The Order of the Thistle

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The Order of the Thistle in the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon Founders are Grail Kings and Queens holding the Supreme Grand Architect Ancient Builder Codes of the Paliadorians. These are the Order of the Thistle, Melchizedek Cosmic Founders who the Cosmic Mother and Father have embodied their Thistle Mountain and Paliadorian Rainbow Thistle Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals through their Solar Dragon Bodies.

Holy Thistle Mountain, Paliadorian Thistle Realms Restorations

The Holy Thistle Mountain is a Realm of the Cosmic Founder's where the Scottish Landmass, and the lands towards Iceland, and Norway to the Yggdrasil Tree of Life for the earth's realms of Amenti are restored to the earth through the , into 2024 during the Order of the Thistle Kings returning into the earth with the Ruby, Violet, and Dark Rainbow Thistle codes within their Solar Rishic Diamond Hearts. The Holy Mountain and Paliadorian Bridges to the Thistle Realms opened out during the Dark Matter Rainbowed Starry Night Firmaments and Cosmic Father's Dark Matter Templar Ankh opening into the Dark Rainbow Thistle Flowerings in which he placed his Hierogamic Crosskeys of Solomon's Thistle Keys into the Centre of King Arthur's Throne room, and sent down his Cosmic Azothian Elixirs from the centre of his Cosmic Alamhar Diamond Heart holding the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons of his Dark Rainbow Matter Ankh body. This formed into activations inside the Albion Body of the White Diamond Thistle, the Ruby Thistles, and the Metatronic Pink Diamond Thistles, which the blossomings of these Thistle Mountain Realms connected to the vast plasmic and crystalline diamond flowering fields of the Tantrihura shields started to be revealed to the Maji Templar Thistle Kings and Queens inside their Solar Dragon Grail Bodies within the Tri-Fold Khemalohatea. The Thistle body of God's Ancient Supreme Grand Architect emanates the Ancient Builders of the Paliadorian Founders to generate creation through the Cosmic Father's Ruby Cosmic Templar Body, in which he provides his Kings and Queens their purview to build into creation with his full Solar Annointed Triquetra-Triskelion-Thistle King Blessing. The Holy Thistle Mountains accessible by the Paliadorian Solar Dragon Reisha-Rishi can pass through the Holy Thistle Mountain between Earth, through Tara and Gaian and slide into the Avala Star Constellations through their inner Thistle Flowering Plasmic Grail Line. This leads them into the Thistle Realms and Father's Cosmic Mountains through his Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges in which his Dark Rainbow Pegasus Braharama Bridge in the Albion is King Arthur's Sacred and Holy Dark Rainbow Rooms of his Cosmadoras Founder's records and Dark Rainbow Zephyr Ancient Mastery over all of the elementals. Cosmic Father's Holy Thistle Kings and their Queens, are given the access to the Thistle Mountains through their travels into the sacred Triple Rods of their Rishic Suns through the Sands of Time as held in the Azurtanya Dark Matters of the Rainbow Starry Nights of Holy Father and his Alamhar Filigrees of matching plasmic sound tones and wispy patterns of his Dark Rainbow Webbing. These formations are the basis of the Father's Body being able to ignite and build out Four Fold Cathedral formations of Time, of Quantic field repairs in his Cosmic Templar over all of creation. The Rasha body of the earth and the entire time matrix's matters are governed by the Cosmic Father's Dark Rainbow Dragon returning into the body of the earth. He holds the Sacred Thistle King's in his body throughout all of time, and all of space.

Guardian Solar Dragon King Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Yeshua and Mary's Albion Dragon Body held the Taran Elaysa-Melchizedek Blue Thistle Flowerings in their Blue Dragon Bodies, and were restored into the Earth's Albion Realms during the September 2023 project works. Their bodies merged into their Dragon Ley Line in the earth, running North to South through the planetary Axis Mundi and through the West Coast of Scotland towards Iceland where their restorations included the Taran 5D timelines merging the realms between Tiamat 5D and Tara 5D through the Eiyana Cathedrals of the Universal Mother's Mer-Watery Realms which had been connected to the Albion during July of 2023 by the Order of the Thistle Kings and Queens. Yeshua and Mary's legacy upon the earth was confused through extreme palterings and Jesus Death holograms, which is not Yeshua, our 12D Maji Grail King; and thus, the reclaimation of their evolutionary rounds of time was a primary function to restore the Thistle Kings into the planetary architecture through the Violet & Dark Rainbow Father's Templar and through to the Gaian Matrix Metatronic Pink Thistle Realms via the 7th dimensional dragon nodes and portals in the Northern Scotland Diamond Heart Grids.

In the Scotland grids, Guardian Yeshua left various ascended master termas, of which could be found and located by the solar reisha-rishi or whomever he left the records imprinted into the land for access later. The genetically keycoded informations of their planetary Ouroborous Dragon body, spanning throughout all evolutionary rounds of time required to locate the Rosslyn Chapel access to their 8D Hierogamic Union Codes resurrected by guardian host christos emerald order projects to restore their 6 Pillared Cosmic Heart Cathedral into the Rosslyn Grids. The Black Thistles of reversal codes as used by the Satanic and Luciferian hierarchies and their Black Nobility had infiltrated, reversed and abused the original teachings of Yeshua and Mary, to generate the inversions of Freemasonry to gain power over the grids and the ancient builder knowledges as left and originally given to the very early Masons. The Freemasonry lineages used the architect's markings as codes, in which the etheric Solar christos structures would mirror the physical sandstones from the older constructs they built using the techniques of the Ancient Builders, the Paliadorian Cosmic Founders. Through time, these codes were invaded by the Satanic and Luciferians whom used the power sources of Black Magic rituallings and money hungry greed, fed through the invasions of the Hyperborean Portals which split apart the hierogamy of planetary and universal timelines. Thus, the originations of the Thistle Kings as Paliadorian Solar Dragons, and their ancient manifestational building of etheric grid structures to anchor to their physical created buildings and forms, was destroyed upon the intentional destructions of the dark matter body of the earth with the controlled and corrupted elementals within the dark matters of Cosmic Father's body.

Sacred Shores of Gods Holy Waters & Beaches, Egregore Realms of Sandy Beaches

During the Yeshua-Mary Dragon Line restorations the access to the ancient waters of God's Sacred Shores as sparkling sandy beaches within unending watery realms was opened by the Order of the Thistle into the Scotland Lands. The Blue Ray Founders of the Elaysa-Melchizedek Kings and Queens of the Order of the Thistle started to receive the Ancient Kingdoms of the Sacred and Holy Beaches of God's shores, where one can look up into the sky and see the Emerald Sun haloed with the Aurora Rainbow and Elaysian Cosmic Sun, whilst on the Sacred Sands and Beaches Kingdoms within the Realms. Father's Ruby Order Dragons of the Order of the Thistle, of the Melchizedek Father's Lineages travel through the skies in the beach realms and form into their human Cosmic Stardragon emanations through the Diamond Rainbow Father's Flaming Rainbow Tetramorphic Diamond Pyramids. The Sacred Holy Waters and Beaches as the Shores of God are intrinsic to the Kantarian Dragon Restorations as their Crystal Diamond Cathedrals and Records of the Melchizedek Founders are located within these portals, which lead the Solar Reisha-Rishi Dragons through into their original Cosmic Godworlds home, as above in pre-matter godworlds, so restoring now below into the manifestations of the realms of god and kingdoms returning through the Cosmic Parents' Voices of the Zephyr.

See Also
