The Anti-christ and Negative Alien ET Tactics Spiritual Warfare

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On our ascending planet many spiritual truthseekers and those who incarnated to support the shift of humanity during its dark disconnected from god time of the dark aeon, during the universal time matrix phasing into the new Aeon of the planet's rehabilitations to be enspirited by god's actual cosmic suns for the first time in thousands and thousands of years. The pure hearts of humanity of spiritual truthseekers, and experiencers of god's benevolent unending love chose to share this truthful knowledge with others, to rebuild the authentic frequencies of the many solar lights of plasmas, sonar sounds and whilst working through painbody and shadow to ensure the direct connections to and with god source could be felt as a directly innate inner emotional sensation. Those who were made aware through their family histories of the demonic hierarchies operating in the earth, attached to humanity and the fallen realms of the underworlds could at least be aware that the human race had befallen evils, controlling the behaviour and mindsets of the children of the sun, the human race, whom would have not understood that the various implants, deceptions and archons in the earth itself were responsible in part for keeping humanity enslaved into the antichrist enslavements. As the planetary awakening cycles started to reconnect into higher energetics, the solarisation of the human race which takes place at the planetary level, and then highlights the atrocities here in the earth's auric layers and its physical matter. This process is the ascension, in which that which has been hidden must be seen and understood, to be removed, altered, changed from the antichrist lunar or alien constructs affecting all of humanity which begin to highlight themselves in god's actual solar light.

Original Human Silicate Matrix Crystalline Lightbody, or the 12D Shield

The 12D Shield building process, is the human body diamond sun template to reconnect the organic 144 harmonics of the dimensions 12 timelines and 12 subharmonics, which when assembled to be fully 12D or 12 dimensions of DNA strands, the human is freed and is birthed as a solar avatar christ. Through the ascension, those platinum-indigos or those whom incarnated into the earth for the diamond sun template rehabilitations would build or those whom had the Avatar of Ascension Solar Lyran 12D-11D-10D field access which are the timelines of Lyra, brought with them a 12D shield containing the full original template of human progression back home to the Lyran Fields of their originals, which reside in the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions of time, millions of years in the future from our current earth's perspective. It is only since 2018 in our earth time, that the Black Holes in Lyra which contained fallen star systems, and fallen timelines which happened during the Lyran Wars, 22,000YA started to be more fully repaired by the Paliadorian Covenant's Emerald Order Founders. Thus, the 12D shield building process and it's true nature, will only appeal to a certain range of starseeded or indigo ascending starseeds on the earth in divine time. Where the ascending person must comprehend that the reality of our lightbodies have been installed with various etheric implants placed there by various antichrist racelines and negative aliens of high-militarised tech, embodied demonics or attached demonics, and assorted mind control and false reality fields installed and implanted directly to the human auric field. Starseeds are not exempt from this, but the negative alien mind control operating in the Telluric invaded shields of the earth have sent out hero-saviorisms and false reality holograms to hide this fact from anyone on the earth with a spiritual proclivity. Thus, anyone who awakens to comprehend or remember that these frequencies of building the diamond sun 12 sphere kathara tree of life inside the personal body, are usually sent excessive targeting or cloned holograms to generate lies about those individuals upon this earth holding the embodiment of a Lyran 12th dimensional fully embodied auric field which surrounds the body as a platinum-white auric 12th layer and also allows the human or starseed to reconnect to their original emanation in Lyra eventually, their Avatar Solar Logos Sun and Godself original identity.

A satanic enslaved entity or demonic will recoil and attempt to destroy the individual's comprehension of the 12D shield, as it is the rebuilding of a human person to become fully sovereign eventually in their pathway to embody their own personal christ into their full 12 stranded or diamond sun template. This is being deliberately defamed upon the earth, despite that the planetary architecture is now receiving the highest levels of the platinum ray from the 12D Universal Stargate layers in Lyra, millions of years in the future, as the body of Solar Dragon Brigid is leading the charge in restoring the silvery-white-platinum rays in the earth through her vast Platinum-Silvery-White Cosmic Ankh body embodying into the planetary Ma-Ha-Ra-TA shields, and connected to the Cosmic TA Sun of Creation. This shift is placing the planetary Solar Logos Stargate Triad into new levels of the real forces of the fuller bodies of god, which emanate into the earth through the original and recovered solar founder dragons, who were bodies of god's love in the earth whom were destroyed, reversed and satanically ritual abused to remove their connections to and with god, and for the satanic creatures and their horrific lunar death energies to control humanity. As the truth happens inside each human's body, the real nature of the body of god, as the Christed human is restored to each human in divine time, who shows goodness and ethical conduct in alignment to the principles of being in alignment to know and understand the christ body of god, as a part of their own. Rehabilitation of the human lightbodies on the earth, are supported by the guardian host Christos families workloads, to repair the grids in the earth, whilst removing the entities and enslaved human parts from out of the black magic and satanic hierarchy grid networks controlling time and space, and humanity. The liberation pathway of humanity is fulfilled inside the City Four Square or 4 Pillars of God's North South East and West, as built inside the individual who seeks to know god's love inside themselves, for real.

The Negative Alien and ET Agenda to hide the genuine Christ Energies

We have openly shared that this lifetime's workloads of the Emerald Order Founders, and Gridworking projects of the guardian host have been excessively targeted by a series of spiritual warfares, and the attempts to place genuine Heart Based Christ aware people upon the earth as if they have lost their minds, or are in fact evil. Those guardian host representatives here on the earth, those with spiritual groups or communities will find themselves placed in continuous character assassination attempts, to discredit their live's works. One way this is accomplished is to use holographic clones of the group leader's identity and using the looking glass grey alien technology, send this to the individuals who are interested in the group's work, to derail their experiences and to generate fear, lies and to prevent the person from accessing toolsets which can remove the implants, teach about the necessity of not using drugs in spiritual ascension and the emotional healing which is related to removing the negative ego shadow and pain body.

Where there is excessive interferences being laid into the mind or the psyche of an individual who is seeking truth, it is pertinent to be aware that the cosmic founder families returning into our creation are those whom came to document, share and reverse engineer the mass deceptions placed upon humanity through the extremely subtle layers of alien machinery. This machinery runs in death-frequencies, uses blood sacrifice to power up the control upon humanity, and many of the hidden hierarchies of the secret space programs whom abducted humans to experiment upon them, have used the detailed levels of MKultra mind controls which are sent to earth inhabitants from Mars, Ceres, and local planets and stars, to keep human and starseeds in states of confusion, with inaccurate assessments of the realities here. The character assassination of spiritual leaders on the earth with truthful awarenesses of these agendas through their own personal experiences, is powered up by the same agenda to keep humans playing the hatred, slander and character assasination games towards fellow humans. Thus, in the last 5-10 years on the ascension path, the naa have ramped up antichrist spiritual warfares deliberately to reverse the energetic frequencies felt by a person's heart complex. This is true, of various peoples and groups across the globe sharing their experiences and truths to help humanity comprehend the true nature of the twisted realities, perception deceptions and the agendas to destroy anything that looks like, or sounds like Christ, or Dragon. The antichrists architectures of satanic hierarchies, including the luciferian branches of black magicians, tend to target christos families on the earth, their places of gathering or their endeavours to share various workloads out into the public arena for personal discernments.

As an example of this, they will generate carbon copy of the image of a peraon and send this out through dream state, or make it appear that the spiritual leader is attacking, siphoning and acting in an antichrist manner - all of it happening in the astral planes or to confuse the actual image and real life behaviour of the spiritual group leader or steward. Usually this mind control tactic is enough to convince the person to stay away, and at the same time it powers up within them a fighting pattern to then become justified, to slander and harass and tell lies about the person they received the wrong energetic impressions of. One of the most horrific levels of mind control upon the entire human race, is either to force their attractions and interactions towards others, or to keep them away from others. The mass hidden antichrist deceptions on this earth are spoken of across the various ministries, the deliverance ministers, and this is similar to what each individual on the ascension path can learn to do for themselves, to rid demonic attachments which control the mind and perceptions to create mistrust or over-trust towards energies which could be unsafe. This reversal of the reality is their favorite game, as it acts as a continual progress inner torture to the person who is trying to locate real spiritual supports to their own personal experiences, but when the person comes close to realising manipulations, or finally finding another on this earth who can support the clearing, education of the many antichrist and ET forces in operation upon all of us, the holograms of hatred, and defiling anything with a pure heart start to get played directly into the person's mind. This is antichrist gaslighting agenda, which must be understood to fully repel it from having an influence on our personal most deepest heart based choices.

This tactic has successfully been used in mind control, deep within the core of the earth as part of the naa looking glass technologies, which clone out human images and then install them with an inversion or false persona, which is then sent out on repeated loops to those who are connected with the person's real life persona. The tactic is to invert and destroy - to confuse, and derail, and all the while the same technology sending out lies and holograms to control people to disbelieve, or to take the spiritual warfares as truths instead of observing, knowing and understanding the real life person's personality and their real life behaviours - is quietly using pawns to steal the informations from the spiritual stewards groups, and have people nefariously present this material to a wider public on social media, and to have it appear as if it was their own.

Time and again, the christos families from the past timelines, including Guardian Akhenaton, and Guardian Yeshua experienced several lunar forces of antichrist controls to derail their live's sharings, and generated thousands of false holograms inside the earth to confuse, derail and control humanity and the entire inhabitants upon the planet. Until the public understand that the antichrist satanic armies and their hoards of demons are what is uncovered as influences upon the body, mind and spirit, including those starseeded who also have to deal with this and are not exempt, the negative aliens continue to send out suicide thoughts to all of humanity. These thoughts become much more amplified when a person is realising that they do indeed have a demonic possession of some kind, which wants to keep control of that person's mind and body to use it as its vessel of how to have a material experience through the person's body. When a starseed person, or human person comes into contact with a method of spiritual enslavement release, etheric surgery, soul retrieval, or coming to understand the deeply horrific hidden alien agenda operating through the earth grids, one must understand that the mental body layers must come to a personal understanding of how to cope with new levels of informations to attain better balance and clarity.

Starseed Psychological Complex

To counteract the awakening starseeded humans upon the earth, the antichrist forces used tactics of mental control and mind games of powering up hero-saviorisms inside the person, to appear similarly as a diagnosis of imbalanced perceptions. Since the awakening stages of the planet, and the accelerations of this for humanity, more people can see and sense dead loved ones, alien ET species, and non-physical other dimensional realities through their lightbody or soul matrix being repaired to perceive the higher sensory perceptions that humanity was originally designed to have. During the stages of locating an inner understanding of how personal awareness changes through the releasing of spiritual enslavement devices, such as implants to control the thoughts, or Archontic thoughtforms placed to confuse and prevent spiritual awakening, there are changes to personal awareness from singular human into the eventual real and true experience of the many stations of identity that your soul has throughout time, all at once. Due to the galactic histories surfacing in the earth, and the genetic raceline rehabilitations, more of humanity will awaken to remember their lives upon other planets, in different stages of time and with various emotional contents of cellular memory recorded inside the blood and the physical body. To thwart this process, and to make awakening individuals appear imbalanced, a series of mind controlled constructs were generated into the earth in the 1D sphere of earth's root centre, to create a label for people with awakening mental challenges, to be moved into the western culture mainstream to be labelled as Starseed Complex. This is a gaslighting program which has been set into the controller structures, to continue the similar antichrist agendas from the same time as when they burned witches or spiritual peoples to be punished, as they appeared to be deluded in their personal sensory perceptions when compared to the others in their vicinity. Thus, it is important to realise, anyone awakening now on planet earth, will face their own shadow body and fears will be extremely amplified to re-enforce a form of mental illness instead of the truth of the awakening to open the eyes, and mind, to feel more deceptions whilst trying to understand new levels of perception or the reveal of different realities present from the personal eyes or meditation spaces.

Mental body imbalances manifest in a variety of ways, which often stem from unhealed trauma and emotional-mental conflicts along with soul fragmentation. The human body and history of humanity, with the various hidden wars over the earth, the cataclysms, the explosion of our original planetary home on Tara, and other parts of the human existence inside 12 dimensional timelines past present and future, are recorded into every human's body and cells, and has been programmed to be destroyed or forgotten by the stealing of our raceline memories. Invading alien collectives who took a hold of our planet thousands of years ago did this to ensure they could successfully enslave humanity and have them not understand, nor know that humans are from the stars as god made us in future planetoids and starsystems, and that the earth is but one remnant of the original spiritual home of humanity within various different solar systems and star constellations which have been hidden from personal view due to the destruction of the original DNA stranding of the etheric lightbody template and physical body. This fact is experienced by those who awaken to have deep dream recall memories, torture memories, alien invasion memories and this can play out in mental body fear and looping because the inner mental body cannot sometimes discern if this is lies, making the person feel even more isolated. This is compounded if others around cannot sense nor remember the same or similar events. The more starseeded individuals on the earth, those with a higher DNA activation already to compile their own soul memories and heal from the excruciating pain that is happening inside the self, who share their personal experiences, the more the truth comes to bear as it becomes shared memories of all of humanity. Starseeds are not aliens, they are human souls from other planets and constellations in which the original DNA template of the body of god, for their specific bodies or race lineages, who resided in the stars themselves - came to earth at some point int he past, and became stuck or are from advanced civilisations and know how it is to live on a planetoid of peace. The starseeded families on the earth have also to recover and heal their human experiences, and thus, they are not in any way "superior genetically" to any other human person on the earth, and they know this in their hearts. Some starseeds have direct memory access and consciousness travelling through time, to other locations, and other planetary systems which are accessed through dreams, or in meditation. They carry the personal and direct progressive experiences of the human being as originally a time travelling biological form, connected to the original home planet, and also to god's original blueprint in the Eye of God for our time matrix, or it's parallels.

Those rainbow masters written about in history, who attained a rainbow body were either humans from future timelines or genuinely cosmic starborn ascended masters who could rebuild their own lightbody through ethical conducts and spiritual purity to teach humanity how to love themselves, as a being of god's body in creation. Thus, those masters had direct knowledges to share with others, and in their meditations could move through space and time in their diamond sun bodies, to experience other times and spaces, whilst sitting in the meditation pillow in the here and now. This is the hidden truth of the original human who could materialise and dematerialise through the stargates, move in and out of different timelines, and whom would know god's body was protecting them as there were only peaceful experiences to be had. As more suffer from the mental schisms of the awakening process, is it very very helpful to seek a sensible life on the earth without going messiah complex - this hero-saviour or messiah complex is used by the antichrists to derail a person's inner soul from comprehending and making sense of their very personal inner spiritual landscape and ascending progressions.

Satan's Army, The Devil in Service to Self for rewards, and hatred towards the Christ energetics

As a result of many bloodline invasions into the earth, the Satanic hierarchies and their assorted energetics such as the Satanic deceptions of rewards or sacrifices for a reward, the operations of the Satanic forces want to control, destroy and bind humanity into their Antichrist death energetics through hatred, black magic curses, voodoo, hexes whilst upholding their own energetics as a force of greed and self-service, as the expense of their souls and hearts with god. The Hatred towards the Christ on the earth, which is any human with a pure heart knowing and understanding that human ethics and kindness are a normal human's value system towards others; is that the Satanists spend their time cursing, chanting and controlling to locate weak spots and unhealed pain in humanity. They use this and exploit it to offer people a way out of their trials, as long as certain sequences of self-sacrificing or acts of deception are being used to manipulate and control others often with the overtone of kindness, or offering gifts to help others. The energetics of this have enslavement ties of non-transparent consent, obtained when their victim accepts the support or help, in which later they will 'cash-in' to use or abuse that person for the result of destroying their livelihood, to generate more misery and pain, which is the antichrist's currency on the earth through siphoning human energy in all ways possible.

As the loving people on this earth are made more aware of these agendas to control, cover, hide the christ and generate false images of pure hearted humans upon the earth (whom Satanic energies are actually quite scared of, and this is why they have to destroy their light as it's too powerful in the name of the Christ) so to flock around and try to dissuade others from feeling or gathering in kindness together under a house of built-for-purpose- godliness.

Any loving human being on this earth who is made aware of the actual forces of the antichrist, the demonic hierarchies of deception, glamourisations, controls, can take heart to understand that as the body of god and christ is being restored to this entire planetary body, directly by the embodiments of those humans in the ascension cycles of receiving the unending love and bright light of god inside their own bodies, that this force of your own conviction and covenant to be with the godhead, to be in the house of god, rebukes the satanic energies in their tracks from affecting you and those you love. The deceptions that Satan makes, sows seeds of doubt in the hearts of humans, to try to prove to them that actually god is weak. Those of us here on this earth with truth in our hearts, and god's love and truth in our entire cells, are those who can hold steady as the earth is shaking, and the antichrist armies on the earth are losing their grips of power upon the masses.

Love Thy Neighbour, Do not believe the lies of the Satanic whispers thoughts in the mind to turn against others

Since we are living through the times of the changes of the guard upon the earth, the kindness we extend to each other is paramount in keeping the true essence of the spirit of christ alive inside our hearts. The message to be strong against the wild winds of devastations as the Cosmic Founder families linked into the fullness of the Cosmic Sun's of Creation are returning now more than ever, to locate and uplift the human hearts into the true creator's nature as it returns and embodies into the planetary diamond heart networks, and into the original creation to enspirit and take back, the true body of the cosmic suns in the earth's fields. The hatred generated towards any one or anything who knows of god's true feelings of humanity, that we have been lied to, that god is not to be feared, knows that we cannot let the satanic whispers prevent us from being just exactly who we really are on the inside of our bodies. The true expression of any human soul is of perfection as was made in god's image and has a unique purpose to live on this lifetime, and other lives, to return to know the creator face to face and to understand. The satanic hierarchies, the demonics hidden in the shadows must be called out for what they really are - liars, deceivers, and controllers, who say god damaged the earth and god's wrath is playing out. This is a lie, as their structures took the place of god's body in this planetary body and beyond, and the more humans who believe the true nature of god as a loving god, and satanic entities as destroyers, can feel the earth's body as their loving thy neighbour learning ground, in which to rebuild relationships in the heart, and to come to reality of what has been happening on the earth, through the satanic blood sacrifices and their many etheric strongholds operating under the cover of various controlled fronts.

Many of the loving whistleblowers or truthtellers on the earth, have unique personalities and feelings about the changes to humanity to restore the plan of god upon the earth. Some are humble quiet people working their own lives as family love, doing good deeds and connecting with their family and friends to restore the kindness and sharing principles that come naturally to them. Others are out in the world stage, placing their hearts upon the alter before the human race and with god's truth in their hearts, to be advocates of revealing the underbelly of horror and human enslavements of the Satanic Luciferian energetics which don't abide by the laws of god, and have been complicit or have been bloodline slaved into the hierarchies of covert controls in various ways. These humans who are doing their part in the ascension of the earth, receive extensive attention by black magicians, chanting curses at their bodies and their lives, and their bloodlines, - all day long. As organised practises to destroy, defame, and to have that person be seen as a completely false persona - by using holographic dreams, demons to talk to their followers/interested parties, and to shame, destroy and character assassinate those goodhearted people who feel true love in their hearts and want to bring and help others make changes here. This tactic is one which we are familiar with, as the negative alien attention and the demonic hierarchies, black magicians attempting to wreak havoc with our workloads, cursing our servers, trying to get demonics attached to our website or to cloak my words and sharings through a series of utterly rediculous lies as sent to anyone who gets close, or feels resonance to our work. This is but one example to share, as a real life experience we have continually and repeatedly had to defend and use the tools of inner christ neutral compassion and to remove their black magic curses, demonic attempts to opress, as a way of life on the ascension. These creatures and their human vessels are under enslavements or demonic hierarchy possessions which give them powers, when any of us heals our wounds, and our pain, we can repel these spiritual warfares because there is no pain or wound to hold onto to try and control us. This note is important to remember, that there is only one force on the earth encompassing anything of control, deception, pain and suffering upon all of us - collectively termed as Antichrist or Satan. If a person turns against the demonics, or the spiritual forces of satan who has served satan as their master, they will have to take time to become freed from these evil deceptions masked as gifts or powers.

These energetics connected to the satanic rituals on the earth are those which tend to generate a cloud of black lies around our container and body of work, sometimes people are mindcontrolled to take our words and use them as their own, to derail individuals from feeling that my words, these words, and experiences are to support others on the earth understand and be fearless in their convictions to know the Christ internally and personally. Usually there are intentionally evil versions of us made into holograms, or where people believe we are acting in evil ways as a hidden type of energetics. I am here to tell anyone here, the embodiments of a christ frequency into a human body will never, never ever ever desire to use, connect with or have ANY relationship with an evil satanic force of energetic misuse and power abuse. Therefore, the hidden nature of the sorcery is often used to keep people away from these spiritual truths, and to have them believe the layered lies that the demonics, insert, control, make movies, or even dreamtime lies about someone's persona. These astral planes trickery and holographically placed spiritual warfares are used for the sole purposes of controlling people, it's easier for someone to start slandering and believing lies, than it is for the person to do their own personal assessment. When someone comes into contact with the Christ and the 12D auric Shield, this will bring up within them - demonics, lies, attachments, which will intentionally cloud their internal awareness to think it's coming from someone else. This is often the contents of the shadow body and demonic attachments and possessions in humanity and in starseeds - is very very common. To become more freed, it is important to look at personal actions, drugs for example make holes in the lightbody and auric field, making an open door and home for deceiver liar spirits to control the mind and the experiences of the person's psyche. To become cleared, one must dedicate and understanding of how to go about closing these doors, clearing life up and to regain personal auric field strength and mental body clarity. Most of humanity has been installed with a series of implants in the etheric layers of their own lightbody, which has numbed hidden, cloaked and controlled a person's perceptions and has prevented them from seeing the real rebuilding process a lightbody must go through in order to reach the eventual 12D ray of the auric field and the solar logos identity matrix of their original solar body in Lyra. There are Artificial Intelligence etheric fields at play, which use the weaponisations of frequencies on the earth, and in some whom have suffered as Targeted Individuals, their lightbody has suffered in some cases, from alien abduction or receiverships of various mind controlled technologies running from the centre of the earth's core and into the human central nervous system, Sometimes this rears up in people when they start to come close to understand how to rebuild their sovereign personal lightbody template, and it becomes excessively heightened in the person - where it wasn't before. That is because, in coming into contact with a higher energy of spiritual dimensional godhead connected ray, or person holding this in their embodiment, the hidden nature of the hidden controls operating will become known - this is the christ showing you what was and is controlling sections of the nervous system, and the perceptions of reality or spiritual realm experiences, where it can take a person dedication and sensible energetic awareness, to eventually heal out from these very very hidden, nefarious etheric implants and their controls. That which has been hidden, must be seen by the person individually in so that they can understand how to clear their lightbody of this naa technology, remove blood covenant bindings, and start to rebuild their original diamond sun 12D template or their diamond sun body template. It starts with emotional and mental body healing, negative ego and healing shadow, and wounds and not ignoring this.

The most influencial prayers anyone can make are for the christos protection and where two or more gather, this heartbased power is one which frightens these antichrists who have to keep on sacrificing or keep on their own enslaved actions to serve their antichrist master, to gain power and energetics of demonic powers to try and destroy the christ. As more humans are coming into this realisation, it is easier to see the same tactics used to attempt to defame destroy and blame heart based people on the earth, as a heart based person with love and truth is the most powerful spiritual warrior in their own position on the earth.