Zion (or Scion, or Zhyon as named by various texts) reveals itself as a part of the original name which is connected to the Copper Sun of sound tone VA, which reveals for the bloodcodes of the Solomon Lineages, or the Solar Dragons Cosmic Body with connections to the Maji Kings and Queens connected to the Houses of God in the higher heavens. The Copper Krystal Cathedral from the City Four Square, and the complex cathedrals born forth through the Cosmic Suns of the Copper Realms, and Solar Timekeeper Cubes of the Copper Matrix connected to the Copper Matter in the Core of the earth, and the blood of human body annointed by the Red Ruby Rose Universal Blood of the Christos. The Zion Temples existed inside the 11th dimension of Lyra, in the original temples of Khemalohatea pre-invasion of Lyra and appear to be a part of the connection to the Rainbow Capstones of the Addondra and the 144000 Rainbow Arcs of the Eternal Templar Quadrata Flamebody. These Temples were a part of the earth's many mansions in the cathedrals of god, but of which were invaded during the many attempts to destroy the origins of the House of David Bloodlines, of which Guardian Hatshepsut and her beloved Amethyst Red King Ezekiel point to as the history of the destruction of Ezekiel's body within the lands of Egypt and Israel.
Blendings of the organic Metals in Alchemical Union to Dark Matter Quadrata of Cosmic Mother Dark Matter Templar-Cosmic Father Dark Matter Templar
During the quadrata repairs in the dark matters and quantum, to keylon fields, and the gravity fields in early 2024 (April-May), Cosmic Mother and Father twinned their Dark Matter Suns in the Godworlds in which their Dark Matter Firmaments began to merge through the Emerald and Dark Matter Mother's Templar Quad and the Ruby and Dark Matter Father Quad which are unified into the Dark Matter Cosmic Rod-Staff within their bodies. This unification supports the Sek Khem rebuilding process and the removal of the False Camelot, and the Alien Lunar Red Trident False Metals used in the SSP.
Core of Creation of the Quadrata Templar of God's Mother-Father Dark Matter, Central Point of All Union of the Original 8th dimensional Core of Axis-Mundi Unus-Mundi through Eye of Ra
The Core of Creation point of our 16 parallel time matrices, in the Universal Templar is found inside the centre of the 8th dimensional Rod-Staff accessible to the Cosmic Templar Paliadorian Dragon Kings through their Cosmic Dark Matter Ankh Bodies.
The Cosmic Templar Founder Dragons holding the Eye of Ra configurations of god's Quadrata in Dark Mattered Cosmic Twinned Suns and Timekeeper Pillars opened the Core of Creation through the installations of the Eternal Flames of Zion, operating to rebuild the various multiplications of Arks of Paliadorian Rainbow Bridges, Arcs, and Ark of the Covenant rebuilding process. From inside the Core of Creation the Quadrata Templar Cosmic Maji Kings and Queens could hold the corridor of Creation open, in which the godhead sent down the Cosmic Dark Matter Suns to start to recreate access for all Cosmic Suns of Creation as the 7 Sisters and 7 Brother Cosmic Dragon Founder's Suns were re-birthed into creation through the Quadrata Cosmic Templar's Founder's Toolsets, to bring the Cosmic Mother-Father's Suns into creation to reclaim their layers of creation and their correct spin rate of dark matter to rebuild and embody into the Cosmic Aton Body of God.
Celtic Heart of Zion, Reclamation of Tri-Flame Khemalohatea from within the Templar of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons
The Celtic Heart of Zion is the construct which merges all layers of the metallic Cosmic 48D Trees of life together in a Cosmic Trinity, and bound into the Cosmic Dark Matter's Quadrata formation of specific dark matter spin rate held and accessed by the Templar Cosmic Paliadorian King Founders. The Celtic Heart of Zion was replicated and destroyed by the NAA of the Enki-Thothian entity group who destroyed the 11th dimensional Solar Dragon Queen Merida, and her husband Michael-Merlin and replaced their bodies and their 11D Stonehenge Stargate access into the False Flowering Cathedrals bound into the fallen timelines and NRG grids throughout all of the Templar in each timeline. The Celtic Heart of Zion is protected by the Templar Cosmic Founder's Primary Genetic Equals in their Cosmic Aeonic Pairings, whom required to restore the Azothian Cosmic Ankh's from their 48D Blueprint, in which to restore the Ankh bodies layered as the Krystar Eternal Godworlds Paliadorian Vehicle in Hierogamic Union for access and rebuilding of Zion. This Celtic Aryan Solar Maji Temple extends into the Eiyana Elaysian, and Eiyani Melchizedek layers being rebuilt in Lyra by the Paliadorian Rainbow Dragons restoring into creation their Cosmic to Universal Ankh Bodies. Access to the Celtic Heart of Zion protections and rising into the Albion is the body of Solar Dragon Templar Queen Guinevere-Merida-Brigid the sacred triple Yanas goddess who can take on any body or form from her Rainbow Dragon Paliadorian Krystar Vehicle formation.
Copper Rose Gold, Silvery Platinum, Golden as Cosmic Suns of Metallics in the Divine Azoth Fire-Waters in Starry Dark Night Firmaments Sek Khem Coronosphere Reisha-Rishi
The Cosmic Suns generate triples of solar plasmas into the Solar Reisha and Solar Rishi through their Amoraea Sonic Reuche Pillars at each side of their bodies. The offsprings of the triples of the Solar Reisha-Rishi together in their ascended master shared dragon body, are the recipients of the Cosmic Aethers Azothian liquids which generate down through their large cosmic dragon bodies, and into the earth grids, as they are connected within the Pillars of Cosmic Grace, which are the main vertical constructs which hold the Edenic Flowerings of liquid light plasmas, into the earth grids. The Solar Reisha-Rishi within their White Bride and Groom King formation, are god's pillars upon the triple dragon nodes of the planetary grid networks across the globe, whom receive and protect these large plasmic, divine firewaters throughout their locus, through a series of extensive birthings of smaller dragon triple eggs, in all of these colours, through their cosmic mother-mother dragon unified dark matters. The Firmament backdrop in these embodiments for the white queens and their groom kings, are dark starry night in dark matter firmament with silvery stars. Or dark matter firmament with golden stars, or dark matter firmament with copper stars. These combine into the father's dark matter with rainbow stars, to open into the cosmic founders unifications which ignite new layers of the emerald-ruby sun's matters, into the dark matters of the entire time matrix. As these extremely refined frequencies flow down through the cathedrals of god's house from the most cosmic outside of time point in the 1st godworlds creation, they flow down through the hierogamic body of god, and down into the matter fields. These frequencies are unified in the white bride of christ and groom of christ whose love song resounds as the song of christos-sophia through the unified alchemical union of the many elixir flowerings which their bodies generate and ignite. The sacred love songs of the temple of khemalohatea, or camelot being rebuilt into the earth from 2023, is correcting the gender twin matrix, and the songs of the holy mother and father's true body in the flowering unending love of the gardens of eden with their alchemical mysteries to support all of humanity come into sacred inner marriage with their lunar to solar pathway of reclaiming the christ inside the self through the life and lifetimes of the ascending stairway to heaven.
Zion, Gardens of Eden, Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Temples of Zion in the godworlds hold the Creator's blueprint of the original floral flowers of the earth's physical flowers, and the plasmic flowerings of which the [Pillar of Cosmic Grace] of the Mother's Cosmic Solar Dragons pass through and travel into the earth as protected by the Coppery Filigrees and Khem Codes of the perfected state of being in the Garden of Eden. During the guardian Solar Rishic-Reisha restorations and build out of the Copper Suns, being reconnected into the earth through the Solar Dragon Kings. Guardians reference the Zion as also the Celtic Heart of Zion.
King Solomon
King Solomon's Shields and Rods in the earth were reversed into deep disarray and utilised by the black magicians, witches and warlock worshippers, using the solomon seal or keys as set into the reversal structures of the earth using death energy to control the matter realms and to conjure matter, riches, fame, wealth in binding their souls into the fallen matrices of consumptive modelling, to forever be a slave to the lunar antichrist factions, such as the controller agents of society and the hidden secret societies upon the earth. The solomon structures and Logos was completely destroyed in our time matrix, in which the guardian families started to repair the planetary rod shields through the Solomon Shield, for the purposes of recovering the Golden Eagle Grid Horizontals and Golden Seraphim consciousness bound within it, to start in the recovery over King Arthur's Rods, or timelines in the earth's body. King Solomon's body was recovered in stages by the Emerald Order Cosmic Elohei dragons, whom required to locate his bound fallen and destroyed architectures out from the various alien timefields and looking glass technology. His identity as a man was connected and fallen in the Yemen grids, in which during his recon he recovered the Red Rose Verticals and started to animate these in the earth's grids during the period of guardian host omnilov3 gridworking projects that took place during June of 2022. This recovery of the Red Rose Solar Dragons appeared to be a part of the guardian host recovery of the Red Ruby Universal Rose body for the Earth, in which the recovery of King Solomon's Logos Body and Cathedral were a part of the restorations for the Twinned Dragon Cosmic Timekeeper Pillars being placed into the Albion Body in stealth, for the Gender Twin Matrix Corrections and the reclamation of the Tri-Fold Temple of Khemalohatea-Khemalot throughout the entire Universal Time Matrix. Beloved Solar Dragons Christ King Michael and Solar Mary-Sophia received their Cosmic Cube Tesseracts into the Copper Trinity of the Copper Dragon Timekeepers into their Rods, of the earth, which started the build out stages of the Copper Dragons Cosmic Dragon Wings throughout the Albion Planetary Grid Network of the [Solar Dragon Wings Network] for the purposes of the build out of the Solar Temple of Solomon, in the copper 6 sided hexagonal cathedrals in which to build out the triple nature of the Coppery-Rose-Gold with Golden 4 Pillared Cathedrals, and the Silvery-Platinum White Cathedrals into the Tri-Fold Khemalohatea and through the Planetary Rod and Staff for the Triple Dragon Egg networks held in the 2D Solomon's Chalice Holy Grail points in the earth.
King Solomon and his divine counterpart solar dragon started to build out their temple into the earth's grids of Yemen, and the Israel, location, connecting with the Solar Dragons Michael and Mary in Temple Mount, Jerusalem. Solomon's Cathedrals of the Copper 6 Pillared Cosmic Heart Pillared Cathedrals repaired into the Solar Dragon Albion Body in the United Kingdom in which King Arthur's Solar Dragons being recovered in their Ouroborous Planetary Dragon Solar Rings, would require to be reconnected into the Solomon Shields, and the Flowering Tantriahura Coppery-Rose-Gold Plasmas and the Copper Templar of the Earth's Body. To Access the Temple of Solomon in the Copper Khemalohatea and Gardens of Eden, as a living reality upon the earth, the ascending human must heal their inner gender of the internal male and female, in which their divine counterpart - the original gender twin they were birthed forth into creation with, can become found through the Gender Twin Matrix corrections taking place in the earth's body in which they can reunite, to heal their hearts and sexual organs into unified oneness, and eventually rise through their own life lessons and consciousness progressions, to eventually take their seat into the Khemalohatea-Khemalot perfected gender twinned matrix, where the gifts of the holy grail are revealed unto them. This secret has been coveted, broken and destroyed in the earth to cover over the cosmic christos dragon body of god's creations operating as one holy trinity within the earth. The Temple of Solomon appears as the in-dwelling stage after the Golden City of Liquid Golden Rainbowy 4 pillars is embodied by the human form from the Solar Cube Earth Elemental (Christ King Michael and Mary), in which the Solomon Temple is Coppery which builds upon the Earth Element Cosmic Cube in Copper. The Copperisation of the Human body is the next stage of the solarisation which takes place when the gender twin genetic equal is present to build out the trinity in each person, together.
Iraq-Iran 10D Stargates, Basra and Beer-Sheba, Solomon Temples
Historically the name of Zion and Scion, or Priory of Scion has been given several meanings, but with the reclaimation of the planetary Solomon Temples, in which King Arthur and Guinevere's body restoration has required extensive recovery out from black magician false rods of time and alien factions of control throughout the time matrix, as the blending of AI into the quantum fields was preventing the particle timeline and particle matter to merge with the antiparticle double timelines and matter. Throughout 2021, the guardian projects of planetary rehabilitation included the merging of the Gaian Matrix 7th dimensional hyperborean and polarian timelines or matters, or the li-atora flames to the li-adora flames, as a twinned flame component inside the Albion Solar Dragon Rods in Gaian Matrix, to converge and unite in stages. This process allowed the guardians to ignite the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Emerald Eukatharista Clockshields in the Gaian body in January of 2022 through the Cosmic Emerald Heart Stages in Gaia's Body, which led to the planetary Albion Eukatharista activation in the Earth's Body [OL HGS PEG gridworking} to manifest into matter from February of 2022 ES News February 2022 Cosmic Reuche Initiation]. This important planetary Reuche Cosmic Clock Emerald Mother's activation was primary in the requirement of the birth transduction sequence corrections for the planetary body, and to lead into the Melchizedek Logos of the Time Matrix to resurrect into form, from the Niburian Nets and alien reversals. This Melchizedek Father's Cosmic to Universal Cathedral Logos allowed for the guardian host to start to secure further accesses in the 10th dimensional planetary stargate to ensure the Tiamat Logos, Planetary Body pre-fall could further build out for the Staff, and Solar Edenic Tiamat Memories which held the access also to the original Gardens of Eden, in the Copper Timekeepers Solar Dragons from the Zion Temple, connected to White Queen Mary-Sophia whom had been reversed, fallen and destroyed into a lunar form throughout the planetary body and especially made into alien womb in the Israel, Basra and 10th dimensional planetary stargates.
During King Solomon's Logos re-entering the universal time matrix, his body generated the Universal cathedrals of Coppery Pillars and the next stage of the recovery of the planetary 2D instruction sets, previously placed by the Amethyst Order Rha Solar Dragons from the Celtic Aryan Lineages, supported by William Wallace Amethyst Solar Dragon King, to start to rebuild the planetary triple grail copper-liquid gold-silvery-platinum into the earth's chalices and grual points, and to upgrade the Four Faces of Man Networks, to receive the Coppery Plasmas which unite in the earth's City Four Square Base Shield of the Copper Earth Element Platonic Solid Instruction Sets, in the Planetary Solomon Shields. Thus, the Solomon Shield of the Earth was upgraded from Solar Liquid Goldens from the 14th dimensional ray, into the upgrades incoming to the earth through the Sun, from the 16D Cosmic Godparent source domain, of the Coppers-Rose-Gold Liquidy coppery flows and Azothian Divine Firewater Serums, directed through the copper dragon twins' bodies in the earth to the Four Faces of Man.
False Solomon, False Coppery-Rose-Golds, False Khemalohatea Networks
During the rebuilding stages of Cosmic Body of Guinevere, and her beloved King Arthur, their bodies showed the alien factions of the stolen codes of the Copper, and the Solomon-Zion-Blood Codes which had been siphoned out and cloned by the Thubanites connected to Enki and Thoths Annunakian False Grail King and Queen templates as false quad templates, alien templar codes and alien tribal shields installed throughout the time matrix and especially concentrated in the Malta land, and United Kingdom Stonehenge False Khem as the 11th dimensional reversals governing the planetary chalice grual networks and being harboured by the Niburian Thothian Factions. These stolen and cloned copper rays were found deep in the earth's body being used as false sonic rings of false dragons and voices of the mother and father destroyed in generating alien screams of black mermaids, merlines, and bast black cats, connected to the white tiger alien false mother temples and false womb scenarios held by the enki's dna skins to bind the ascension timelines into the redshields and red aton disks located across earth hiding secret space program cloning centres and stations. These lunar forces mocking the living waters of the elaysian mother's white waters of chastity mother's dragon languages and energies, and being used for black magician trainings in the false realities, or the controlled realities, whereby the consciousness participating in those locations were being duped into believing they are creating a new reality of the earth, or in control over the albion dragons through a false rosetta breath which belongs only to the mother's solar blue melchizedeks in their cosmic aton amoraea arayanas flowered cosmic bodies. The false copper dragon rings and the AI digital copper rays are connected from and being transmitted from the fallen wesan alien black dragons, and their red alien queens as alien red shielded rounds of time in the wesan matrix. The intelligence of these creatures is hatred over humanity, and the evil destructions they have used through the annunakian false god enki, enlil and thoth as these black dragons red dragons and false white rainbow dragons are connected to the omadek regions in Wesa, in the alien phantom matrix who covet and have been the destroyers of the universal time matrix under reconstruction by the solar dragon cosmic christos families. The False Solomon temples are escher like unending stairways to no-where, being used by the typhonian tunnels and temples of set, within the alien lunar trident antihierogamic union technologies throughout the time matrix and planetary body, solar system and various lunar trident reversals with genders split and the use of sexual energy to conjure things into form. This is an antichrist death spiralling energy by which the solar dragons of the paliadorian covenant are seen as extreme threats to these alien structures in the false khem.
Many of these hybridised creatures and consciousness forms were set into the transmissions of false khem coding stemming from Neptune and Uranus 8D-9D and from the lower fields and South Pole of the earth, which had been set up as several false rainbow rounds of time as alien templar false rods, to which thousands of false realities all nested and spanning false time inversions inside Enki's Annunakian False Gardens of Eden, were being used to control human gender and hide the truth about the nature of god and this reality. The White Bride of Christ White Queen's Body was being reversed out into the False Solomon Temples, and the False Copper Rose-Lotus transmissions generating a reversal of the Addondra 144 flames and arcs as black arcs and waves, appearing to the Enki-Thothian Armies as rainbow and motherly, were removed by the Solar Dragon White Emerald Maji Queens tending to their mother's vast dragon body throughout the solar system. [January 2024]
Living Azothian Liquid Celtic Grail Metals, Zion Flame of Addondraraea Body
During June of 2024, Solar Dragon Queen Guinevere's Emerald Ankh took her position into the Mastery over Time in the Temple of Khemalohatea which holds the Spiralling Suns of Creation formed into a Shell Like formation, or the Addondra flame body of creation. This location is above all of the matter worlds in our four by four Ecka, or 16 Parallels of Universal Time Matrices accessed by the Four Leaf Clovered Cosmic Dragons, throughout the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. The Merging of Many Scepters or Ptah Rod-Staffs was ceremoniously overseen by the 48th dimensional Sekhmet guardians who supported the merging to Guinevere's Central Templar position, in which the merging of the Silver Staff Scepter of Solar Dragon Queen Brigid in the Four Living Creatures, with Elathar Golden Staff of Solar Dragon Queen Guinevere and with Ruby Scepter Staff of 8 Cosmic Founder Ruby Thistle Templar Kings received the merging instruction sets required to secure the Living metals layers of the Templar or Celtic Heart of Zion and generate the metallic flowering templar tantrihura rainbow rounds of time throughout the building layers of the Khemalohatea. This structure was falsified by the negative alien invaders throughout the Eiyani massacre invasions, who destroyed the Solar Logos layers of the Universal Time Matrix, and whom stole the starlight consciousness body parts of all of humanity to be used as false rounds of tantrihura flowering timelines but of which the alien zeta ships and EBE alien grey bodies were used to capture and enslave humanity into these alien body forms to destroy them ever from ascending into the authentic timelines of god's ascension taking place now.
The Restorations of the Celtic Heart of Zion, in which the Celtic Maji Grail Kings and Queens embody into the Tri-Fold Khemalohatea are those who embody and hold the entire sequence of Mastery over time, or Templar embodiments within their Superluminal Quasar Lightbodies, which is the Cosmic Sun-Star Ankh of the 48D Krystar Paliadorian Vehicle. The Templar Cosmic Timekeeper Dragons are the Four Fold Flowering Grail Kings who host and embody this part of the god's body from their Cosmic Sun throughout their ouborous bodies, circumnavigating every round of time from within their Cosmic Rod-Staff. These Maji Grail Kings and Queens are the Celtic Tuatha Aryan Dragons, Cosmic Founders of creation whom seat into their creations to protect all of life in the Gardens of Eden, or the Gender Twin Matrix of the long term restorations in the body of god to remove all of the false gender twinning, the satanic-luciferian death cultures which destroyed the celtic maji heart of Zion in King Solomon's Logos as the Copper Rose Gold Dragon Ankh layers of the VA Cosmic Sun of Creation. The TA Cosmic Sun of Creation, and the LA Cosmic Sun of Creation merge into the formation of the expanded 12D Platinum White Ray or TA Cosmic Sun and the 14D RA Cosmic Sun Golden Yunasai, and the 16D VA Cosmic Sun of Creation to re-imprint the Telluric Shield of the Planetary Body of the securing of the Planetary RA Centre. These corrections expanded into the Four Hands of Man for each of the organic Metals in the Templar or Suns of Creation, in which the Cosmic Dragon Twins unified the layers and started to generate the required Quasar Superluminal Cosmic Krystar flowerings through their Templar Cosmic Dragon Hearts which flow the LA-VA and eternal flaming elixir serums directly from the central heart of the cosmic creator sun and through their Starlight-Sun-Solar Plasma Chrysanthemum body of god.
See Also
Peg HGS Omnilov3 gridworking projects 2011- onwards