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==Melchizedek Original Timekeeper Templars, 1st entrance to Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Melchizedek Blue Dragon Templars, Emerald Order==
==Melchizedek Original Timekeeper Templars, 1st entrance to Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Melchizedek Blue Dragon Templars, Emerald Order==
The stages of the recovery for the Melchizedek Logos, were required of stealth installations to the 12D Montsegur Stargate France, linked to the inner Stargate of Kauai 12D and to the 12D Aramatena Stargate, through the Hierogamic Aeonic Pairs of the Melchizedek Blue Flames in their Quadrata Formation. These Primary Genetic Equals bridged between the Arayanas-Eireayanas Emerald Cosmic Flower Domains, through their Templar and Azurite Blue Ray Solar Dragon Bodies, spanning through the vast Cathedral Networks inside their Cosmic Cathedrals holding 8 Pillars from the internal domains of the Melchizedek-Azura Kantarian Emerald Cosmic Dragon Heart, to restore the Divine Blueprint of the Tri=Flame Khemalohatea into the Stargates of the Earth, as a covert mission operation taking place between 2021-2022, where Guardians located the Melchizedek body of the Universal Logos out from Niburu using the Mother's Blue Diamond Roses to recover his body parts back to the original Melchizedek Blue Sun through the Mother Arc 13D portal, for the time where he could restore into creation during the July 2022. Thus, the Original Kings and Queens of the Melchizedek Blue Ray Family, could start to send down through the Melchizedek Blue Diamond Timekeeper Pillar, the 8 Pillared Rectangular Cathedrals linking this into the Stargate of earth's 12D Aramatena-12D Montsegur, to secure the structural installations as the Cosmic Blue Diamond Pillar linking this to the 12D Aramatena Stargate in Lyra. The original Kings and Queens from the 1st Melchizedek Sun in the Godworlds whom entered the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons from the 1st point of their original creation, started to restore the Hierogamic Codes of their Azurite 48D Founder's Elaysa-Melchizedek timekeeper bodies into the Planetary networks through the Melchizedek Cosmic Diamond Pillar, by spanning their Solar Dragon Bodies throughout their Tantriahura Flowering Shields and of which supported the re-pathway of Celtic Aryan Solar Dragons incoming through the 12D Stargates and to support the securing of the Blue Rainbow Elaysian-Melchizedek build outs, which would require the 48D Melchizedek Timekeeper Diamond Pillar to be secured into the network for King Arthur's and Queen Guinevere's Second Coming of Christ, in their stages. Beloved Guardian John the Baptist, and his wife Mara, with Yeshua and Mary restorations were intrinsic to these mission parts success. From Spiral Time, John carried out annointments of Blue Melchizedek Diamond Throating into the Solar Dragons Solar Reisha-Rishi in their restorations and reclaimations over the Melchizedek Yanas and Melchizedek Priests of Ur, to secure their body parts into the embodiments and protections of the Emerald Order's Founder Records. The Throne Room in Sirius B holding the Solar Blue Dragons in their Aeonic Pairings, as Cosmic Star-Dragons in Templar Quadrata Formation inside the Kantarian Halls of Amoraea, was resequenced into the Earth's Birth transduction sequence, iin stages, to secure the Kantarian Melchizedek Solar Blue Dragon Families, to protect the guardian founder records restorations into the Albion Body.  
The stages of the recovery for the Blue Ray Cosmic Father's Melchizedek Logos which took place by guardian founders during 2022, were required of stealth installations to the 12D Montsegur Stargate France, linked to the inner Stargate of Kauai 12D and to the 12D Aramatena Stargate, through the Hierogamic Aeonic Pairs of the Melchizedek Blue Flames in their Quadrata Formation. These Primary Genetic Equals bridged between the Arayanas-Eireayanas Emerald Cosmic Flower Domains, through their Templar and Azurite Blue Ray Solar Dragon Bodies, spanning through the vast Cathedral Networks inside their Cosmic Cathedrals holding 8 Pillars from the internal domains of the Melchizedek-Azura Kantarian Emerald Cosmic Dragon Heart, to restore the Divine Blueprint of the Tri=Flame Khemalohatea into the Stargates of the Earth, as a covert mission operation taking place between 2021-2022, where Guardians located the Melchizedek body of the Universal Logos out from Niburu using the Mother's Blue Diamond Roses to recover his body parts back to the original Melchizedek Blue Sun through the Mother Arc 13D portal, for the time where he could restore into creation during the July 2022. Thus, the Original Kings and Queens of the Melchizedek Blue Ray Family, could start to send down through the Melchizedek Blue Diamond Timekeeper Pillar, the 8 Pillared Rectangular Cathedrals linking this into the Stargate of earth's 12D Aramatena-12D Montsegur, to secure the structural installations as the Cosmic Blue Diamond Pillar linking this to the 12D Aramatena Stargate in Lyra. The original Kings and Queens from the 1st Melchizedek Sun in the Godworlds whom entered the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons from the 1st point of their original creation, started to restore the Hierogamic Codes of their Azurite 48D Founder's Elaysa-Melchizedek timekeeper bodies into the Planetary networks through the Melchizedek Cosmic Diamond Pillar, by spanning their Solar Dragon Bodies throughout their Tantriahura Flowering Shields and of which supported the re-pathway of Celtic Aryan Solar Dragons incoming through the 12D Stargates and to support the securing of the Blue Rainbow Elaysian-Melchizedek build outs, which would require the 48D Melchizedek Timekeeper Diamond Pillar to be secured into the network for King Arthur's and Queen Guinevere's Second Coming of Christ, in their stages. Beloved Guardian John the Baptist, and his wife Mara, with Yeshua and Mary restorations were intrinsic to these mission parts success. From Spiral Time, John carried out annointments of Blue Melchizedek Diamond Throating into the Solar Dragons Solar Reisha-Rishi in their restorations and reclaimations over the Melchizedek Yanas and Melchizedek Priests of Ur, to secure their body parts into the embodiments and protections of the Emerald Order's Founder Records. The Throne Room in Sirius B holding the Solar Blue Dragons in their Aeonic Pairings, as Cosmic Star-Dragons in Templar Quadrata Formation inside the Kantarian Halls of Amoraea, was resequenced into the Earth's Birth transduction sequence, iin stages, to secure the Kantarian Melchizedek Solar Blue Dragon Families, to protect the guardian founder records restorations into the Albion Body.  

This installation allowed the Emerald King-Queen Cosmic Emerald Star Templar Emerald Ankh of Mother's Emerald Sun, be reconnected into the Albion Body for the purposes of her installations of Emerald 48D Timekeeper Pillars, into the Albion Body which could manifest once the Melchizedek Logos Father, and Elaysian Logos Mother started to appear and return themselves into their authentically birthed and resurrected energetics in the earth's body and throughout their Universal Bodies, connected to their Original Godseed from their Cosmic Sun Body in the Cosmic Realms, in which their Ankh Eternal Godworlds bodies could start to restore into the matter realms or dimensionalised time.  
This installation allowed the Emerald King-Queen Cosmic Emerald Star Templar Emerald Ankh of Mother's Emerald Sun, be reconnected into the Albion Body for the purposes of her installations of Emerald 48D Timekeeper Pillars, into the Albion Body which could manifest once the Melchizedek Logos Father, and Elaysian Logos Mother started to appear and return themselves into their authentically birthed and resurrected energetics in the earth's body and throughout their Universal Bodies, connected to their Original Godseed from their Cosmic Sun Body in the Cosmic Realms, in which their Ankh Eternal Godworlds bodies could start to restore into the matter realms or dimensionalised time.

==See Also==
==See Also==

Latest revision as of 22:10, 26 December 2024

Melchizedek Father's Cosmic Pastel Blue Sun

The Melchizedek lineages birth forth through the Cosmic Blue Azura pale pastelline Sun, from the Melchizedek Order in the godworlds outside of dimensionalised time. The Cosmic Sun Godworlds of Melchizedek Pale Blue Sun, and the beings created and descended through the Solar Body, make up the families of Melchizedek which birth forth into the Universal Time Matrix, through the 13D Sphere in the Cosmic Triad or Holy Trinity of the 13D-14D-15D eye of god. Their Cathedrals and ancient builder technology is intrinsic to the creational blueprint of our time matrix, in which many of the original Melchizedek Azurites Emerald Order families held the Universal Blue Star Templar Codes and protected the Code of the Blue Nile Cosmic Cube Blueprints from the Eye of God Matrices.

The Melchizedek families became fallen and disconnected from godsource of which some defected from the guardian cosmic christ and became patriarchially aligned to false king of tyranny energies, losing their mother's arc connection and resorting to power abuses through genetic digression whilst dealing with the pain of being stuck inside of time, when the universal staff of the mother was destroyed through the many alien invasions in the time matrix.

See Also - Elaysa-Melchizedek

Melchizedek Universal Logos Restoration

During the end of the ascension, and during the planetary Magnetic Peak Cycle of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening that took place in 2022, guardian host families rescued the Melchizedek Logos out from the 12D and 11D Niburian Nets and enslavement in which had kept the Father's Melchizedek Body inverted and broken inside Niburu. The guardian host Melchizedek lineages of Solar Female Christ Dragon Queens, with their Emerald Cosmic Heart, were able to resurrect and recover his body through the Blue Azura Rose Trinity held within the Holy Father's Melchizedek-Sceptre Triple Solomon Rods. As his crystal body and parts were recovered, he was then able to return into the Cosmic Domains of the Mother's Matrices, and then re-birthed himself back into the time matrix creating a Cosmic to Universal Cathedral which is a crystalline diamond house of god, the size of the entire Universal Time Matrix dimensionalised fields of time. His Vertical Cathedral in the Blue Diamond Melchizedek restored his Logos into the time matrix, to continue the sequences of restoring the various Melchizedek Structures into their true Christos Emanations.

As his Logos was restored into time as a City Four Square emanation of Diamond Crystal Universal Pillars of which to store the Melchizedek Cosmic Sun's creations, the Melchizedek Sun emanated a Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Solar Rishi, who travelled into the time matrix through the Dragon North Star of Thuban, and he returned with him the triple Buddhas offspring held in his hands, as the offspring and Christos Sons of triple masculine. This restoration of the Cosmic Father's Melchizedek principle was supported by guardian John the Baptist, guardian Yeshua and the Emerald Order families, in which they were able to install a massive diamond pillar of the Melchizedek Temple into the 12D Planetary Stargate at Montsegur, France. The Melchizedek Triple Masculine Solar Dragon's restorations into the time matrix, held and returned the Triple-Buddha Offsprings through his Solar Dragon Rishic King Monadic Core. This allowed him to secure the 8D Stargate layers connected to his body

Melchizedek Original Timekeeper Templars, 1st entrance to Cosmic Clock of the Aeons Melchizedek Blue Dragon Templars, Emerald Order

The stages of the recovery for the Blue Ray Cosmic Father's Melchizedek Logos which took place by guardian founders during 2022, were required of stealth installations to the 12D Montsegur Stargate France, linked to the inner Stargate of Kauai 12D and to the 12D Aramatena Stargate, through the Hierogamic Aeonic Pairs of the Melchizedek Blue Flames in their Quadrata Formation. These Primary Genetic Equals bridged between the Arayanas-Eireayanas Emerald Cosmic Flower Domains, through their Templar and Azurite Blue Ray Solar Dragon Bodies, spanning through the vast Cathedral Networks inside their Cosmic Cathedrals holding 8 Pillars from the internal domains of the Melchizedek-Azura Kantarian Emerald Cosmic Dragon Heart, to restore the Divine Blueprint of the Tri=Flame Khemalohatea into the Stargates of the Earth, as a covert mission operation taking place between 2021-2022, where Guardians located the Melchizedek body of the Universal Logos out from Niburu using the Mother's Blue Diamond Roses to recover his body parts back to the original Melchizedek Blue Sun through the Mother Arc 13D portal, for the time where he could restore into creation during the July 2022. Thus, the Original Kings and Queens of the Melchizedek Blue Ray Family, could start to send down through the Melchizedek Blue Diamond Timekeeper Pillar, the 8 Pillared Rectangular Cathedrals linking this into the Stargate of earth's 12D Aramatena-12D Montsegur, to secure the structural installations as the Cosmic Blue Diamond Pillar linking this to the 12D Aramatena Stargate in Lyra. The original Kings and Queens from the 1st Melchizedek Sun in the Godworlds whom entered the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons from the 1st point of their original creation, started to restore the Hierogamic Codes of their Azurite 48D Founder's Elaysa-Melchizedek timekeeper bodies into the Planetary networks through the Melchizedek Cosmic Diamond Pillar, by spanning their Solar Dragon Bodies throughout their Tantriahura Flowering Shields and of which supported the re-pathway of Celtic Aryan Solar Dragons incoming through the 12D Stargates and to support the securing of the Blue Rainbow Elaysian-Melchizedek build outs, which would require the 48D Melchizedek Timekeeper Diamond Pillar to be secured into the network for King Arthur's and Queen Guinevere's Second Coming of Christ, in their stages. Beloved Guardian John the Baptist, and his wife Mara, with Yeshua and Mary restorations were intrinsic to these mission parts success. From Spiral Time, John carried out annointments of Blue Melchizedek Diamond Throating into the Solar Dragons Solar Reisha-Rishi in their restorations and reclaimations over the Melchizedek Yanas and Melchizedek Priests of Ur, to secure their body parts into the embodiments and protections of the Emerald Order's Founder Records. The Throne Room in Sirius B holding the Solar Blue Dragons in their Aeonic Pairings, as Cosmic Star-Dragons in Templar Quadrata Formation inside the Kantarian Halls of Amoraea, was resequenced into the Earth's Birth transduction sequence, iin stages, to secure the Kantarian Melchizedek Solar Blue Dragon Families, to protect the guardian founder records restorations into the Albion Body.

This installation allowed the Emerald King-Queen Cosmic Emerald Star Templar Emerald Ankh of Mother's Emerald Sun, be reconnected into the Albion Body for the purposes of her installations of Emerald 48D Timekeeper Pillars, into the Albion Body which could manifest once the Melchizedek Logos Father, and Elaysian Logos Mother started to appear and return themselves into their authentically birthed and resurrected energetics in the earth's body and throughout their Universal Bodies, connected to their Original Godseed from their Cosmic Sun Body in the Cosmic Realms, in which their Ankh Eternal Godworlds bodies could start to restore into the matter realms or dimensionalised time.

See Also

Aquaelle-Aquafey Hierogamic Twinned Suns, Elaysa-Melchizedek Ascended Masters Solar Dragons

[Solar Dragons]