Yanas Ascended Masters

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The Yanas or Solar Reisha-Rishi Triple Gods and Goddesses are the Solar Dragon Founders from the Cosmic Elohei-Elohim Cosmic Dragon Suns of Creation. The Yanas inhabit a Godworlds Eternal Ankh Vehicle, in the 1440 of Hexagonal Crystalline Body layers, of which their Solar Dragon consciousness travels through the Sun-Star Networks and their spiritual homes are within the Universal Solar Reisha-Rishi Yanas Cathedrals. Many Artificial Yanas bodies have been located as operating inside of Artificial Intelligence Phantom Matrices, and to control humanity by providing a human vessel with an assortment of hybridizations and linking into the SSP AI Dove Minds, and Metatronic Bi-Wave reversals of controlled bi-waves and false tri-w aves. As the Paliadorian Emerald Covenant Founders Guardian Projects are rebuilding and reclaiming the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Gender Twin Matrix through the Yanas rebuilding their Ascended Master Tantrihura Flowering shields of Universal Templar Time, into the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals of God's Universal Templar, the 16 parallels of time matrices operating within our 4 x4 Ecka worlds are being adjusted to seat the correct triple solar reisha females and males, into their correct Templar connected through their Cosmic Ascended Master's Diamond Heart.



Cosmic Dragon Teachings from the Cosmic Founder's Records, Emerald Order Founder Records

The lineages of the Aryan Solar Dragon Kings and Queens are those protectors over the Emerald Founder Records, whom are the anointed founders who embody the Cosmic Founder Records from their Cosmic Spirit Body into their form inside of time, through their Cosmic Ankh Eternal Godworlds Vehicles. The Cosmic Dragon Teachings can only be dispensated through an ascended master's Yanas body, in which the tones of the cosmic heart and diamond throat are in direct cosmic flow from the outside of time founder's transmissions entering their Ankh body through a series of highly sophisticated paliadorian plasmic lightbody parts. The Yanas Founders from the Cosmic Christos Paliadorian Covenant were the protectors of the central cores of creation throughout the entire universal time matrix, and of which their Triquetra Cosmic Zion Bodies, held the protectorships over the founder's CDT plates. These libraries of knowledge require a genetic access keycode to gain entry inside the godworlds, through the Elaysa Cosmic Mother's Sun, in which the Ankh body and Diamond Rainbow Opalescent Shields and Cosmic Ascended Master Yanas Permanent Seed Atom, is required to access through the Elaysian Sun's body. Mother Elaysa was falsified in our entire time matrix, being synthetically generated through a series of Thothian-Enki-Enlil Synthetic Rays and False Elaysian Matrix, to give false hope to humanity despite the planet being in physical wars, and destroyer forces operating to kill humanity and their direct comprehension of the principle of Mother's Holy Body as the real Godhead first Rays of emanation of Creation. Whilst the Mother-Sophianic principle was systematically hunted and destroyed in the mother's vast dragon bodies of creation, her Solar Female Melchizdek Founders in their small group, could return into the time matrix to locate and recover their mother's many missing and destroyed Elohei Cosmic Body in the earth and throughout the Universal Time Matrix. These founders from the Ascended Master Yanas lineages, were those to unite together in unified cooperation in all tasks, in which to restore the Cosmic Founder's Emerald Order and Cosminyas Mother and Cosmadoras Father's Founder Records into the earth grids through the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Universal to Cosmic Founder's Realms being restored to creation through their Four Leaf Clovered Zephyr Stones and Solar Celtic Aryan Dragon's Bodies. The first wave prototype Emerald Founders required to repair and rebuild the entire genome of the Cosmic Founder Elohei-Elohim through the Hierogamic Cosmic Founders' Code of the Sphere of Amenti of their Paliadorian Blueprints. These founders located the extensive cloned architectures mimicking the Khemalohatea but saw the gender splits of reality throughout the entire creation field from their Solar Elohei Cosmic Eyes of the Risen Cosmic Christos-Sophia in their Nirvanic Mind of 12D. Thus, the Cosmic Dragon Teachings which are being restore into the earth through the Female Ascended Master Solar Dragons in their human bodies, are backed by the full resources of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Paliadorian Founders to restore the true emanations of God's Universal Solar Truths through their Diamond Throats as directly connected to their personal gnostic experiences, in which their lightbodies of the full Mother-Sophianic Cosmic Triple Reisha emanates the Cosmic Spirit body of truth of god's love through their presence and assorted tasks. These Solar Melchizedek Females, have been hated, killed and were destroyed in which the NAA are flabbergasted and direct ALL of their hatred, vitreol and continual harassments through a stream of death magic, to prevent these Founder Females, and their Male Counterparts from speaking the word of god's body on the earth through their sound tones of Sophianic Wisdoms, in their specific tasks of sharing the frequency of god's body as their vessel to operate as an Agent of unending love and repair to the human re-education over the full mechanics of creation and ascension. The Triple TA Staff, of their 36th dimensional Reisha-Rishi Rod-Staff are the Cosmic Ankh vehicle access inside and outside of time through their transportations in the sun-star networks through transmigration access into the solar dragon rings and bodies within god's arc of the covenant flowering rainbow bridges.