Understanding Spiritual Ascension

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Changes to human experience

As the planetary body is changing, in the subtle energetic layers of the stargates and energy networks, humans undergo symptoms of the ascension which can appear in a myriad of ways. As a human being receives the higher energies which are instreaming to the planet through the sun and stellar body transmissions; tiredness, achiness, mental body changes, higher sensory perceptions, pre-cognitive functions and dreams, the change in the passing of time, pains and emotions will flood into the surface of the life. This is an energetic biological spiritual awakening, of which many humans have not been prepared to understand. Mainstream media, scientific research do not speak freely of the human soul, and thus this information is likely to be refuted as mythological. The human soul exists to connect with the godsource, and to experience life upon the planet earth. Each individual going through a spiritual activation may mistake this process for deep depression, dark emotional overwhelm, seeing spirits and passed on loved ones, or receiving a higher knowing or feeling within themselves which perhaps didn't exist before. 

Humans and the Solar Logos Avatar in Lyra 10-11-12D Timelines

Most of the earth's records have been broken, and the victors of war destroyed and created their own false narratives about the origin of humanity and the human body form. Throughout history the elders of ancient knowledges found in all 4 corners of the earth, knew and remembered their ancient star origins, as the stars are suns similarly as the earth also is. During this ascension cycle, the repair to the entire time matrix from the Solar Rishi Ursa Major and Solar Reisha Pleiades Stars, is a Sun-Star body Portal of the godhead's eye which part of their multidimensional bodies exist inside the threefold flame of god in the 13-14-15D timefields, above Lyra Constellation. This position of the Star bodies of Ursa Major and Pleiades 14 stars unified inside the Solar Rishic dimensionalised timelines (Mid-2020) is the entrance point of the Solar Rishi and Reisha which are also human identities, as male and female human body cosmic starhuman dragon creator forms, taking a step through the portal into the Lyran Cradle of all of Creation, and sending spiritual essences down into the same matrix of each human's lightbody which starts in the 12th dimension of the Lyran Fields.

Many humans cannot recall their lifetimes and stations of identity in different dimensions, and so the starseeds carrying the original human diamond sun template, the 12 tree grid diamond sun body holding 12 strands of DNA, have restored their consciousness bodies into their human counterparts in the earth in so to restore the higher spiritual links for all of humanity. In our Universal Time Matrix, Ursa Major and Pleides are multidimensional sun-stars which hold a blueprint of coupling of gender repairing inside each harmonic universe of our universal time matrix.

These first wave humans ascending with their higher selves plugged in, to higher levels of reality, are the kindest most heart based pure humans here to restore the truth to rebuild human civilization as one-body of god, as angelic humans created as the Christ, all humans to know understand and remember the truth, that all humans came from the godhead and were born forth as pairs as original divine twins from the body of god's creation as the khemalohatea gender twin matrix was our home throughout all of creation. This knowledge has been lost, distorted and made a psychological mind control of messiah like lies, but the ascending human starseeds on the earth must come to realise that their humanly bodies, and their lightbody auric fields are also undergoing repatterning stages, in which to change from the carbon reality of the bi-wave and reversal time structures installed into the earth by the many thousands of years ago alien invasions, and into the restoration of their solar silicate matrix lightbody, walking towards the godhead and path of the christ on the earth. At the end of the evolutionary ascension each human will be restored to their original divine coupling, and make their way through the heavenly stairway of the crystal spiral as they experience their original form as connected to an Avatar God-Self in the Solar Logos, Cradle of Lyra in the 10-11-12D timelines reuniting the spiritual triad of their 12 Stranded DNA or beyond, in the original diamond sun body of the christ.

All Humans were created from the Cosmic Christ Instruction Sets, the Cosmic Elohei Feline Founders

The Cosmic Founders are the ancient Dragon Elohei who take forms into the guardian host families through Sirius B. This is their primary genetic lineage for the direct contact to the godworlds, and galactic teams. Most guardian founders chose to enter into the time matrix with an Oraphim Blue Ray Emerald Order Galactic Body of 24D Double Diamond Sun, as this allowed them to dispensate the higher realm knowledges being secured by their families in Sirius B. Sirius B is the planetoid directly of the Sirius B Blue Humans and Blue Dragon Founders. These geneticists and Sirius B families are a part of the Lyran-Sirian Elohei-Elohim Founder's connections who communicate directly into the Rishic-Reisha eye of god, and Avatar of Ascension platforms in Lyra. The Royal Houses of Lyra are a series of trinity temples, where the higher ascended solar dragons enter and exit the time matrix through their ankh bodies, and are returning to restore the truth of humanity through their access directly to the cosmic founders records and form holding blueprints of the human and universal time matrix. These founder guardians do not channel and are embodiments into the time matrix from their higher stations of identity, and thus, those who have incarnated here to reassemble their body parts from the fallen time matrix and earth, or have been able to walk in with their full soul matrix identity from the Sirius B Oraphim Blue Dragon Shapeshifting consciousness body, connected to the Galactic Suns of Creation, the KA RA YA SA TA AA LA 7 suns and tones of creation. Some of these earlier activated starseeded humans are the Indigo-Platinums who had Solar Logos Access from their lightbody template, outwith the alien nets of the earths grids.

Cosmic Founders, Guardian Host families

The planetary body is undergoing evolutionary cycles of energetic change and impacts to the structure and grid networks, which are life-giving principles of the god source parent and creator structures. For many timecycles, the Cosmic Christos families known as the Cosmic Christ or founder races, Krystal Star Guardian Host Families have returned to the earth to remove the impacts and influences of alien species invasions in the interdimensional spaces, whom took residence underground and within different time bandwidths.

Theses invaders installed their own architecture and machinery into the pleanetary body, acting as gods and using human energybodies and soul essences for their own agenda. This infection has been inside the planetary body and the Milky Way Galaxy for many cycles, and is now being cleared up and the grid networks reclaimed by the guardian host families who are overseeing the ascension of the planet, and of humanity. This great work involves the end of the time cycle of 25, 600 years approximately when the stargates and galactic gates into the centre of Andromeda were accessible to the first waves of platinum-Indigo starseeds serving the christos mission. Thousands of previous guardian representatives came to the earth in the past, such as guardian Yeshua (Jesus 12) Akhenaton, Hatshepsut and King Arthur amongst other hundreds of guardian missions to reclaim and repattern the architecture which involved res-sequencing the Mother Arc Aquamarine Blue Ray back into the planet. This was achieved with success in approximately 2009, which would lead the Melchizedek hosting of planetary ascension cycle to an end in 2012-13, When the Krystal Star guardian families took over the next stages of hosting.

Since then until now, there have been various guardian host planetary gridworker projects, led by the Lyran-Sirian Oraphim & Paliadorian starseed representatives whom had to step-down their frequency bandwith to exist and create the spiritual links back into the godworlds, outside of the fallen time matrix and continue to restore the planetary body hookups back into the godsource fields. These continual projects have been attacked relentlessly by negative aliens and anti-christ satanic forces, in etheric bodies and those whom represent the anti-christ consciousness gestalts upon the earth. Guardian representatives sent forth galactic emissaries whose lineage is directly from the authentic and true Holy emerald order through the Lyran-Sirian High Councils, whom are the cosmic founders of humanity and the time matrix. These individuals would be responsible for cataloguing the damage to earth and humanity, to return the Avatar 12 Stranded multidimensionally aware consciousness into the earth planes, and to reverse engineer the hidden deception and enslavement of which has influenced the human species and planet for hundreds of years.

The guardian host families uphold the law of one teachings, and must embody this principle within themselves, as a living christ consciousness model upon the earth. This takes extensive hard work to remove all emotional blocks, and to seek only the truth - to know the truth, to wish to comprehend the truth and to dedicate the life and authority of the soul only to the one source god source of all - The godhead zero point matrix in the neutron window. This is also known as the Cosmic Holy trinity, which emanates into our time matrix as 13D Holy Mother Aquamarine Blue Ray, 14D Holy Christos-Sophia Sun Golden Ray, 15D Holy Father Magenta-Violet Ray. As these rays have been reweaving as a holy trinity expression into the planetary body through the representatives of the Cosmic Founders, these expressions known as the Solar Rishi have returned through the Ursa Major stargate into the Lyran Andromedan fields, and down into the Earth body. These guardian host founders are responsible for repatterning all bi-wave and siphoning antichrist energies, to evict and remove the alien artificial intelligence which exists in the quantum, atomic and sub-atomic layers of the atomic elemental matter of expression here on earth. This influences the planetary lightbody template, also known as the Albion Body; and thus impacts the planetary grid networks. As the massive evictions of alien dark lunar mother and false father antilife antichrist forces are removed, the upheaval into the planetary grids will display as the power struggles over control of humanity.

Starseeds & Indigos, Ascension Families

Starseeds and the indigo races whom have come to the earth to directly participate in the human ascension cycle will need support to comprehend and understand their processes. This is offered in our materials as direct contact and communication with the krystal star guardian host, and as an expression of truth in healing the diamond sun 12 strand DNA template to reclaim self-sovereignty and to understand the damage that has been perpetuated upon the human species through societal pillars of control. As guardian host families are removing false AI timelines from the planetary body; the control over humanity is understood in greater detail, as the armageddon, pestilence, sexual misery and enslavement energies held in those timelines will eventually not be able to repeat on the earth if the human consciousness is willing to awaken to the truth of the crimes being played out by the power elite and money hungry families controlling wealth.

In the coming years, from 2021, further planetary activations in waves will awaken and reveal the hidden satanic influences that have permeated society. These can no longer stay hidden upon the earth, as pedophilia, child blood sacrifice, the human trafficking and sexual abuses must surface into the mainstream to free humanity from the enslavement and possession of the invading forces. A human who participates in the aforementioned topics is either born into a satanic or luciferian bloodline, or is traumatised into action through the promise of all that they desire. Many satanists on the earth do not comprehend that their god is actually an alien entity, the baphomet and many demons which are conjured through blood sacrifice or ritual takes the energy from that ritual to an off planet space, to feed the massive alien infection within the time matrix and beyond. This power abuse of humanity must end within this evolutionary cycle, and the guardian host work tirelessly to achieve the recovery of bound and sacrificed human body parts of which have been recovered and transited from under ground bases, off planet secret space programs and parallel time matrices where draconian and reptilians have their home inside the parallell systems known as the Wesa Matrix.

There is nothing to fear about the information shared, as all humans must realise that the enslavement of the human species is a crime in this time matrix. Since the return of the krystal star guardians, many starseeds and indigoes have acted as the direct witness to the horrors and controls within their personal sphere of influence. Through their lightbody hookup their consciousness is capable of acting as the divine eye and compassionate witness of god, and the events that they have endured or witnessed are passed back through their lightbody to the Interdimensional free worlds councils. This branch of the guardian host are protectorates and continually direct ground crew guardian representatives in where to focus to repair planetary grids and to evict the vandal groups of warring aliens.

Keeping an open heart and learning how to live life within the law of one, in harmlessness and kindness above all will support an ascending human to understand and to connect with the organic benevolence that the god source truly is. This connection has been restored to our planetary body and heart matrix, guardian teams uphold the rehabilitation of the hologram as the DNA is a building block structure which receives the organic tones and sounds of creation, in which to understand where the human history has been hidden.

This wiki is offered as a resource and genetic memory living library, along with our community architecture of www.omnilov3.com which is a guardian host educational platform to provide energetic truths, holographic truths and the comprehension of building one's body into a christos expression to reach the highest expression and heroic probability for this incarnation. The multi-dimensional nature of the human being has been hidden and not easily comprehended until it is directly experienced. There are pitfalls in negative ego and emotional healing from the pain and trauma in the human DNA, lightbody and blood record of which must be continually cleared of all implants and impacts which were set by the invaders to split the genetic coding of the planetary body and thus humans, keeping male-female inner principles split and separated. This must be healing through many expressions of the human starseed or indigo architecture, within the diamond sun template in order to embody the higher consciousness into form. This is similar to the jacob's ladder and integrating one's higher spiritual bodies to reconnect to the current identity of ascending self.

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