child superior ego tantruming sexual predator inside the Apollo-Athena ley lines, and an extra
    10 KB (1,540 words) - 10:58, 12 October 2024
  • planes are not easy to see unless a starseed has cleared their negative ego programming out fully, which means mind control, inserted thoughts, sexual ...w self-esteem inside a person, so it's all rooted in clearing the negative ego out. That can take a person 10, 15 or 20 years or more to be fully clear of
    12 KB (1,938 words) - 13:58, 7 August 2023
  • ...c Tools in the planetary body connected to Phoenix and Falcon Wormholes in negative alien controls. The Synthetic Golden Rays of the False golden suns connecte ...ional or competitiveness values, in which this is being upheld through ego programs of a contempt towards the christos families by means of hidden layers of je
    7 KB (1,066 words) - 07:03, 8 November 2024
  • ==Mars, Secret Space Programs== ...false houses of personality being used in the red wave AI as the negative ego houses - to keep the soul split apart and to control their thoughts and act
    13 KB (2,020 words) - 09:43, 10 November 2024
  • ...ael' consciousness were abused, and traumatised and used as sexual pets by negative alien forces. ...ttacking force. For men, it is imperative to understand that all false ego programs can drop from the mind-body connections when you focus on knowing where you
    8 KB (1,412 words) - 13:51, 11 January 2023
  • ...the christ energy inside the human form, the dismantling of the houses of ego is required as a consistent dedication in the raising and building of the h ...e interdimensional free worlds councils, which oversee the eviction of the negative architecture and evictions of these entities from wreaking havoc upon human
    17 KB (2,859 words) - 16:41, 11 January 2023
  • ...ference comes from inside the negative ego, the unhealed victim-victimiser programs deep inside the subconscious mind layers. Male and female gender healing, t ...inside of ourselves first and foremost, our from sexual misery seductress programs. The embodiment of the female essence requires all lunar energies are remov
    20 KB (3,580 words) - 21:03, 24 November 2021
  • ...feel like they are already solar embodied and don't have to work on their ego and hidden female pains - it hides behind past love relationship pains and ...ness that binds the female aspect through your body. There’s negative ego programs that I feel that you are still working through okay. And the only way I ca
    12 KB (2,178 words) - 10:44, 12 October 2024
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