Category:Planetary Architecture
The Planetary body is a network of crystalline grids, as diamond grids and several grid networks intersect and work together to provide the life force flows of eternal feedback loop from god source in the higher realms, and through the streams of cosmic rays in solar rays in rainbow colours and spectrums. The planetary body is under ongoing rehabilitation as its grid networks and timelines, including stargates were broken and tilted out from their organic natural position. Planetary architecture is being repaired and continually corrected by the guardian host krystal star families, the cosmic dragon creator dragons whom are the ancient architects and builders of our time matrix.
Planetary negative architectures and humanity prison planet controlling non-godhead structures are located under the category of Antichrist Forces or Human Collective Consciousness Control in which the planetary ascension cycle is being liberated of these architectures in the grids of earth under the guardian host's Planetary Emancipation Gridworking Projects.
See Also - [God Source]
Pages in category "Planetary Architecture"
The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.