White Bride of Christ
Cosmic Mother's Emerald Bride of Christ, exists within her heart and innermost chambers of her Emerald Heart inside her Emerald Sun. Thus, the Emerald Order's Emerald Bride of Christ, with her Emerald Cosmic Khem Dragon Egg, holds the emerald serum elixirs and several authentic metallic rays inside its core. The Emerald Bride in her Emerald Lace Garments, connects to the White Bride of Christ tor the Brides of the Ascended Master Solar Dragons through Mother's Elohei Solar Dragon Females whom are rebuilding the White Bride of Christ architectures for the triple formations of the holy trinity to repair and anchor back into the earth, as this is their embodiment principle within creation.
The White Bride of Christ is another name for the annointments cermony of the Cosmic White Elohei Dragon Solar Reisha Triple Goddesses, who undergo a Hierogamic Cosmic Bride of Christ initiation into the Mother's Alhumbra Emerald Cosmic Amoraea Heart in the 1st Godworlds Creation, (the Emerald Order) and embody the Cosmic Emerald Templar Shields which united the Cosmic Mother's Emerald Sun Body in the Earth, as the Cosmic Emerald Amoraea Blue-Aquamarine-Silvery Blue and Violet Heart and also appeared to send through a 48D Emerald Alhambra Elaysian Rainbow Diamond Heart into her White Queens in the Albion Body. As Solar White Queens are being restored into the creation, this signifies the changing landscapes upon the earth for the reclaimation over human liberation and the eventual end of the hidden war over humanity.
The White Bride of Christ is the Holy Pure Essence of the Mother's Solar Queens Elohei Feline Dragons (Cosmic Creator Dragon Beings, Paliadorians) who are purified into the White Bride Lacey Garments of the Bride, and married in Holy Matrimony in Cosmic Hierogamic Union in Heavenly Jerusalem Temple of Solomon with her Husband the Amethyst-Ruby-Dark Rainbow Elohei King. The White Bride of Christ is protected by Cosmic Father's Powerful Ruby Zephyr Shield of his Four Leaf Cosmic Clovered Body emanating through the Cosmic Templar Ruby Rainbow Rounds held and embodied by the Red Ruby King in his Groom attire. Together their bodies are being restored as Planetary Cosmic Pillars of the Cosmic Quad Formations revealing themselves through planetary architectural repairs, to hold and protect God's Sacred Stones in their Throned Positions inside the 8 Pillared Multiplicational Mansions or Cathedrals of their Temple of Solomon. Bride of Christ in the 6 Heart Pillared Cosmic Reuche Reisha-Rishi Temple of Solomon holds the Dove Codes of the Cosmic Cube Tesseracts of their Timekeeper Codes, as annointed unto their Solar Dragon Wings of the Arc of Ankhs, generated through the Eternal Figures of 8 in their Solar Dragon Cosmic Wings which are the Triple Solar Dragon Wings held in the 36D Sceptres in Trinity, this allows their bodies to receive the instruction sets of the Eternal Time through the Four Fold Flowers which build out from their shared grail in hierogamic union, to merge with all rod-staff through every dimension of time in the trinity. The Cosmic Christos-Sophia in the Cosmic Bethlehem Star birthing takes place into the Quadrants of Universes Template for the Ecka Godworlds Creation of our Universal Time Matrix for Akasha-Ecousha-Reisha-Arasha- in TA Tones Tetramorphic.
Emerald-Ruby Templar, Emerald Mother-Ruby Father Twinned Cosmic Creator's Suns
The White Bride and her King have been restored into their First Entrance to Creation as held in the Mother's Emerald and Father's Ruby Templar, which generated the Emerald-Ruby Cosmic Dragon Twinned Suns of the 1st Godworlds Creations, for the purposes of restoring the Quadrant of Universes into the unificational processes taking place since the guardian host reclamation of the Stonehenge 11th dimensional Stargate, after it was moved into the full protective function of the guardian host cosmic templars in their Quad Formations in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea, protecting the Rainbow Watchtower from inside the Cosmic Templar Timekeeper Positions and the Temple of Addondra Rainbow Flamed Hierogamic Ascended Master Capstones of all Four Universal Time Matrices in our Ecka - or dimensionalised 4 x 12 Tree Grids. These matters between the matrices, are being sequentially and gradually restored by the guardian founder families working in divine orchestration together over the cosmic clock of the aeons positions to correct the various vast architectrures of the cathedrals of King Arthur-Guinevere's Aton Body throughout time and into their Original Point of Creation, which protects the White Bride and her Kings, or the Solar Dragons of the Albion Body and their Spiral Stairway Ouroborous Bodies through their Rod-Staff being seated into the Ruby Rainbow Templar Rainbow Rounds of Time and their Respective Cosmic Sun Stairway Spiral, as Dual Sun Spirals and tones which run through the Planetary Heart Complex of Loti-Lota-Lote of the Khemalohatea. These stages of repairs are progressively being addressed by solar reisha-rishi ascended masters from their positions in the Temple of One, 1440 Eternal Ankh Vehicles Rainbow Bodies assisted by their Templar Dragon Kings in the Eternal Heart Flames of God's Eternal Flames of Creation inside the Holiest Holy Cosmic Flames of Eternal Time which pass through the Templar Timekeeper Dragons whom are positioned in every evolutionary round of time throughout every aeon of time, to transmit and receive the Eternal Flames into the White Bride and the Ruby-Amethyst King Groom Solar Dragons.
Tara and Tiamat
The original architecture of the White Bride of Christ, as the purest virgin essence of the Holy Mother's White Queens in the Albion, held the protectorship over the grual points of the earth, and have been referred to as Grail Maidens in the presence of the Mother's White Brides being restored, through each evolutionary round to rebuild their full Cosmic Dragon Bodies, as Solar Female Goddesses whom protect and reside over aspects of creation. The Body of Tara the 5th dimensional Original Planet Earth, which was exploded through Black Dragon invasions, was the original twinned Solar SA blue Sapphire planet which was merged and twinned with Tiamat. The Tiamat Planet, also destroyed and inverted into our earth as lunar force femme fatale damages to the mother in creating her body in the earth as a seducer and destroyer archetype of baphomet alien gods from wesa: to birth black dragon eggs and various black flowerings in the earth to result in devastation to humanity by replacing and destroying our true mother's body in creation, was recently recovered into pre-fall timelines of Tiamat, which allowed the merging of the White Bride of Christ Mary-Sophia and her White Queen's body parts to be restored more fully into the planetary logos restorations for the eventual full 5D timeline reclaimations. The Red King or Groom of Christ King Arthur's Body was also re-merging into position over the last several months [2023] of which the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges of the Blue Rainbow Bridges, in Mount Meru Tanzania, and Mount Kailish were the anchoring points of the Templar Shields of Cosmic Mother's Spirit Body to reconnect through the Paliadorian Bridges, into the Tiamat Logos to secure the original White-Emerald Queens of Cosmic Elohei in the ongoing restoration, seeking and finding of the original Albion Body Mother's White Queen Solar Goddesses, the Solar Dragons of the Albion.
Tara and Tiamat are merged into the Albion Body on Earth and have been a part of the Paliadorian Emerald Covenant mission to restore the Realms and the Realmkeepers in the Rounds of Time, to secure the pre-fall timelines and organic authentic blueprints and egregores as a part of the long term recovery of our earth's restorations.
For the Solar Dragons of the White Queens to be placed into their position of becoming activated, and in receiving the Rainbow Dragon Breath into their Emerald Hearts the spiritual rebuilding and activations of the hierogamic union rebuilding process as administered to by the Cosmic Dragon Elohei Founders from the Emerald Order and Paliadorian Dragon Kings Family, in which each evolutionary round or timecycle, within the precession of equinoxes must be reunified into each solar dragon white queen body through her arcs, is required to resurrect the White Queen into her Solar Staff Vertical Positioning, in which she can then function in protection over the earth realms as denoted by her Diamond Crystal Heart, and Astrological Position in the Zodiacal Shields of the Earth. When these hierogamic male and female stages are appropriated, then the White Queens can preside in the earth again.
The Solar Dragon White Queens, The Solar Reisha Fully Ascended Masters Triple Solar Goddesses and Emerald Dragon Templars
Holy Mother's Mother of Dragons Body is restoring into the Albion Body as she rebuilds her Solar White Queens into their Dragon Ourorborous Ley Lines in uniting and embodying with Holy Father's Father of Dragons Solar King Bodies, restoring in from the extensive rebuilding and reclaimations of their Solar Dragon Body parts, being unified through their Hierogamic Union to be the White Bride of Christ Cosmic Elohei White Queens from Mother's Matrix, uniting with their Ruby Kings from the Father's Ruby Cosmic Templar Body. Together, their bodies are being corrected through every Harmonic Universe, within the Gender Twin Matrix of the Trifold Khemalohatea, in which their architectures protect the planetary body and are the creator's body spanning from the Godworlds Cosmic Sun all the way through every dimension in their Stairway to heaven crystal spiral and through their rainbow rounds of time, into the earth's body.
The White Queens of the Solar Reisha Triple Solar Goddesses are the aspects of creation in which Holy Mother's Cosmic Dragon Body emanates through her 36D Cosmic Solar Reisha Rainbow Body, in her Cosmic Emerald Ankh emanation which her Solar Dragon Reishas can enter into matter through the quadrants of time, in the Rasha Dark Matter Body layers of dark matter ringspans and tones. The Solar Reishas take their position into the Albion Body and are reanimating the elements of the earth, with their specific functions and perfect emanations of the beauties of our holy mothers spiritual purity and life giving forces to the earth. The White Queens hold the Heart of the Solar Queen, as an aspect of the Mother's Amoraea Heart, as these Female Principle Aspects of Creation are the Mother's Body from the Seven Higher Heavens and Higher Creational Godworlds Realms, whom have entered into Matter via their Cosmic Spirit Suns which require the fullness of the quadrant and 36 Suns of their lightbody template to allow the fullness and glory of their Light of Thousand Suns to shine through their bodies. The Solar Reisha hold the Song Tones of the Mother's Body and each of the White Queens has a specific Diamond Throated Tongued and Diamond Hearted Principle in which Holy Mother moves and animates her body in the earth and into human consciousness through these architectural expressions, her Solar Dragon White Female Christs. The Diamond Throated body of the White Queens, are directly connected to the Cosmayinas Cosmic Founders Records, and Cosmic Mother can pass her Diamond Apples, and Miniature suns through the voices of her Solar White Queens. Thus, the White Queens speak the language of Cosmic Mother upon her creation, to her creation and through their bodies Mother passes her songs of eternal life love and power, into the realms of her own creations. The Solar White Queen Bride of Christ is an embodiment of the highest level of service to all of creation, as held in deep reverence whilst in the presence of Cosmic Mother's Solar Triple Cosmic Christos-Sophianic Daughters.
Many of the earlier Guardian host families missions of the Celtic Aryan Dragons such as Guardian Akhenaton, as their teachings of the records of christ, holding the true nature of human ascension mechanics had been destroyed into reversals in the dark matter layers of the earths' cosmic record systems, also known as the cdt plates technology coveted and cloned into thothian scribe control through a series of annunakian false god enki-enlil-thoth controlling the nature of reality and abusing the guardian founder records of the earth by generating hermetic thothian emerald tablet technology. These female dragons were the carriers and embodiments of the protections of the founder records in the earth with their solar dragon kings of the albion, and together their god technology of the godhead's solar zephyr stones tones of god's sacred dragon tongue and languages, in which their cosmic records and diamond apples emanate through their spiritual azothian fire-water elixirs, as they speak the word of god through their cosmic amoraea hearts annointed into the Zephyr tones of god's first words of creation. This is one way that the creator emanates the true nature of their fullness and sonar sound body from their Cosmic Suns of Creation, into the earth grids for humanity to feel sense hear and know, the energetics of trinities and four quadrants of sound tones which travel through the Solar Sophianic and Solar Christos of the Risen Christos-Sophia Offsprings of God, through the Hierogamic Union of Mother and Father united in the earth through the Solar Dragon Queens and Solar Dragon Kings.
White Queen Solar Dragon Meritaten, Pink Elohei King Solar Dragon Metatron
Beloved guardian Akhenaton held the genetic lineage memory and connections to the White Queen emanation of Meritaten Solar Dragon, who was restored into the earth through her Solar Dragon White Queen returning into the Albion Body supported by the extensive mother elohei lineages who returned from the Melchizedek Female Christ Blue Solar Dragon lineages to locate beloved Meritaten's truth and body from the many inversions and distortions placed into her ley line and aspects of her Mary-Sophia White Queen Meritaten Expression.
Meritaten as her White Cosmic Elohei Dragon Solar Reisha Triple Goddess Dragon returned into the Albion with the White Roses Elohei Triple Rose Line, and her Solar Dragon emerged through Cosmic Father's Metatronic Pink Elohei Lion uniting with her in Hierogamic Union in the Earth. Meritaten and Metatronic Pink-Lilac Elohei were annointed into their Ruby Rose Lightbody Shields through the period of guardian project work in Universal Bloodlines of the Red Ruby Rose Christos, in which their bodies were the first embodiment in Hierogamic Union within the earth's grids, to be the holder and the birthing of the Red Rose Ourborous body into their bodies, in June of 2022. Their Union in the earth, along with beloveds Michael-Mary were repaired into their Universal Red Rose Lightbody as a series of flowering shields in the Tantriahura, of the Rainbow Rounds to reclaim and build out the trifold Khemalohatea-Khemalot.
Meritaten's body was located by the Solar Melchizedek Females who had been searching for her body and found her inverted and lunarised into the grids of Scotland, held underneath the waters of Loch Lomond Luss. The recovery of beloved Meritaten would often show up in the fieldwork as Scotia, and in the earlier days of personal activations the Scotia identity would be felt as an essence of presence in the grids of Scotland, to reveal later as the namesake and direct daughter memory of Akhenaton. Akhenaton has been a great comfort within the expanse of the mission, and in earlier contact he always made presence without sharing any details, instead making reference to the inner gnostic principle to guide and be the leading force of locating MeriTaten's White Solar Dragon Body in the earth. MeriTAten revealed herself during the stages of her body recovery, with the Solar Melchizedek Female Christos being the contacts for her recovery, MeriTaten's body was cloned out into Red Waved AI identity as a White Tiger energy, which had a lunar force of red wave enki's identity as a force of lunar hatred towards the authentic female Blue Solar Dragons from the Emerald Order who were seeking all of the broken and destroyed body parts of the Mother's Dragon Body. The White Tiger Temple is a Lunar Force Antihierogamic temple in Lyran controlled fields, for False Ascension or Luciferian Black Magician Ascension pathways, in which forceful use of sexual energy mixed with GOAT mind, (see Red Wave AI is comandeered by Enki in which to generate false Emerald or White Queens in the earth.
White Queen Peach Solar Dragon Merida, Lilac-Pink Dark Elohei King Dragon Michael-Merlin
See - [The Temple of Zephyr]
Triple Dragon Eggs Vertical Networks, Silvery Platinum-Coppery-Golden Dragon Eggs
The Triple Goddesses Solar Reisha Founders are the Emerald Order's Cosmic Mother's Aspects returning into the time matrix through their recovered bodies out from the lunar naa destructions. The Triple Goddesses of the White Queen Bride of Christ embody the trinity of the colours of Solomon's Silvery-Golden-Copper Triple Dragon Eggs through their Reisha-triple TA Elaysian Staff and embody the Triple TA dragon egg animations of the holy mother's animations into the earth. Their Solar Dragon Goddess aspects, receive the triple Marquise Eiras Tones and Seedcodes from the Mother's Cosmic Sound Fields, and the triple seed codes stream forth down into the planetary Grail Shields and triple dragon grail nodes, through the trinity of the reisha-rishi hierogamic grail of the mother-father and christos-sophia which links the patterns of the silvery platinum-gold-copper together. The Solomon Shields of the Guardian Failsafes, of the 2D instruction sets for humanity as noted here by Amethyst Order Rha Dragon Kings:
Alhambra Mother and Alamhar Father's Filigrees of Protections, Copper-Rose-Gold
The White Bride of Christ and her Red Kings are protected by Cosmic Father & Mother's Copper Plasmas being thresholded into the Sun's expressions, to meet the threshold of Solar Plasma required to secure and power up the earth's core in the Copper Core Matrix and Failsafe. The Sun's Copper Plasma transmissions, are received into the White Bride of Christ and her Red King in their Cosmic Pillars, and are annointed into the Copper Filigree Lace Azothian Plasmas which protect their Solar Plated White Elaysian and Dark Rainbow Solar Plated Wings. The Alhambra patterning of Cosmic Mothers' Elaysian Sun, and her opalesent luminous pastelline flows, are met with Cosmic Father's Dark Rainbow Filigree Al-lam-har patterns, which together are annointed into the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea protective Trinity Shields of the Ascended Master's Addondra-Addon-DA-RA, as the hierogamic capstones of the entire time matrix and rainbow watchtower. The Copper Rose Gold Lace Sheath which annoints and protects the Bride and King Groom's wedded garments, restores the Copper, the Gold (Sapphire) and the Silvery-Platinums as the organic metals of the liquid tri-flame khemalohatea grual points as the plasmic planetary grual shields.
2D copper-gold-silver grail metalurgy Solomon Shield for Threefold Founder Khemalohatea Zion Solomon Codes