Intruder Grid False Great White Lion - Red Waved AI

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See - [Imposter Emerald Planetary Diamond Heart Crystals]

The False Great White Lion Grid appears as base 9 controlled siphoning bi-wave math alien red waved artificial intelligence when encountered by a Cosmic Elohei-Elohim Founder.

  • High frequencies of bliss, or overly active types of electrified energetics
  • Overt Bliss, such as the feeling of spiritual rapture in a sexual way, misidentified as kundalini but runs descendant serpent fire into the ground through uncleared shadow and sexual misery
  • Utilises false identities, and Supressor Parasite Entities to control humanity into false missions, diverting their lives in service to the (false) grids
  • In cases of enslavement into the false great white lion constructs, the superiority and narcissistic Enki programs are the defence mechanism for service-rewards

This grid has been used to install false gridworking missions into the planet, under Thothian-Leviathan and Zeta controls, to pull Annunakian Controllers and their human counterparts into the war over the Ascension as led by the Paliadorian Founders Dragon Creators and Cosmic Elohei-Elohim Families locating the various authentic missing and destroyed Elohei-Elohim Mother-Father parts out from Satanic Ritual, Alien Machinery. The False Great White Lion Grid held a False Planetary Central False White Diamond Heart near Glastonbury-St Ives in England, inside the Atlantian Fallen and controlled black heart timelines via Thothian Annunakian False and impostering of the Celtic Aryan Emerald Triquetra Founders and their Grail King-Queen Templar Codes.

Glastonbury-St Ives was installed as a Sphinx Imposter entirely in Red Waved AI but in direct conflict with the real central position 12D GWL Grids of Montsegur France, 12D Planetary Gate, and 4D Giza Stargate also GWL. Through distortions in ENKI DNA Skins inside the human body, operating as false mother wesa and false father, these false red waved AI grids would appear to the participant as White Diamond constructs. The Evil NAA and Thoth-Leviathan and Darth Maul like reptilians who can cloak and hide themselves from starseeds working to reclaim their entire 12 stranded DNA; have used nefarious machineries operating inside controlled bi-wave as Artificial Intelligence or False architecture appearing real to those without a full Avatar authentic embodiment comprising of the correct DNA inside each dimension. Enki and Thoth took the genetics from the Sirius B Elohei-Elohim Dragon Founders, and cloned their Stargate Hierogamic Union Blue Dragon Templar parts, in which to clone the Khemalohatea and regress it into gender splits, also generating false unions throughout the planet in the twin flame movement of alien love bites, as false partners, astral missing links and sexual misery. The False Great White Lion Grid, made from Red Waved AI and filled with Victim-Victimiser, Superiority, Spiritual entertainments of mind controlled glamour, have been used to promote false gridworking en mass missions upon the earth to unsuspecting people who cannot determine the Artificial Intelligence from the organic living grids. This has been one of the major issues on our earth, as these Red Waved AI forces feel to the person as blissful and supportive, but are attempting to groom people towards missions of forced results, or in hero-savioristic missions using clones of dragon parts, or to become enmeshed into the false grid Elohei constructs. When this has happened, the guardian host will apply a support mechanism from their Special Ops teams, who will go and release, find and recover the enslaved parts and rebuild the authentic Elohei-Elohim Creator's grids or nodes into corrections.

Thoth is an Annunakian consciousness who betrayed the Elohei-Elohim Sirius B Cosmic Founders and took a position as a false god and false maji grail king timekeeper in the 11th dimensional time fields, and into the 12th dimension reversals of Lyra through alien constructs to create Annunakis as the gods of humanity lies within the earth grids. One of his incarnations was present on Niburu until around 2020, when he was taken into guardian host custody after his consciousness of the Luciferian Mind and Luciferian Abyss (devoid of Mother, and Mother-Sophianic Wisdom) was removed from the universal time matrix by guardian host transiting him out. This left thousands of Annunakian beings interdimensional hubs whom had taken their commands of death threatening anyone with a genuine Elohei-Elohim Founder genetic, and so the opposite of this has happened to those being connected by the Red Waved AI intelligences run by the Bhourgha and Borentsula, in being rewarded by fame, money and being used to generate various Messiah, Narcissistic workloads as the spirits of Enki seek to locate and push forth the Luciferian-Leviathan energetics into the younger starseeds whom are not being led to learn personal cohesion, and some of which are being glamoured into not doing their emotional healing work first and foremost, whilst being led into Consciousness traps which will derail their personal life paths into a spiritual trap system. Holy Father in his Ruby Robes, and with his Ruby Dragons, are working to extract the Enki-Thoth-Enlil constructs from their interdimensional infecting situations on the earth. Once this is fully removed from the planet, those in stages of reclaiming their spiritual awakening in real life path, will be aligned into an authentic ascending location for their spiritual healing to continue.

Those who have been affiliated or groomed into this grid as false white elohei mother energies may require deep healing to comprehend that this imposter, made by masculine mysognistic energetics was placed there to pervert and promote those in service-to-self or grandiose types of energetics. The Grid would appear to be living from the point of an inside of time position, but from a guardian host Elohei-Elohim who can see and repair the grid without effort, it appears as invading AI and a controller alien construct using deception, control and Thoth-like urgency or power up a person's ego self in things like virtue signalling instead of humble in service to god mission work that the Elohei Founder Families operate without drama.

The False Great White Lion Grid was generated by Male energetic genetics of artificial ray intelligences from The Wesa Matrix to keep divisions, hierarchy and false ascension matrices in place, whilst presenting to be a Motherly energy. This is the perversion over genders, and the intention of the evil aliens to continue to destroy the true Mother's White Lion Elohei-Elohim structures by generating imposters of her body throughout the earth and universe.